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Monday Nov 1st 97Rainey a little. We crossed the water to Vinal Haven & went to J. Youngs for our things & stopped all night at Henry Dyers from the time we landed on the Islands untill the 1st of Nov we (blank page)Tuesday Nov 2 1897We left Fox Islands at 8 AM on the steam boat Vinal Haven. We were taken around by Carvers Harbor making the distance 32 miles to Rockland. There was a heavy storm last night and the sea was very rough. The little steam boat rocked back & forth untill it seemed she would shurly tip over. I became very sea sick but after feeding the fishes I felt better. After reaching Rockland we walked 4 miles through wind & rain to Owls Head & called at James Crockett's my second cousin's and was received very kindly. We staid with them untill the next day. Uncle Wilford, Elder Murdock & I are all together,Wednesday Nov 3 -- 97We called at Levi Leadbetters my Father's Cousins & had a nice dinner, after which we walked back to Rockland found a letter there from my dear wife. Everything well as usual at home. Enguaged passage on the large steam boat city of Rangor for Boston, Left Rockland at 5 P.M. distance to Boston 165 miles.Thursday Nov 4th![]() Harvard Houses, Cambridge, ca. 1936 Arived at Boston
5 A.M. Left the boat at 7 AM took St, car for Cambridge Friday Nov 5Spent the day writing & reading. In the evening went out to Friths & stopped all night.Saturday Nov 6 -- 97Visiting and reading the order of the day.Sun Nov 7 -- 1897This being Fast day we fasted 25 hours. The Saints had Sacriment meeting at Bro. Denmans for which I was truly greatful, We held meeting in a Hall on West Minster St at 3 P.M. myself & Elder Cornia being the Speakers. After meeting a Bro Moore gave all the Elders who have wives a nice brest pin.Monday 8 -- 97Stormy we stayed in the house all day.Tuesday Nov 9th 97Rained all day, In the evening Elder Stevenson took me with him to call on a Mrs Attwell and Mrs Corgaine, they are both widows (mother & daughter). They are very much intrested in the gospel they ____ ____ _____ of questions. While there a lady came in. We were introduced to her. She is a cousin of the late Pres. Brigham Youngs wife Mary Ann Angel.Wednesday Nov 10![]() ![]() About __ Oclock A.M, Elder Murdock & I left Providence for Fall River Mass. to comply with the request of Pres. Kinsman to see what the prospects were there to locate four Elders for the winter. The mode of travel being on foot distance 20 miles. Staid all night at Warren a town of 5000 Inhabitants. Was entertained by a Helmet's Lady. Was invited to attend their meeting & was introduced to their pastor who after singing praying & speaking a short time turned the meeting over to us. I spoke to them for 40 minutes & spoke on the first prins. of the Gospel. The Pastor was not satisfied with the proof. Advanced & tryed untill a late hour to refute them and made such a poor rot that many of the audience got up and left the room, We tried to get the privlage of holding a series of meetings with them & some of their members was willing but the Paster put his foot down on it. Thurday Nov 11In walking to Fall River we passed through Swansea Center, Swansea village & Somerset. At Swansea village we called on the Select man & received a promise to hold meeting in the Town Hall. Ue told him we would go on to Fall River & try get back the next day & tract the place & notify the people of a meeing in the evening. While at Swansea Center we called on the minister to see if we could get their church to preach in but when we told him who we were he refused.Friday Nov 12Raining & snowing, We wrote to Samuel Arnold the selectman of Swansea that we would not appoint the meeting for that evening. We was very sucessfull in obtaining quarters for four Elders at Fall River in the in the best quarter of the city. The city has 90,000 Inhabitants and we are very favorably impressed that this is a good place to open a field of labor.Sat Nov 15 1897We started on foot for Fall River expecting to make an appointment for a meeting at Swansea in the Town Hall. When we called on Mr Arnold he said he would rather we would hold meeting some time in the future as three cases of scarlet fever had broken out & then did not want any public gathering & they had discontinued the school so we walked on the North Swansea & tryed to get a hall there but was not successful so walked on to Providence reaching there at 330 P.M. Found 3 letters awaiting me from my loved ones.Sunday Nov 14 -- 97Attended the Saints meeting on West Minster St. at 5 P.M, Elder Murdock & Swenson being the speaker. We had a good meeting after which Elders M & I went to _________ to stay with _____ as there are some neighbors ___ ___. We were invited to hold meeting with them. We held meeting for an hour & a half. I spoke one hour. After meeting we had a long gospel conversations with the people,Monday 15 -- 97______ ____ Sister Nelson found her feeling ____ well. She gave us a nice dinner & told us of her troubels & her _____ desire to go to Utah. We promised her to try & do something for her.Tuesday 16 -- 97At 11 A.M, Elders Dunyon, John Mayer, E. Cornia, Cooper, Geo Murdock & myself started on foot for Boston to attend the Confrence. Stopped all night with a Sister Harriet Power (who has been away from a branch of the church for 39 years ______ ____ City heard the saints ___ _____ during that time) at Wrenthan Mass 26 miles from Providence.Thursday Nov 18 -- 97![]() Harvard Square, Cambridge, ca. 1885 A butiful day but cold. After walking 15 miles & making some enquiring as to a place to hold meeting in & not being successful we boarded the Electric car & rode to Cambridge found the Elders all well there. Friday Nov 19 -- 97Cold & stormy. Uncle & I walked over to Boston & Hunted up my second Cousin H H Crockett who treated us very well.Saturday Nov 20 -- 97Snowed about 3 inches during the night. Pres Kesler arrived this morning also the rest of the Elders that are coming to Confrence making 21 in all & that is all the Elders in this Confrence excepting 2 who are up in New Brunswick. Confrence began at 2 P.M. Present 21 Elders one Saint from Spencer & two strangers. Speakers Elder O O Crockett, _ _ _______ & Pres Kinsman __ ________. Meeting held in the evening at 7.30 Pres Kinsman taking up most of the time. Pres Kesler making a few closing remarks. About 25 strangers present who seemed quite intrested & stopped 6; talked with the Elders for some time after meeting was out.Sunday Nov 21Meeting at 10.30 A.M. Elder present also Bro Foster & Sister Denman who came from Providence & brought a young lady with her aMrs Ramsden who I think will soon come into the Church. One stranger came to meeting but soon left, Many of the Elders spoke for a short time. Meeting at 2 P.M. Elder Johnson spoke for a short time. Pres Kesler ocupied the rest of the meeting & gave a powerful discourse on the apostisy, restoration & first Principals of the Gospel. After meeting we held a Priesthood meeting the Elder giving in their reports & Pres Kesler instructing us regarding our labors. Monday Nov 22 -- 97We all received our appointments this morning. Myself & Elder Dan C. Spafford to go to Fall River. Elder Murdock takes a young man by the name of Green & goes to Morlborough. Pres Kesler proposed that the Elders here have their Photo taken in a groupe which we accepted. After setting for Photo we all shook hands & parted for our fields of labor. Elder Spafford & I reaching Fall River a little before dark. The people had put up a stove in our room & fixed it up very nice.Tuesday Nov 23 -- 97About three inches of snow on the ground this morning. Our time spent in unpacking & fixing up for house keeping. Mrs Whitcomb gave us a ___et pie for dinner & showed me some boxes barrells &c that we could cut up & have to burn. I received a letter from my dear wife stating that she is feeling better than she has for months which makes me feel happy indeed.Wednesday Nov 24Very cold. Heading & study the order of the day,Thursday Nov 25Thanksgiving day. In the forenoon He attended service at the church of the Asension & heard a sermon on Thanksgiving. Our friends the Mrs Whitcombs invited us to eat Thanksgiving dinner with them which we gladly accepted & pertook of a very good dinner,Friday Nov 26 -- 97Raining all day. I wrote to my lovedones at home.Sat 27 -- 4897It is still very stormy raining hard. I recd. a letter from my wife also one from my Father,Sunday Nov 28 -- 97In the evening Bro Spafford & I attended the Baptist church _____ ______ to a very ____ _____ of in favor of M______ __ence.Monday Nov 29 -- 97Threatning storm to day _____ ____ cold to day ____ one ____ ____d ____ __ake snow for ____ & piled it all up ____ down ceiler.Tuesday Mov 30 -- 97The mail brought me some nice Birthday presents from home, Began tracting to day.Wednesday Dec Ist -- 97Received a letter & two prs. garments from home answered the letter & delivered 50 tracts and am very tired to night. Had bread & milk for supper which I enjoyed very much.Thurday 2nd 1897A pleasant day, I put the time in tracting. Delivered 56 tracts, [fn4]![]() Friday Dec 3rd 97Threatning storm. Mrs Whitecomb told me this morning that she & her husband were both intrested in "S_____ that Mormon" which makes me feel very thankful.Sat Dec 4 1897Choped kindling most of the day for the Whitecombs. Recd. a letter from home & answered it.Sunday Dec 5th -- 97Stopped in the house reading all day,Monday 6th -- 97Reading & writing the order of the day.Tuesday Dec 7 -- 97After Breakfast we went Tracting. I also spent two or three hours trying to get Union Church or New Boston Road to hold meeting in. The trustee has the ____ing under advisment which usually means no.Wednesday Dec 8th 1897Rained all night & still stormy.Thursday 9Spent the day tracting. Had one Gospel Conversation.Friday 10 -- 1897Tracting the order of the day.Sat Dec 11 97I walked out to Gardners Nick a little village 4 miles from here to see the school supervisor to try & get permission to hold meetings in the school houses belonging to Swansea Dists. He was not at home. I made an appointment to meet him the next Monday at 2 O'clock P.M.Sunday Dec 12 97Rained all day.Monday Dec 17 -- 97I went out to Gardners Nick to fill the appointment with the school supervisor, he being a stiff backed Methodist would not let us hold meetings in the school houses, I met & had Gospel conversations with two different men.Tuesday Dec 14Called on Mrs Haskings to see what they had decided to do about letting us hold meeting in the Union Chapel on New Boston Road. He asked if I was a Mormon. I told him I belonged to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latterday Saints commonly called Mormons. That was enough, we could not get to preach there.Wednesday Dec 15 -- 97Raining all day.Thurday Dec 16 -- 97Put the day in tracting.Friday 17 -- 97Tracting all day.Saturday 18Writing & reading the order of the day.Sunday 19 -- 97Walked through the city across the state line in to R.I.Monday Dec 20 -- 97Walked to Tiverview to see if there could be an opening to preach & distributed tracts.Tuesday 21 -- 97A very disagreable day. I wrote all day longWednesday 22Very cold studding the Gospel. We are not doing much on account Xmas time.23 DecI bought me a pair pants cost $5.00. We spent a ______ Christ mas and the 26th being the aniversary of my wedding. From 24 to 27 we done very little. I attended Congregational Church in the evening of 26.Dec 28 -- 1897Received a letter from home $10.00 money Order enclosed, I got my coat & vest cleaned & pressed & had pants mended cost $1.00. Had a good gospel conversation & gave away one tract.Dec 29 1897A very nice day. I learned a __ passages of scripture _____ _____ an hour. Read the book of discussions of the doctrines of the Gospel of Christ by B E Rich 8( Rev M H _ittey & walked 6 miles went up to Globe Village.Dec 30 -- 97Reading & studing all day.Friday Dec 31 1897Sawed wood, studdied the scriptures, read & walked out through Somerset to Pottersville.