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1902![]() Bishop Henry T. Rogers On the 9th of Feb. 1902 Preston
Idaho was devided in to four wards. We lived in the first ward.
Mrs. Esther Rogers was Pres. of the 1st ward Relief Society. Ruth
C. Crockett was her 1st counselor and Anna Packer was her 2nd counselor.
Ada Hart was her sect. I was also a member of the 1st ward choir.
Henry Rogers was our Bishop. Willard Larsen and O.L. Packer were his
counselors. Sect. --- [fn55] In 1902, Edwin started working for Foss Brother's and helped Calvin open their first shipment of clothing that they received, after buying the clothing store from John Larsen and Sons. He worked in the clothing store for two or three years.
On the 9 of July 1902 Ozro's father
died in the night sitting in his arm chair found in the morning by
his daughter Althea sitting in the kitchen. He had come down twice
in the night from his room up stairs to get soda or something for
his stomach. Althea wanted to get up and wait on him when she from
her room downstairs called out to him. When she heard him coming downstairs
he answered he would get it hime "self" and he went to sleep again.
We all think he died of a stroke. We attended his funeral services
in the Logan tabernacle assembley
room on the 11th July and he was taken to the Logan
Cemetery. [fn56] In the fall of 1902 Clara, David's wife recd. a call to go on a mission where David was. We think her mother got her called. David's city lot and cow was sold in order to keep her there. Her relatives raised a few dollars but not enough to take her to the mission field. She left soon after Ozro making up the ammount she needed to take her. About Dec. 1902 sister Mary Smith took down very sick with rheumatism, the worst kind in all there joints. The pain was so severe it drawed her joints out of place, twisted them and caused her to be perfectly helpless and so she needed a great deal of help and attention day and night for many months. Then the pain left more or less and she could rest but always helpless on her back in bed. 1903Feb 10 1903 Edwin A. and Lena Peterson were married at Logan City by Bishop Thomas Smith. He did not want to ask for a recomend to go to the temple as he had not paid tithing. After marriage he began paying tithing and in Nov 1903 he and Lena were endowed and sealed for time and eternity in the Salt Lake temple. He continued on paying his tithing and became a good church worker in the wards and stakes he lived in. So did his wife. She was a faithful worker in the church. Feb 4th 1903 David and Clara were honorable released and returned home from their mission. Edwin worked for Foss bro's clerking for G.Y. Smith clerking in his clothing store. David rented a house and he and Clara started home keeping.
![]() ![]() In 1903, pictures were taken of business men in Preston. In 1945 labels were put on the pictures. The picture on the left was labeled as David Crockett, but I suspect it is really Ozro O. The picture on the right is Edwin. In April 1903 Ozro O bought G. Smith's store then he gave work to his four oldest children, clerking for him. He hoped to do well and seemed to for a while, but as time went on the store was enlarged stocked pretty heavy with goods. Many customers recd. goods on time and failed to pay up their store bills. Also other clothing stores started business in Preston Idaho so Ozro O's business in time failed. The was located in the building now occupied by Walt's Cafe. In the spring of 1903 Sister Mary was taken to Salt Lake to her son Roland for three or four months. Then she was brought back to her home at Preston Idaho. We all sort a took turns and done all we could for her. The wards also helped by women going to sit up night. It fell to the lost of sister Bell Crockett and me to give her weekly baths. May 13, 1903 a dear baby boy was born to us. There were seventeen years between the ages of our last two boys. We were certainly wanting another boy and he was welcomed by all of us. Clara's sister Florence Hawks helped nurse me and took care of baby. Ruth A. was clerking but she helped a lot at home with the house work. Also Clara, Mary, and Edna helped carry on the house work. I got a long very well and it was not very long before I was able to go ahead with my work and take care of my two sweet babies, for there was not quite 20 months between them. The girls were a great help to me. We named baby Earl Clarkson Crockett. Baby grew so fast and looked so large and strong. He did not seem like a baby long. He walked all alone two days before he was nine months of age. In Sept. 1903 Ozro O.
sold our home which we always called the "Hobbs place" and bought
another house and lot halfway up the block old lady Cutler's home.
We moved in soon after. We lived there untill April 1904. [fn57] 1904In Feb. that year our little Jennie had soar eyes after getting over tonsalitis. They were very bad a long time. We took her to Salt Lake City to a specialest three or four times. We spent over a hundred dollars on them. They got well after years and then she always wore glasses. In April 1904 we sold our house again and turned the money over to help pay for the store and Ozro O. and me with our children moved in to 3 rooms and an atic (2 room) back of the store. The same month we moved, George R., our son received a call to go on a mission to the southern states. He was only 18 years of age. He had been taking the missionary course the past winter and wished very much to go. He went to the Logan temple recd. his endowments. The ward had a fare well party for him and he was all ready and departed on his mission May 1904. He preformed a good work on his mission, was Pres. of a conference part of the time. We sent and recd. many loving and interesting letters to him and from him during his mission. He returned home May 1906 with an honorable release. We also sent and recd. many encourageing and interesting letters to David and Clara and from them while on their mission.
![]() Ruth A. and William Chadwick On Sept 28, 1904 our daughter Ruth A. was married to Wm. Chadwick Jr. in the Logan temple. He was born at Franklin Idaho and raised in Mapelton Idaho. They rented a house and started house keeping and living near us. "Will" was a mason by trade and worked at it. In the winter of 1904 Ozro O. went in with some other men on a land deal a large tract of land called The Armstrong Ranch. They bought it and sold it out in farms to several farmers. Also the stock was bought and sold again. His share in the profit was 2 Thousand dollars. He paid $200.00 tithing on it and saved the rest to build us a home. We had put nearly all we owned in the store. 1905In the spring of 1905 Ozro O. and I went to Salt Lake City and attended conference and visited with bro. Charlie and family and enjoyed and enjoyed the trip meetings, and visiting fine. In April 1905 Ozro O.
bought a piece of land in Preston
Idaho 2nd Ward and started to build us a home. [fn58] Our new house went up quick built of red brick. Pres. Joseph Geddis and our son in law Will Chadwick done the brick work, a six room modern house with two porches and cellar and store room at end of back porch. Ozro O. had the house all finished up, painted, papered, screened, and all ready with a lovily new cooking range set up in the kitchen, electric lights and telephone put on when we moved in 11 Sept. 1905. We were a very happy family and knew how to appreciate the nice quiet cool suroundings. After living for over one year in the back of the store crouded with a little enclosed backyard where in the summer it was very hot. On the street it was so public, it was a very poor place for children. We had a nice outing to Bear Lake while living there. While we were living back of the store, I was chosen and set apart
as 1st counselor to Julia Jensen who was Pres. in the 2nd Ward Relief
Society. I enjoyed my work with the officers of that association very
much. [fn59] 1906In May 1906 George R. came home from his mission looking well and happy. That same spring Ozro O. planted shade and fruit trees around our beautiful home, made a nice garden, sewed a lawn to grass, planted choice vines flowers, roses. They all grew nicely and in time looked beautiful. In May 1906 Mary and Edna graduated from the 8 grade in the O.S. Academy. They had some pretty dresses made for the occasion and they looked very nice. In the spring of 1906 Ozro O. bought a farm in Treasureton Idaho. He and Edwin A. did a great deal of work on it, camping out in a tent. There was no house on the farm. Nothing unusual happened during the summer of 1906. I was not well, had an awful spell of La Grip and neuralegy in the month of April before, and had not felt well since. I kept up around and did a great deal of work for there was much to do, and the oldest girls worked in the store for their father. In Aug. 1906 Ozro O. and I went with an excursion to Salt Lake City. We stayed over night at bro. Charlie's. Returning home that evening. Had a very nice visit. In the fall of 1906 Geo.
R. started keepting company with Miss Esteria Shumway of Carl
Idaho. She was attending school at the Academy where George was going.
She was a very nice young lady. [fn60] In Nov. 29, 1906 we got up a nice dinner and invited all our married children and their families to attend in honor of their father's birthday and of Thanksgiving. Roland Smith and family were also invited. It was the last time we were all togeather for years. We had a fine visit. During all these past years of our expearence I have written mostly from memeory. We attended to our church duties, attending church gatherings, paying tithing, fasting, attending fast meetings, helping the missionaries, and teaching our children to do right, and all ways attended to family prayers. 1907Dr. Allen B. Cutler The New Year 1907 opened up to us with sorrow. On the 4th of Jan. early in the morning after day light, a little boy baby was born to us, my twelth child, but his spirit had fled just before he was born. Oh! how sad and what gloom had settled over our home. Dr A. Cutler sen. put me off under chloraform after sending for another Dr. his bro. Dr. Edwin Cutler. I was so very sick and when I came out of it my dear Ozro was by my side suporting me, while two Dr.'s were standing over me, and sister Bell Crockett near by. My baby was born dead. It was a sorrowfull night, one that I will never forget.
Baby was buried in the Preston Idaho Cemetery. The days of illness following were indeed sad and lonely with out a dear baby by my side to reward me with all its love and comfort which the others had brought to me. I had plenty of time to think and my eyes were often filled with tears in thinking of our loss. Still I had much to be thankful for. My dear husband did all he could to comfort me and help me look on the bright side. My heart went out in gratitude to our Heavenly Father for the eleven live babies He had given us and which we had still been able to keep with us in this world. I had a great deal of pain in the back of my head for four or five weeks after baby was born. By advise from Dr. cutler, I took tineture of iron. He said I had'ent enough blood. As soon as I started taking it I began to get well. ![]() Main Street, Preston, 1907 About four weeks after baby was born, I was told that our store had failed, and it was an awful blow to poor Ozro. He had borrowed several hundred dollars and owed money on goods, and so many people oweing him and would not pay for the goods they had got. Ozro could think of nothing else for days and nights, planning how to pay all he owed and be square with the world. I tryed in my weak way to comfort and encourage him all I could. On Jan. 8th 1907 our Edwin
A. went on a mission to England. He received his call in the fall
of 1906 and so began preparing to go. The time for him to leave with
other Elders was set at 8th Jan, but his poor baby Ona The sacrifice he made was accepted. God healed their baby. She took a turn for the better and improved each day slowly untill she was well again. I firmly believe had he have given up for the baby's sake and stayed at home, she would have been taken from them. Edwin A. called at our home on the morning of the 8th Jan. on his way to the train to bid us good by. I was sick in bed just four days after my baby was born. Edwin hung over my pillow kissing me again and again as though he could scarsely tare him away for the poor boy, but he stood up to it and went on his mission and preformed a good work. Was Pres. of the Liverpool conference a good share of the time and in due time recd. an honorable release to return home. Lena went out and met him Dec. 1908 and stayed in Eng. with him untill he recd. his release Mar. 1909. When they returned home, many nice encouareging letters passed between us while they were in the mission field. In the spring of 1907 O. David, Clara and their little Gerald moved to Salt Lake City. Well Ozro O, bent every effort to pay all he owed. He still carried on the business and he sold all the land and property we could excepting our home. and he started to pay off those people he had borrowed money of and to pay for goods received. In June 1907 he sold all the goods in the store for 60 Cts. on the dollar to a merchant just moved in to Preston Idaho. The money recd. was also turned in on debts. This he continued to do with all the money he could colect from those oweing store bills and every turn he could make to get money until in time those store debts that associated to thousands of dollars were all paid off and O how happy we were. After failing in the store began the tussel to make our living. Ozro took up with any work he could get, during that summer a job here and there as he could get it. In Aug. 13th 1907 Ruth A. and "Will" had a baby girl born to them Wilora her 2nd child. She was living in the 3rd Ward of Preston Idaho. Will was fireman on the Engin of a freight train. He was at home nights. I went to Ruth's home and nursed her through her illness and took care of Thelma and baby Wilora. I was with her over two weeks and then my Edna stayed with her. Ruth and baby got along alright but sorrow came to the poor girl and us all soon. On the 4th Sept. 1907 at 20 to 6 P.M. Will fell from his Engin while the train was in motion. He was oiling his Engin. He fell near Pettersburrow Utah. Was taken to Logan where he died 11 P.M. that same night. Word was telephoned right away after death to Ozro O. in our home. He and I dressed and went right up to Ruth A. and Edna in the night and told her the sad news the best way we could. Her baby was just three weeks old. She cryed hard for a while but she has great presence of mind and great control over her feelings, so she stood it bravely. We stayed the remainder of the night with Ruth A. and next morning we took her and the babies home with us and kept her with us nearly all the time for a year or so.
"Will" was brought from Logan to our home by our request. He came in his casket. His services were held in the 2nd Ward meeting house. He had a beautiful casket was laid away very nice had a nice funeral service the house was crouded. There were many beautiful flowers, many relatives and friends called at our home to see him. Many followed him to the grave. He was buried in the Preston Idaho Cemetery. On the 10th of Sept. 1907 Lewiston Utah was where Ozro O went to get work. He got a job as yard master at the sugar factory. A few days later Geo. R. also got a job there book keeping for the Co. he had been working at the Lumber Co. Office at Preston Idaho Idaho. Ozro O. and George and Horace cutler rented a room and stayed togeather, had two beds. We had a good kind mare named "Pet" and a one seated buggy and one or two of the children could drive down to the factory once or twice a week with provisions. to them also clean clothes. And I often brought Ozro O. Sat. nights and take him back to work for Monday. September 1907 Sister Mary
was taken by train to Dingle In Oct 1907 I went by train to Salt Lake City to attend conference, visit with David and family and Charlie and family. It had been arranged before by letter that my sister Ida would also go and she got on the train. I was on at Logan and we traveled and visited togeather and had a very nice time. David had work on the St. cars. All our prayer are address in the handwriting of the hear, Readable to God and our selves only.