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![]() Wednesday Sept Ist Left Matthew Leadbetter at 9 A.M, & went to ___ J. Morton's who is ___ ___ cousin of f_____ who was a Leadbetter __ fathers cousin. In the evening Misses Calderwood & Kimball came to stay all night. We spent the evening in singing & reciting. Sept 2nd 1897A stormy day. We went to the P.O. & recd a letter from my dear wife. All is well as usual at home.Sept 3rdHelped James Morton haul lumber.Sept 4th 1897Early in the morning we left for Pulpit Harbor to arange for a meeting for the next Sunday. Called on the School Supervisor & obtained the privlage of holding meetings in any of the school houses in N. Haven. We then tracted the people at Pulpit Harbor & told them we would hold meeting there the next day at 3 P.M. & staid all night with E__ther Shoon. His wife &. I are second cousins.Sunday Sept 5 -- 1897We held our meeting, Had a good turnout & the people seemed much intrested, After meeting a man by the name of Jordon invited us to come and stay the night with him. He houses with a Mister & Mrs Babbage. We spent the rest of the day & evening talking on the Prin. of the Gospel, the Dr. having many questions to ask us.(END OF VOLUME ONE) Hyrum H_anchel Aunt Elizabeth Sept 6th 1897Monday morning, After talking with the Doctor & Mrs L__ersio for two or three hours on the Gospel we went to the P.O. & from there to a Mr. & Mrs Brown's. Mrs Brown was Laura Crockett. She & I being second cousins, Staid all night with them & was treated very kind.Tuesday Sept 7We walked five miles to Oliver Brown's. His wife is fathers cousin. Staid over night, spending the evening talking about Utah & her people, the prin, of the Gospel &c.Wednesday Sept 8 1897After Breakfast we borrowed Brother Briggie & horse & drove ____ ____ P.O. I received a letter from my dear family stating that they are well which made me rejoice. After dinner we went to Mathew Leadbetter to help him put hay in his barn, Staid the night & had a good evening.Thursday 9th 97![]() Wilford Woodruff Crockett A very ______ day. Elder M & I went to Green Island by row boat to take two ___ f___s. The sea was quite rough & we got sea sick & had to feed fishe's. After dinner we walked back to O. Brown & on reaching there we found Uncle Wilford there. Was very glad to meet him. We all staid there all night & spent a very pleasant evening, Sept - 10 - 97After Breakfast we went to fathers Cousin Athenia Young's. She & her son received us kindly.Sat. Sept 11 97We called on Hyrum Crockett. Found him & his wife well. Staid all night with them, They cannnot do enough for us it seems. We like to stay with them very much and beleive that Aunt Rebecca is converted to the truth of the Gospel. She is a fames cook & we done justis to her dinner.Sunday Sept 12 97Held our meeting as we expected but had a smaller turnout than usual. Uncle Wilford was present & he opened the meeting with prayer & Elder M & I ocupied the time, Staid the night with the ______.Monday 13 -- 97Walked back to Aunt Althina. Spent the after noon reading &c.Tuesday 14thThe day spent in writing &c.Wednesday 15 -- 97We borrowed Oliver Browns double ender & Bro. M. road us to the P.O. about 4 miles & I road the boat back.Thursday Sept. 16 -- 97We left Athina Youngs and walked to Deacon Samuel Crocketts. He is father's double cousin. Staid all night. He called on me to read a chapter & pray before we retired.Friday Sept 17After Breakfast Elder Murdock & I walked five miles through mud in a heavy rain storm to appoint a meeting for the next Sunday. Staid all night with the Deacon.Sat Sept 18After Breakfast we wrote letters home. Uncle Wilford called & we went to the P.O. Recd, a letter from home after which Elder M & I went to Pulpit Harbor & stoped all night with Mr. & Mrs. _______.Sunday Sept 19Elder Murdock & I attended the Baptist Church and was some what amused to hear the minister say that there could be no meeting next meeting as the people were owing him part of his pay for the last six months and it would have to be no money no preach. In the after noon at 3 P.M. we held our meeting at the North East Dis. We had a splendid turn out. Uncle Wilford & I ocupied the time. The people seemed very much Intrested especialy a Deacon by the name of A. Carver.Monday the 20 -- 1897We are stopping with Henry Dyer & wife.Tuesday 21 --It rained and blowed very hard in the morning. In the after noon we went to the P.D. & from there to the Ameses.Wed Sept 22 -- 1897A butiful day. After noon we walked to the little thorogh Fare a distance of six miles, distributed tracts & got the school teacher to give out notice that we would hold meeting here next Sunday at 3 P.M. We returned to L. Amcort. Staid all night.Sept 23 -- 1897We arose early in the morning. After noon to the P.O. in ______ is the water to Vinalhaven another __ miles to A Mr & Mrs __ Dyers who _ ____dfathers cousin ____ ___ater ___re ___ the _____ _ail_y fashion _________ children although ___ ___ both strong health. I sent one Dol, to Pres. Kinsman to help start a head Quarters at Boston.Friday Sept 24 -- 97Rained all day. We stoped in the house most of the day reading & talking on the principals of the Gospel also about Utah & her people &e &c. The evening was spent in singing reciting &e and we had a very nice time.Saturday Sept 25 1897A very fine day. Mr Dyer took us for a drive in his carrage which we enjoyed very much. After dinner we was then taken for a boat rider up Perrys creek landing on the shore. We had our fill of Huckle & Black berries.Sunday Sept 26A pleasant day but quite cool. After breakfast we was taken across the water by Mr Dyer to North Haven. We have been treated like Kings by nearly all my relatives but I think it would be impossible for any one to show us more consideration than the Dyers. Went to Uncle H H C. Had dinner met Uncle Wilford there. We then went to the little T.F. & opened meeting at 3.00 P.M. W.W.C. praying G C M & W.W.C. done the preaching. We had a successful meeting about __ being present. After meeting the three of us went to H H Crocketts to stay the night.Monday Sept 27A chilly disagreeable day. In the morning we went to _________ with Uncle Wilford to see the Dr about his eyes as they are very bad. The Dr. gave him some medacine & would not take pay for it. After dinner we went by invitation to Mathew Leadbetters,Tuesday Sept 28A cold chilly day.Wednesday Sept 29We left M Leadbetters early in the morning, Went to the village got across the water to Vinal Haven had dinner at Uncle James Young's from there we walked to Winfield Leadbetter's. On the way we had our fill of berries. Found the Leadbetters all well.Thursday Sept 30 1897A nice day in fact September has altogether been much better weather than July & August. Had a nice long talk on the Gospel with Mrs D. and I believe she is convinced that the Gosple of Christ as we teach it is true & Divine but her husband is so much opposed to religion of any kind that I fear she will not be able to obey the Gospel. After dinner we left the Leadbetters & called on Chelsa Calderwood & family.Saturday Oct 2nd 1897After dinner we walked & road the boat to the P.O. Recieved a letter from the loved ones. Returned to the Calderwoods. Spent a very pleasant evening.Sunday Oct 3 -- 97A pleasant morning. Fastday, which we observed. In the after noon we attended Baptist Sunday School which was conducted by Thos Young after which we stoped at meeting expecting to hear the Paster Mr ___vis preach his farwell sermon but he was not there. He sent word that he was not very well & that there would not be any farwell sermon as he had been laid up & had been engaged for six months longer. So Thos Young said they would turn the meeting into a prayer meeting & invited all who could say a word in favor of Jesus to speak. We thought that meant us so Elders M & I both spoke for a short time after meeting Mrs Leadbetter said when she heard my voice in meeting it thrilled her so that she wanted to shout for joy & that she heard people asking who those bretheren were that spoke so nicely & she told them they were the Mormon Elders. They said was impossible. I think our talk had a good efect. A number of the hard shells came out to hear us at our meeting in the evening which was very successful, the house being crowded. I spoke 50 minutes & enjoyed much of the spirit of the Lord & we felt so good & happy after meeting that we could hardly go to sleep that night.Monday Oct 4 -- 97We went with Mr. Calderwood to Carver's Harbor a distance of 9 miles to try & get a house to hold meeting in. The town has between 3 & 4 thousand inhabitants. We spent several hours hunting up Trustees of the Chapels & then had to go with the promise that they would take it under advisment & write & let us know which is a polite way of saying no,Tuesday Oct 5 -- 1897After breakfast we bid the Calderwoods good bye but they would not say goodbye & made us promise to come again before we leave. Went to the P.O. Rec, two loving letters from home. My family all well which made me rejoice. Answered the letters & we returned to Vinalhaven & staid all night with Albert Wooster 8 family. Spent a very nice evening.Oct 9 -- 1897A little foggy in the fournoon. We called at the school house & had the Teacher give out notice that we would hold meeting there that evening. We went from there to Aunt Elizabeth Crocketts & ate dinner with Frank Crockett & family. Our meeting in the evening was sucessful. About 25 present most young folks. Staid the night with Nathan Dyer & family.Thursday Oct 7Weather very fine. Spent the day writing reading & visiting.Friday Oct 8After Breakfast we left Nathan Dyers & walked 4 miles to Chelsa Calderwoods, had dinner after which we had Morris Leadbetter set us across to Granite Island a distance of one mile mile where we gave notice in the school of a meeting to be held their the following Sunday, From Granite Island we went to Kimballs Island and staid the night with Charles Kimball.Oct 9th 1897Went from Kimball's across to North Haven to the P.O. Got a letter from my dear family. We went to H H Crocketts to dinner & answered our letters. Wrote to C A Welch also. Returned & stayed all night with the Calderwoods.Sunday Oct 10 -- 97After dinner we went to Leadbetters & borrowed a boat & crossed to Granite Island, found a nice sized Congregation gathered at the school house awaiting us (I will note here that the people nearly all get to meetings a half hour ahead of time) we had a good meeting, After meeting we returned to the Leadbetters & stoped all night.Monday Oct 11After breakfast we bid the Leadbetters good bye. Mrs Leadbetter cryed in saying goodbye and said she hoped we have good missions & hoped we would be successful. Walked to the Calderwoods & stoped for dinner. After which we walked to Frank Crocketts & stoped there two nights.Tuesday Oct 12A stormy disagreable day. My companion is not feeling well, did not eat any breakfast,Wednesday Oct 13Nice sunny day, We went to the P.O. & both received a letter from our dear wives. We went from the P.O. to N. Dyers & stoped all night,Thurday Oct 14Ate dinner at Millie Dyers after which we bid the Crocketts & Dyers goodby & walked to Albert Woosters. Staid all night.Friday Oct 15 97After Breakfast we walked to Vinal Dyers. Found Uncle Wilford there. His eye a little better. After dinner Uncle W. & I took a buggie ride to Calderwoods Nick and gave out notice at the school that the Latterday Saint Elders would preach there the next Sunday, Elder M went to the P.O. brought me a letter from home sweet home.Saturday Oct 16Windy & disagrable.Sunday Oct 17Left at 11 AM to fill our appointment & walked to the nick & back that day a distance of about 14 miles. Our meeting was well attended & remarks listened to with marked attentiveness. Elder W W C & G C M occupying the time.Monday Oct 18Mr Dyer took my companion & me in his buggie to Carver Harbor. We ate dinner with fathers Cousin Mrs Lila Crockett Peirce who treated us very kindly.Tuesday Oct 19Crossed to N. Haven received a letter from my wife the contents of which makes me feel very sad my wife is suffering very much with sick headache & stagnation of the blood. We went to H H Crocketts had a bath wrote letter & staid all night.Wednesday Oct 20 -- 97After dinner we walked 4 miles to James Woosters found them well.Thursday Oct 21A very windy day. We stopped in the house most of the day reading.Friday Oct 22 97Helped J.W. pull & haul beets. Went to Oliver Browns & stoped all night.Sat Oct 23 -- 97Walked from Browns to M. Leadbetters found Chris Harris 22 years old still unable to walk. We had dinner & helped Mr. M a few hours with his beets & then went to Uncle Levi Woosters & stoped all night. Uncle Levi married Gramma C's sister Sabra who is now dead. He is 81 years old & his living wife 60. We had heard the wife was a regular Mormon eater but she treated us fine.Sunday Oct 24We said good bye to the Wooster & went to Althenia Young's attended the Baptist Church in the forenoon & held a meeting in the afternoon in the Western Dis.Monday Oct 25We went by boat to the P.O. & recd a letter from home stating that my dear wife was better. Returned to Mrs A. Young's stopped all night.Tuesday Oct 26Spent some time mending my clothes. After dinner we went to Deacon Samuel Crocketts, left our grips & walked to Pulpit Harbor & aranged to hold meeting there the next evening. Returned to the deacon's. Before going to bed the deacon read a chapter from the Bible & offered a very good Prayer.Wednesday Oct 27Held our meeting as per appointment in the evening, after which we walked 2 miles to Henry Dyers & stoped all night.Thurday Oct 28Stopped at H H Crocketts found him not feeling very well. He has never been very sick in his life & he thought he was going to die. He imagened he had all kinds of deseases, We told him he would be all right in a few days,Friday Oct 29We walked to the N E Dist about six miles & gave notice that we would hold meeting there the next Sun. From there we walked to the thourough fare & gave notice of a meeting we would hold the next evening there in the school house.Sat Oct 30 -- 97We called on H H Crocketts found him no worse but as night came on he was so frightened that I went to Pulpit Harbor for a Dr. Walked there and back 4 miles in just one hour. I hurried a little wo as to be back to fill the appointment of our meeting. We had a very good meeting. The spirit of the Lord was with us, I spoke for 55 min. on the four first Prin of the gospel. Staid all night with Eber Brown.Sunday Oct 31 -- 97Held meeting as per appointment. WWC Presided Elder M & myself being the speakers. I spoke on the apostasy & restoration of the Gospel. Stopped all night with the Wither_____.