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JANUARY 1ST 1898Spent the day reading.Sunday the 2ndAttended Baptist Church. Received a letter from home.Monday Jan 3rd 1898Stopped in the house all day studding.Tuesday Jan 4th 1898Delivered Tracts during the middle of the day but got cold had to come home.Wednesday Thursday & Friday Jan 5,6, & 7Studding forenoons & Tracting in the after noon.Jan 8 -- 98Received a letter from home also two butiful __ct_es from my wife.Sunday Jan 9 -- 98A very nice day. Walked out beyond Tiverview.Monday Jan 10Just nine months ago today ____ I left Salt Lake City to my mission in the East. The day is very pleasant just like a nice May day at home. Distributed 25 Tracts.Tuesday Jan 11 -- 98Warm pleasant day. I distributed 56 tracts. ____ _____ _____ tired we att_____ __ ____ _____ ____ meet in the evening.Wednesday Jan 12 -- 98Rained a little all day, I distributed 20 & had three Gospel Conversations.Thursday 14th 98 JanuaryRecd a letter from home & answered the same. We are entirely out of money, Borrowed $2.00 of Mrs Whitecomb _______ the fore part is but ______ up in the after. Distributed 34 Tracts.Friday January 14Gave away __ tracts in the forenoon & received an invitation to ____ at a house at P.M. to have a conversation on the Gospel. On reaching the house at the appointed time I soon learned that the Lady of the house a Mrs Whitiker was a teacher in the Methodist Church that she had invited a no. of Church members to be present. They set me a chair, a large Rocker & four ladies gathered around me in a half circle & keeped me talking on the Gospel for ____ hour and 10 minutes. During the meeting the man of the house in & they all seemed very intrested, I had a good flow of the Holy Spirit & enjoyed my visit very much it being the first invitation to fill appointment to talk on the Gospel that we had since Reaching Fall River nearly two months ago. We or I left with a harty invitation to come again,Saturday Jan 15th 1898Right after dinner we went to the ___p__ & met Uncle W W Crockett who has received his release to return home. He stoped off here to stay with us 2 days.Sunday Jan 16 -- 98Received a letter from home & loved ones with $10.00 in it.Monday Jan 17 -- 98Uncle W W C left us on the butiful Boat Pilgram at 7.40 P.M, for Brooklyn. We enjoyed a nice visit with him.Tuesday Jan 18Very cold to day. I delivered _4 Tracts, visited one family, loaned a Book, had three Gospel Conversations and wrote three letters.Wednesday Jan 20A warm pleasant day, Put the time in Tracting. Gave away 31.20thRained all day.Friday 21Gave away tracts, had 3 gosple conversations.Saturday 22 -- 98Reading &c the order of the day.Sun 23 -- 98Spent the day reading &c.Monday Jan 24 -- 98Windy ___ __ile gave out 51 tracts had one gospel conversation.Tuesday Jan 25_______ _____ _____ ____ out 46 tracts had __ gospel conversations. _____ ____ ____e the Methodist lady ___ ____ _____ much intrest in the _______ she ______ and ___ing more S___th __________ she said would and listen to ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ her minister had been ____ her will it made me so sick it ____t I had to quit for the rest of ____ _____.Wednesday 26Raining all day.Thursday 27We had an article in the Fall Hiver Evening News about the "Mormons" which in many aspects was not true. We called on the Editor to see if we could _____ ______ _____. We had a long talk with him on the principals of the gospel & left him some tracts.Friday 28While Tracting I called on a man who said he ___ld not take the last tract took ____ & _____ ______ to me ____ s___d about Po_____ after we got the man talking he took the tract & to day when I called _______ & asked me to let him keeped it he liked it so. He also invited me into his Parlor & we had a long talk on the Gospel. We are getting ready to walk to Providence in the morning to spend Sunday.Saturday Jan 29 -- 98Left _____ ___ __ ___ we had a ____ ____ ___ _____ 1,30 P.M. Walked through the ________ __ ___ ___ Swansea _____ Swansea __ ____ North Swansea got a ride arriving at 25 River St a distance of 19 _______ miles at 3.30 P.M. The walk tired me more than I had ___ anytime since arriving on my mission. ____ ____ _______ ___ Elders there to greet us & _____ truly a happy ____. We found Bro. Stevenson ____ ___ _____g very well has had a bad ever ____ since the Nov. Confrence. The Elders laboring at Providence are J _ Stevenson & W K Johnson Jr. Elders Cornia & Wagstaff are laboring in ________ ___ Providence & they were there to meet us * * * tears. We had a good spirit __ _____ after meeting the Elders & ___ of the people at meeting went to Mrs Robinsons for supper as per Appointment. After supper we all went to Mr Asquiths & held a cottage meeting & enjoyed the spirit of the Lord. I ocupied 30 min of the time, After meeting Bro Spafford & I went home with the Robinsons & stayed the night.Monday Jan 31stWent to Sister Nelsons to dinner after which we held a cottage meeting with them & had an enjoyable time. After there we went to River St. thence to ______ & had supper & stoped the night with the Friths.Tuesday Feb 1st 98____ _____ at Asquiths walked ___ __llowed through ____ ____ ___ ______ & ___ ___ ____ to River St. ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ a few ____ they ____ ____ good ___ ____ & called on the _____a ___ ____ them good bye & from there walked to the ___ _____ docks & took the steam boat Ramb__ for Fall River. The boat ____ed ____ ____ & Bristol Ferry & ______ Fall River at __ P.M. & thus ended our visit to Prov & it was a very plesant ___ to ____. On arriving to the house I found 2 letters ___ ____ ____ _____ ___ ____ _____ the other from Elder Murdock
Wednesday Feb 2Received a Telegram from Apostle M _ Cowley ____ the ______ _____ at the Confrence at Brooklyn. I received a letter from my _____ ____ ______ ____ _____ _____ ____ _____ Monday night was the worst ____ ______.Thursday Feb 3 98Very cold did not do very much.Friday 4th 1898I visited an English family that are acquainted with Mrs Denman. left them Tracts & received an invitation to bring my companion & make them a visit. I left at 7.40 P.M, on the Steam Boat Pilgrim to attend Confrence to be held at Brooklyn.Saturday Feb 5th 98Matthias F. Cowley Arived at New York at 7.10 A.M. I walked across the City & the Brooklyn Bridge & found 50 Concord St. without any trouble. Meet Apostles Lyman & Cowley which filled my heart with joy. Thirty five Elders came to attend Confrence among them was P.P. Willey, Geo Ca_____ & John _ Hyde who came out the same time I did, It was very pleasant to meet them again. Pres Kesler had hired a nice Hall & our first meeting was held at 2.30 P.M. A very few besides Elders & Saints present. There was a good spirit manifest. Meeting again at 7.30 P.M. with better attendance. Sunday 6 -- 98Priesthood meeting held at 8.30 A.M. untill 1.30 P.M. One hour was taken up hearing reports from Elders. Thes rest of the time was taken up by the Apostles giving us instructions & it was a feast never to be forgotten. Meeting in Hall at 2.30. Repsentive to U.S. Congress King took up most of the time he a fine Oritor & showed in a fine discorse what Mormonism had come for. Meeting again in the evening. The preaching done by the Apostles which was very powerful. I think I never hear Apostle Lyman speak so well. The singing was a very ___sing feture of all the servises. Two young ladies from Salt Lake City by the name of Cooper who are having their voices trained & John Sharp a young man from S.L.C. who is paying $3.00 a lesson in music & is set a part as a missionary and Samuel Winter of S.L.C. made a fine Quartet. They rendered the finest singing I had ever heard by a quartet & Robt. Easton is in New York having his voice trained & he sang O My Father which always takes so well every where. All in All the Confrence was one of the best I ever attended. I had several nice chats with Apostle Cowley.Monday Feb 7 -- 98I spent 4 or 5 hours walking around N.Y. City sight seeing &c. In the after noon I took an Electric car & went out a Cony Island a great swimming resort it is 8 miles from Brooklyn. Took the Steam Boat Plymoth for Fall River. Reached F.R. at 5 A.M. next morning. I suffered all the after noon & during the night with sick headache. Out side of that I had a pleasant trip the distance on the water being 370 miles. I was the only Elder from the New England Confrence to attend the Brooklyn Confrence.Tuesday Feb 8Arived at the house at Turner at 7.30 A.M. Found my Companion & folks all well. There was a letter from my dear wife & children & one from H Halversen. The after noon put in Tracting.Wednesday Feb 9 -- 98The weather is warm, the streets very sloppy. I get my feet every day. I fear I will have to buy some rubbers.Thursday Feb 10 -- 9810 months this morning since I left Salt Lake City. I spent the day in Tracting & conversing on the Gospel.Friday Ilth 98Delivered 41 tracts had 7 Gosple conversations. I feel that the Lord is beginning to hear our prayers by softening the hearts of some of the people towards us & the Glorious Gosple. I felt impressed to call on the Methodist Lady Mrs, Whitaker who had ____ed ________ing more Tracts & said she did not want any more "Smith Doctrine". She invited me into the house. I had a long Gosple Conversation with her & she accepted some more Tracts. During the day I had a long Gosple Conversation with a Mrs Pearson a Methodist lady & her married son. I had met the Lady twice before & talked on the gosple with her. They both seem to be strongly impressed with the true plan of salvation. They invited me to come & bring my companion & spend the evening with them which we done & during the evening the Lady said if we organized a branch here She would be the first to join the Mormons & we think she will surely the Gosple & have hopes of her son & his wife doing the same.Sat 12th 1898Stormy today.Sunday 13 Feb 1898Rained all day,Monday Feb 14 -- 98Put in the day Tracting.Tuesday Feb 15 -- 1898Walked 7 miles, gave away 12 Tracts, sold two books, loaned two books, loaned one book, had five Gosple Conversations & called on the Methodist Lady (Mrs Whitaker) who had told me the last time I was there that she did not want any more of Smith Doctrin, I felt impressed to call on her again & was invited into the house & treated very kindly. Talked to her for an hour & a half. Left Gosple Tracts with her & was invited to call again.Wednesday 16 -- 98Rained all day,Thursday 17 -- 98Still stormy. Done a little Tracting & made one family visit.Sat Feb 19 -- 98Fut in the day reading & studing & writing.Sun 20 -- 98Read all day.Mon 21 -- 98Rained all day.Tuesday 22Tracting &c.Wednesday Feb 23 -- 98Snowing this morning. In the afternoon I distributed 24 Tracts had two Gosple Conversations met Mrs Whitaker at a sick womans house & she invited me in to talk with the sick Lady, I found she had "Friendly Discussion" on the bed & had been reading it & she said it was the Gosple plainer than she had ever read it before & she had found out that she had not been baptized right. I had an hour's Gosple talk with them & left my blessing with them also some Gosple reading.Thursday Feb 24 -- 98Fine Spring day. I gave out 45 Tracts visited two families had 4 Gosple conversations & while talking on the gosple at Mrs Oate's I was invited to eat supper with the family which I accepted it being the first meal I took in Fall River away from our own cooking since Thanksgiving.Friday Feb 25 -- 98Besides Tracting I loaned 2 Books & sold one book of Mormon had 4 Gospel conversations.Sat Feb 26 -- 98Writing letters & reading the whole day.Sunday Feb 27Made a visit to a Mr Tallman. Let him have some discorces to read & conversed on the Gospel with him. In the evening we attended the Methodist Church.Monday Feb 28 -- 98I gave out 42 Tracts visited one family had four Gosple Conversations.Tuesday Mar 1stGave 29 Tracts loaned one book & had one Gosple Conversation.Wednesday Mar 2nd 98A butiful Morning. It has been like spring for several days & snow has all been gone here for a long time. Walked six miles gave out 50 fifty Tracts visited two Families had four Gospel Conversations and best of all received an application for Baptism which makes my heart rejoice. In the evening Sister Denman from Providence & a Mrs Garsen of Fall River called to see us. Mrs Denman brought me a pie & Mrs. G. brought us a jelly cake & & cirant loaf, We was very pleased to see Sister D. It put me in mind of old River St.Thursday Mar 3rd 98A very stormy day, Could not work Tracting.Friday 4 98Put in the day Tracting & talking on the Gospel. Spent the evening at Mrs Peirsons.Sat Mar 5th 98Three or four inches of snow fell last night.Sunday 6 -- 98Attended Baptist Chruch in the evening,Monday Mar 7 -- 98Tracting & visiting families.Tuesday Mar 8 -- 98Called on Mrs, Whitaker & had a long talk on the Gospel. The next house I called at to leave a Tract I was invited to take dinner & I gladly accepted. When the man of the house came from the mill I was introduced to him. His name is Robt Sipsy. After dinner he invited me to visit the Mill & he took all through it, it being one of the largest cotton mills in Fall River the name of which "Machane's Mill". I was shown all through the mill & saw the diferent prosesses the cotton has to go through before it is made in to cloth & was introduced to the supertendent & overseers in each room & gave them my card. After which I visited a sick Lady by the name of Davis who is investigating the Gospel. Talked with her about two hours & had a very plesant visit. From there I went & visited the "home for old folks" a fine new structure that is just completed at a cost of $41,000.00. Any old person can pay $200.00 & go in there & be looked after the remainder of their days. The building was open for inspection to day & thousands of people went through it.Wednesday Mar gth 98A very fine day. I was very successful in Tracting.Thurday Mar 10 -- 98I got my shoes repaired, cost 90 cents. While Tracting on Cresent St. I called at a house for the first time & when I told the people I was a Mormon they (a man & his wife) invited me in the house & wanted to know what we beleived in & was very much suprised to learn that we beleived in the Bible & the attoning blood of the Savior. The lady put up her work & they set down & had me talk to them for two hours on the Gospel & then she wanted to know if I couldnt stop & take supper with them. Of course I told her yes. So she began to prepair supper as her son would be home at six O'clock. We had a good supper & they urged me to be sure & come again. I reached home at 8 O'clock in the evening & was happly suprised to find Elders J H Stevenson & W.K. Johnson from Providence there who had come to make us a visit, We spent the evening very plesantly with Mr & Mrs Whitcomb singing Hymn's songs & reciting &c.Friday Mar. 12 -- 98Visiting & showing the boys around the City. In the evening we called on Mrs & Mrs Gosmon from there we went to Mrs. Pearsons & held a Cottage meeting with them. I had Elders Stevenson & Johnson to the Preaching & after meeting we spent about an hour talking on the Gospel & had a splendind time.Sat 12 -- 98Elders Stevenson & Johnson left on the Boat at 8 A.M. I wrote a long letter to my loved ones at home.Sunday Mar 13 -- 98During the day Mr Besketh made us a visit. In the evening we visited the Methodist Church.Monday 14 -- 98Tracting in the afternoon. I sold one book & had one Gospel Conversation.Tuesday Mar. 15th 1898Distributed 60 Tracts sold one Book Loaned 3 Books had five Gospel Conversations was invited into four houses had 10 cents in money given to me. One of the conversations was with a Colored Minister he being Pastor of a Methodist Church. He invited me to come to their church & Preach in it which I thanked him for & expect to comply with.Wednesday Mar 16 -- 98Cloudy & cold all day. I visited one Family Distributed 16 Tracts had seven Gospel conversations.Thursday Mar 17 -- 98St. Patrick day. It is raining but we went to see the parade. In the afternoon I visited a sick lady the one Mrs Whitaker introduced me to & had a talk with her & left her a voice of Warning. Whe told me her minister had been the giving her a lecture about having Mormons in her house. Her husband said he wished that Mr Crockett could get to preach in the Methodist Church. The Minister of course would not agree to that.Friday Mar 18thTracting & c had 9 Gospel Conversations.Sat 19 -- 1898Writing & reading all day.Sunday 20th 98We attended the Afro M E Church on Maple St. We had been invited there by a Colored Minister who had read our tracts & with whom I had had a long Gospel Conversation with. He did not recognize me here or he would called on me to ocupy part of the time during servises but gave notice for the People to all come out next Sunday evening as he thought he could get an Elder to preach that they would like as he liked him very much could not think of his name but he represented the true church of Christ. Thinking he had reference to me I went up to the Pulpit to let him know that I would be in Providence on that date to attend District Confrence but would be pleased to address them in their Church in the near future.Mon 21 -- 98I spent the Forenoon in study. Visited two Famlies in the after noon & talked on the Gospel.Tuesday 22Stormy all day. I had a visit from Mr Tempelton the Colored Minister. He is looking for more light, is not satisfied with the Methodist Church.23 - 24 & 25Tracting &e the order.Mar 26 -- 1898Elder Spafford & I took the Steam Boat "Bay Queen" for Providence to attend Dist. Confrence. Reached Prov. at 10.30 A.M. The first meeting held at 3 O'clock P.M. with the following Elders in attendace. Pres. A.P. Kesler, Elder G.W. McCune of Nephi Utah who is on his way home from a mission to England, Pres Kinsman, J W Dunyon, J H Stevenson, J K Johnson, Joseph Wallace, John Mayer, Enoch Corna, Peter Corna, S.S. Hooker, J.F. Sharp, W L McAlister, A Wagstaff, D.C. Spafford & myself, ten Saints & a large no. of strangers. A no. of the Elders ocupied a short time each in the after noon bearing Testimony &c. Meeting again at 7.30 in the evening. Speakers G.W. McCune & J.F. Sharp. Meeting again Sunday at 3 P.M. Elder Summerhase from Salk Lake City who is out here on business done the speaking. He spoke with much power & many in the audience were in tears after meeting closed. The Elders had a two hour Priesthood meeting all giving reports of their labors & recieving instructions from Pres Kesler & Bro. Summerhase. Meeting again at 7.30 P.M. Speakers G.W. Mcune & Pres. Kesler. The two nights I was in Providence is stopped at Mrs. Robinsons & was treated the very best kind. Ate dinner & supper Saturday at Bro. Denmans & Sunday Sister Nelson had all the Elders & some of the Saints to dinner at herhouse 24 in all besides her family. Monday Mar 28th3 Oclock P.M. After spending a very pleasant time at Confrence & bidding Elders saints & friends good bye we took the boat for Fall River our home at present.Tuesday Mar 29In the after noon I visited 4 Families talked on the Gospel & loaned 2 Books.Mar 30 -- 98Rained all day.Mar 31st 98Snowing to beat time I made a few calls in afternoon.