On the 1st of Jan. 1908 Ozro quit work at the factory and we then began to study what to do for our living and wondered and lay awake nights thinking and planning what to do for the best. Ozro O. had deeded our new home to me, and I wished him to sell it or trade it off for some land away from Preston Idaho. For land around Preston Idaho was too high a price. Ozro hated to let the home go, but that was all we had and nothing to make a living.
Well he finely consented and began enquiring around. At last he heard there
was a chance to trade our home for a farm with improvements and some stock at
Red Rock Marsh Valley Idaho, in Banock
Co. 25
miles north of Preston Idaho and
7 miles so. of Downey
Ozro O. took a trip out to see and look it over. I was then sick in bed with La Grip, but was getting over the worst of it. After his visit we were willing to make the trade and Mr. Merrell and wife came to see how they like our place. We had 2 /2 acres of land with the house, a good cement well, a barn, stable, and other out buildings, also water rigs for the land, the whole worth 3 thousand two hundred dollars. We traded for the Merrells farm at Red Rock Idaho and moved 24 Mar. 1908. We took Ruth A. and children and all her furniture with us. Merrells moved the same day.
"Will" left no property or way of suport for his family but was greatly in debt. As soon as the baby was old enough Ruth A. started going away for work. She would some times take one child with her some times leave one or both with us, and some times take both with her.
The house we went in to at Red Rock was a three roomed log house, dirt roof, no bath or plastering inside, rooms all in a row facing the south, logs in side white washed or had been, bad floors, a little lumber shanty to the back, a good milk and fruit an old fashoned cellar, also an old fashoned vegatable cellar, a grainery, a log chicken coop and pig hen shed and stables, and other out buildings. The whole place was worth 3200.00. Had 187 acres, most of it never been broke, very rocky in places, much of the land hills. Marsh creek ran thru west side lined on both sides with willows. Ozro O did some awful hard work on that place hireing help besides the girls and I helped all we could. We had several cows to milk, calves to feed. The girls did lots of herding cows on or land. We bought a separator, paid for it in corn. It was 85.00 and we sold a great many gallons of corn helping to pay off old store debts. We made all the nice butter we wanted. We raised a nice garden, a good deal of hay, some grain, had lots of wood to use on our own place.
Sister Mary died at Dingle Bear Lake 22 April 1908. She never was able to leave her bed or sit up or lie on either side after that awful rheumatism took hold of her in the winter of 1901 and 1902. Sister Mary was taken to Logan and her services were held in the basement of the tabernacle and she was taken to the Logan Cemetery and burried in her parents grave lots. Ozro and I attended her funeral services. We went down in our one seated buggy.
We soon found out Red Rock was not the place for a large family of children. We were four miles from Swan Lake store, Post O, and R.R. station, seven miles from Downey Idaho, store, Post O, and R.R. station, 3 miles from Calvin School house, our District two and a half miles to Grant ward school and meetings ward geatherings were held and a long dug way to travel there on. In the winter of 1908 and 1909 we could not send our children to school. It was too far to walk and they could not ride. Ozro and our hired man were kept busy feeding sheep (we had bought), feeding stock hauling straw and hay cuting and hauling willows to barn, and all other chores.
On the 9 Sept. 1908 George R. and Estella Shumway were married in the Salt Lake temple. They lived at her parents home at Pearl Idaho and he taught school there. On Dec. 24 for Xmas 1908, Ruth A. , Mary, Edna, (who were all off to work), George R., and Estella all came home. We enjoyed their company. Edna left off clerking for Lasen and sons at Preston Idaho Idaho to get ready to get married, so after Xmas they all returned to their work except Edna, who was to be married to John T. Stoddard shortly. They had been keeping company since the month of May 1908.
On the 26 Jan. Edna and John T. Stoddard went by train to Salt Lake City and to David's home. On the morning of the 27 Jan. they went to the Salt Lake temple and were endowed and married sealed for time and eternity. After returning and visiting with us a few days they went to Richmand Utah and rented a house and started house keeping. John started a Barber shop there.
I was sick a good deal of the time that winter. Ozro O. had a bad spell of La Grip in March took more cold when he started to get better and had an awfl basket. He was sik'er then I had ever seen him. On the 4 of Dec. 1908 I was taken suddenly with siatica a terrible pain in my left right hip and leg. I suffered more then I had ever done before in my life for 8 or 7 hours. When they got Dr. Arnut from Downey Idaho, he gave me an Hypo to ease the pain then I had rest for several hours. Then it came on again worse then ever. They sent in great haste for the Dr. to come again. I was adminestered to before he came. He gave me another Hypo and I got rest. He then had the folks apply an ice water bag to my side. It remained there about 7 or 8 hours. The pain did not come back but I was in bed one week. I was a long time getting my stomach settled. I was very greatful to my Heavenly Father when I came through that awful shell of sickness.
Dr. Arnut charged $14.00. Mary was clerking in Downey but when she heard I was sick she came home. Later she got work at Preston Idaho Idaho, working in J.G. Simit's store. Edna also made a quick trip home to see me. Ruth A. was home but later went to Preston Idaho to get work. George R. also came home to see me in an awful cold spell and caught a bad cold.
In March 15, 1909 Edwin
and Lena came home from England and after visiting
Lena's folks and their own children in Preston Idaho, they and their little children
came to Red Rock to visit us. We were very glad to see them and welcome them
home. They enjoyed a good safe trip home. Lena went out to be with him
during the last few months of his mission.
We had a very good visit
with them, altho some of us were sick with colds.
and Edna were home visiting also
Ozro O.,
Lena, Edna, and some of the children were the sick ones.
In July 1909 we had the chance to sell our place at Red Rock to Alvin
Thomass and wife and we did so for 3300.00 cash and bought an 80 acre dry farm
with out any improvments at
Idaho three and a half miles north east
of Downey for $1000.00. One mile from a good school and ward meeting house.
We were very happy to make such a good change, especialy for the sake of our children. That same month and year, David and family came to visit us. They also came the year before. They with the young folks took a trip up Cotton Wood Canyoun or creek, fishing and had a nice outing. David and family then returned to Preston Idaho to visit before returning to their home at Salt Lake City.
On the 30 of July 1909 we moved from Red Rock to Cambridge Idaho. We rented
a four room frame house 6.00 a month and put up our tent also. We lived there
2 1/2 months while our five room Bungalow was being built on our dry farm and
other improvments to make us comfortable. We had it all paid for and moved in
to it Oct 16, 1909 feeling very happy and comfortable.
I joined the Relief Society and became a teacher in it for one year.
It is our privlege to be so fastened to our line of duty, that we can not be turned away by the strongest current of temptation. - Dr. Karl G. Maeser.
Say to your soul; let no unclean thing every enter here. - Dr. K.G.M.
Be your self but always your better self. - Dr. K.G.M.
Infidelity is consumption of the soul. - Dr. Karl G. Maeser.
Ozro O. and two hired carpenter built the five room bungalow, cellar and store room, etc. Most all the buildings were painted. The family moved into the home in Oct. 1909. They built up a lovely home there. Grain, hay, potatoes, squash, fruit and good gardens were raised on the farm. They also had lawn and flowers, and many nice shade trees that Ozro O. planted. He also had a nursery of shade trees he set out and when they were quite large, and no sale for them, he offered them as a gift to anyone who would come and dig them up and take them away, as he wanted the ground for a garden spot. Many men from all around Marsh Valley took up with his offer, and he gave away three or four hundred very nice trees. They were planted and helped to beautify the homes in the valley.
While at Cambridge, we were active in all church work, and were bless greatly.
Ozro was set apart as 2nd counselor to Bishop W.O. Thomson of the Cambrige Ward of the Portneuf Stake.
May 1910. I was set apart as second counselor to Eliza Brim of the Cambridge Relief Society. I served in the office four years and 11 months.
On Mar 14, 1910, in Cambridge, Idaho, the first child, a son, was born into the family of was born to Edna and John Stoddard. They named him John Telford Stoddard, after his father. She was Ozro and Ruth's eighth grandchild.
On July 17, 1910 in Downey, Idaho, a son, their second child was born into the family of George R. and Polly Crockett. They named him Ozro George Crockett. She was Ozro and Ruth's nineth grandchild.
On Sept 6th, 1910 in Salt Lake City, a daughter was born into the family of David and Clara. They named her Forence Crockett. She was Ozro and Ruth's tenth grandchild.
On Sep 24, 1910 a new stake president was called over the Oneida Stake, Joseph S. Geddes.
Dec. 6, 1911. Mary, was married to Luther Jacob Nuffer in the Logan Temple.
Ozro O. started in real estate about the year 1911, had an office at Downey, Idaho and rode back and forth in a buggy from his home in Cambridge.
The steamer "Titanic" was lost at sea and 1,500 persons perished. One of the lost ones was Mrs. Irene C. Corbitt, of Provo, Utah.
On April 18th, 1912 in Cambridge, Idaho, the second child, a daughter was born to Edna and John Stoddard. They named her Beulah Stoddard. She was Ozro and Ruth's twelth grandchild.