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  Robert Clarkson

  Ruth Clarkson

  Ozro Crockett

  Mary Crockett

  Earl & Della

  Crockett Clan


April 1st 98

One year ago to day I left my dear home in old Idaho and to day I am Tracting & trying to sell the little book voice of warning. Sold one & loaned eleven. Received a letter from my dear wife with money order for $10.00 enclosed. We just had 4 cents in the house & had been out of wood for over a week so we were very pleased to get the money.

Sat April 2nd 98

Very cold. Sunday April 3rd Stopped in the house all day reading. Mr Hasketh called on us tward evening & we accompanied him to the Baptist Church as he wanted to introduce us to a friend of his.

Tuesday 5th 98

Snowed all day.

Wednesday April 6th 1898

Clear weather once more. At 5 OcClock P.M. we went to the wharf & met Pres Kinsman who came in on the steam Boat "May Queen" from Providence to make us a visit & see how the work is progressing in this part of the Confrence.

Thurday April 7th 98

The day spent with Pres. K. visiting Families who are intrested in the Gospel.

Friday April 8th 98

I put the fornoon in Tracting. Phe after noon was spent with Pres. K. visiting friends. In the evening Pres K, Elder Spafford & I visited at Mr Hesketh. We had a very good time & held a Cottage meeting with them.

Sat 9th

In the after noon I took Pres. K around to call on some more people who are investigating the Gospel.

Sunday 10

Having been invited by Mrs. Pearson & her son Mr. Hesketh to spend the day & take dinner & supper with them. We accordingly done so & spent a very pleasant day & evening conversing on the Gospel & was filled with joy to witness the spirit of the Lord working with Mrs P. She has the spirit of Gathering & is not yet Baptized & has never heard a word on Gathering by any of us & she is becoming very anxious to be baptized.

Monday 11 --

Pres Kinsman left at 8 A.M. We enjoyed his visit very much & he expressed himself as very pleased with the work that has been done here, said he thought there was a better opening here than any othere place in the Confrence except Providence. I put in the day visiting families talking on the gospel leaving Tracts &c &c.

Tuesday April 12th

Delivered 4 Tracts loaned 4 Books had 8 gospel conversations and had a Cottage meeting at Mrs & Mr, Davis' in the evening.

Wednesday 13 -- 1898

I gave out 81 Tracts (being the most I have ever given out in one day) had three Gospel conversations & held a Cottage meeting at the Whitakers' in the evening. Came home very tired.

Thursday April 14

Gave out 81 Tracts had 2 gospel conversations. I was bothered all day with the headache & in the after part of the day it became so bad I quit work & came home.

Friday April 15

It must have rained all night & is still raining. It rained all day. In the evening we visited the Hesketh & Pearson Family.

Saturday April 16

Just one year ago to day I landed in Brooklyn. I visited one family in the fornoon. The rest of the day spent in reading & writing.

Sun. April 17 -- 98

Took dinner with the Hesketh Family & I preached on Faith Repentance & Baptism in the Afro M. E. Church in the evening. A quite a number of friends that we had made attending the meeting.

Monday April 18

A butiful day. The fornoon spent in reading. The after noon spent in visiting Families.

Tuesday 19th 98

Day spent in Tracting & explaining the Principal of Tithing to Mrs. Pearson who has applied for Baptism & she accepts of Tithing Willingly and my joy is full in the knowledge that the Lord has blessed my labors in so much that one honest soul is ready for the waters of Baptism,

Wednesday 20

Tracting all day, On ariving home in the evening I found Elders Murdock & Green there. I was much pleased to see my old travling Companion again & he seemed just as pleased to see me.

Thurday 21

Visited around Town with Bro. M.

Friday 22 -- 98

We visited Mrs. Pearson & Elder M was well pleased to witness the fact that she is truly converted. In the town was draped with flags & bunting & lit up with read & blue lights & there was a grand Parade all in honor of some soldiers who were leaving for the war with Spain. We followed the Parade to the N.Y. Wharf. There were 20,000 people there & we were badly jamed,

Saturday 23rd 98

I called on the Colored Pastor with Elder M, & he invited Bro. M. to fill his Pulpit the next day in the evening.

Sunday April 24, 98

Raining very hard. We all went by request to Mrs. Pearson's to dinner after which we held a Cottage meeting. In the evening we all went to the Colored Church & listened to Elder Murdock apeak on first Principals.

Monday April 25th 1898

It rained all day. We visited with the boys.

Tuesday 26 -- 98

In the afternoon I took Bro. M with me & visited families & conversed on the Gospel,

Wednesday 27

Bros Murdock & Green left for Providence on the Steam Boat Mount Hopeafter spending one week with us very pleasantly.

From 27 of April to the the 17 of May nothing unusual in our except that on May 15th Elder Spafford left me to meet his cousin Elder Johnson at Providence & proceed from there to Conneticut to visit Relatives for a few weeks. I am adding a few more friends to the list among them the mayor's wife Mrs Jackson.

Wednesday 18th 98

Delivered Tracts in the afornoon & visited families in the after noon, Visited Mr & Mrs Davis in the evening & had a good talk on the gospel,

Thursday 19th 98

Tracting & visiting families. Visited Mrs. Pearson & the Hesketh's in the evening.

Friday 20 -- 98

Received a letter from home reporting folks all well & good prospects for crops which made me rejoice.

Sat May 21

I recd. a letter from Pres. Kinsman requesting the Elders to all observe a special Fast on Sunday 22 & pray for Elder Henry Applanalp who is sick in Boston.

Sunday May 22 -- 98

A most butiful morning. I took a long walk after which I visited Mrs Pearson talked on the Gospel to her. She is Anxious to be Baptized. Ararrged to Baptize her when Prs. K & Whitaker reach here. Mrs Pearson has the spirit of gathering on her very strong & we have not preached it to her showing that the Spirit of the Lord is working with her, I to another long walk in the after noon fasted untill 6.30 E.M. & suplicated the Lord in behalf of Bro Apblanalp. In the evening I visited the Davis',

Monday May 23rd 98

I had a nice visit with Mr. Melon Talking on the beauties of the Gospel.

Tuesday & Wednesday May 24 & 25

It rained all the time. I could do but little work.

Thursday 26 -- 98

Foggy to day. Mrs Whitcomb's son came home this morning, She was afraid he had gone to the war. I held three Cottage meetings to day & felt very much blessed of the Lord & while I was at the Whitakers I received an invitation by them to come to their house one week from this evening & take supper with them St go with them from there to the Davis' & talk on the Apostisy from the Primative Church.

Friday May 27 -- 98

Elder Spafford reached here having been gone nearly two weeks.

Sat & Sunday 28 - 29

Nothing of importance happened. We fasted Sunday untill 3 P,M. at which time we took dinner with the Pearsons. Mrs P showed me a letter my wife had written to her of which she was very proud & well she might be as it was indeed a splendid letter.

Monday 30 -- 98

Decoration day. I went out to see the grand parade in the fornoon & studied the Gospel in the afternoon.

Tuesday 31st 98

I put the day in Tracting & talk on the Gospel. Made some new friends to day.

Wednesday June Ist 98

Very Winday. Mad a new friend to day. Was invited into the house & spent two hours talking very pleasantly on the Gospel.

Thursday June 2 98

I visited three Families held two Cottage meetings gave away 5 Tracts had three Gospel Conversations & loaned three books. We enjoyed the Spirit of the Lord to the meeting at Davis'. I talked two hours on the Apostacy. The people expressed themselves well. raid for missing the Methodist Class meeting. Said they had somthing to think & study about for weeks.

Friday June 3rd 1898

It rained all day.

Sat 4

I took the Boat Mt. Hope for Providence. Reached there 10.25 A.M. Found the Elders & Saints well, Pres Kinsman & Bro Whitaker was there & two new Elders J.Z. Steward Jr of Logan & Elder Ingerbridge of Ogden. Elder Johnson & I went out to Mr. Friths to stay all night. Spent the evening at Askeths.

Sunday June 5th 1898

Had fast meeting at 10.30 A,M. at Bro J Denman's & pertook of the Sacrament which was a great treat to me. Mrs Pearson went to Prov with me. Whe spoke in Fast meeting saying she would soon be one with us. At 3 P.M. attended the meeting at Eagle Hall. The two meetings was a Spiritual feast to me. We took the boat at 7 P.M. & reached Fall River 9 P.M.

Monday June 6 98

We walked to Swansea Centre six miles from here to try & get a hall to hold meeting in, We succeded in getting a Hall at Swansea Village by paying $1.00 for it. Walked back home & was very tired.

Tuesday & Wednesday 7-8

Tracting & visiting families. Appointed two Cottage meetings. One at Davis' for Friday evening & one at Mrs Pearson's Sunday June 12th at 3 P.M.

Thursday 9th 1898

We walked out to Swansea & Tracted the village & notified the people of the meeting to be held in the Town Hall Monday evening. Weather very hot.

Friday June 10

Fourteen months to day I left Salt Lake City & saw the face of my dear wife & darling baby. Pres. Kinsman & Bro. Whitaker came on the 5:30 PIM. boat from Prov. We held a Cottage meeting at the Davis' in the evening seven persons present besides we four Elders. Had a very good meeting. I presided, Elders K. & W. done the preaching.

June 11 98

Cold & cloudy. We are observing a two days fast & praying for the complete retoration to to health of Bro H. Aplanalp.

Sunday June 12 -- 98

Held a Cottage meeting at Mrs. Pearsons & had a good time. The meeting was held at 3 P.M. & at 7:30 P.M. we all went to Mr W D Davis' & spent the evening singing & taking on the Gospel. Stoped untill half past 10 & Mrs D. treated us to a nice lunch. Bro. Whitaker done most of the talking & he is a good humble man.

Monday June 13th -- 98

Pres. Kinsman, Elder Whitaker, Spafford & myself walked to Swansea & held meeting in the town Hall. Had about 12 present. Walked back home after meeting.

June 14 1898

Elder Whitaker & I held 4 cottage meetings, In the evening I had the privlage of leading Mrs Harriet Ann Pearson down into the waters of Baptism which gave me much joy as I was the means in the hands of the Lord of her being converted. She was Baptized in Mt. ______ or sometimes called Taunton River. On reaching Mrs. Pearson's house she was confirmed a member of the Church by Pres Kinsman & John _ Whitaker. Mrs Pearson Feb 25 1840 Born Milrow Lancashire England. Father's name Thos Fielding, Mother's Maden name Sarah Fielding.

Wednesday 15

Pres. Kinsman & I visited families & talked on the Gospel,

Thursday June 16

Elder Whitaker & I put the day in a visiting & preaching the Gospel to the families. Pres K & I visited a Mr Sherman in the evening & was treated very good.

Friday June 17 -- 1898

Pres K. & Bro. Whitaker left us after having a pleasant & Profitable time with us at least we enjoyed the visit very much. Friday & Sat. we spent looking for a small Tenement to move to. We rented one from a Mr John Waters with 3 rooms & b_try & two closets in cost $1.00 per week.

Sunday June 19 -- 98

Ate dinner with Sister Pearson.

Monday June 20

We mooved to our new location. Put the day in scrubbing & cleaning; we had been at Mrs Whitcombs 7 months & had paid $42.00 just for the use of a little attic room & what furniture there was in it. We have bought the following furniture for our rooms. One Beadstead with springs & matress two Pillows, one table, 4 chairs 20 yds of Japan straw matting, 9 earthen plates, 4 glass tumblers, 4 knives & forks, three spoons, one lamp, one mirror, one tub & wash board, one wash dish. The above is second hand goods we paid for them $6.23. We bought new one quilt, three sheets, 2 pillow slips, 2 towels, 4 window blinds with fixturs, cost $2.55.

Tuesday June 22

Spent most of the day fixing in our new house.

Wednesday June 22

Spent the day Tracting & visiting friendly families,

Thursday 23 & Friday 24th

Spent those two days visiting & talking on the Gospel. I was introduced to Judge Lovat & had a pleasant time talking on the Gospel. At 6 P.M. I called on a Shoemaker by the name of Mr. Donald who mended my shoes while I sat & talked to hime. When I asked him what the bill was he said nothing, (the job would have been 30 cents) I Thanked him & told him the Lord would bless him for aiding one of his servants.

Sat June 25th 98

Elder J. H. Stevenson came on the Boat Richard Borden from Providence to make us a visit before going home as he has his release & will leave Providence on July 8th. Elder Stevenson Stopped with us untill this morning (June 28) when he boarded the boat at 8 A.M. Bound for Prov. We had a very pleasant visit with him.

June 28th 98

While waiting in a shoe shop to have my shoes fixed two woman came in (at diferent time) & they began to quarrel & accuse each other of immorality & came near fighting.

Wednesday June 29

I went to Steep Brook & gave out 45 Tracts & had two Gospel Conversatians.

Thursday 30th 98

Tracting at Steepe Brook. Gave out 62 Tracts, had two Gospel Conversations & was invited into one house.


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