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Sunday Aug 1 -- 97Elder M. & I observed fast day not eating untill supper. During the day we attended Baptist S.S. & meeting. In the evening we held Meeting, had an attendence of about 40 who paid strict attention & seemed very much intrested.Mon Aug 2 1897Pleasant day. Worked at haying a little. Bro M & I to the boat to the P.O.Tuesday Aug 3rd 97Threatning storm. Helped haul 4 loads of hay.Wednesday 4![]() A butiful day. We went over to P.O. I reed a letter from home. All well. At 10 A.M. we left Uncle James W Young's. Called on fathers Cousin, Thomas Young. He was not at home. Spent about one hour chatting with his wife. We then went down to Crocketts point & staid with Father's Aunt Elizabeth Crockett who is the widow of Oliver Crockett. They treated us very kindly. Thursday Aug 5 97A very pleasant day. Wrote home. After dinner we told Aunt Elizabeth that we would go & help Uncle James Young finish his hay, She was sorry to have us go so soon. We told told her we would make her a longer visit in the near future. Hauled a little hay in the after noon.Friday Aug 6 -- 97Forenoon clar & very war. Showers in the after noon.Saturday Aug 7 -- 97A good hay day. I recd. a letter from the loved ones at home.Sun Aug 8 -- 97Elder Murdock & I left Uncle James W. Young to go to Winfield Leadbetter's. We enquired at a house & we thought would be the L's. A lady came to the door & answered by saying I guess you are my cousin, come right in. So we staid there untill the next day, We was expecting to hold a meeting in a school house near by but was disapointed in getting the key but will hold meeting there the next Sunday. The names of the people where we are staying is Calderwood. Anne Calderwood being my father's cousin.Monday Aug 9Wrote a letter to my dear wife, Also crossed the water to North Haven to make a visit with Louis Ames & his family. Mr. A. is a second Cousin of Father's & his wife is fathers own Cousin.Tuesday 10 -- 97We are having a good visit & being treated very good talking a little on the Gospel but the floks are not intrested in religion.Wednesday Aug 11Very stormy all day. We intended to leave to day but it is to stormy.Thursday Aug 12We left the Ames & went to Hyrum Crocketts to make another short visit with him. I recd. a letter from home stating that the folks are as well as usual but pained to learn that my wife was suffering with a weakness which she had been troubled with since bearing the baby last April.Friday Aug 13 -- 1897The morning beautiful. We had a nice bath & put the fore noon in, in reading & study. After dinner we crossed over to Vinal Haven. Went to Winfield Leadbetters a cousin of Father's.Sat Aug 14 -- 97Nice pleasant day. The Leadbetters are very nice folks. The wife is a distant relative of mine. Her name is Crockett. Her Grandfather is the Isaac Crockett spoken of by Pres. Woodruff in his book leaves from my journal. [fn3]![]() Sunday Aug 15 -- 97We attended Babtist Sunday School meeting. Went home to supper with Chelsen Calderwood. We had a meeting in the school house in the evening and although it was dark & stormy we had a very good turn out & was blessed with the pouring out of the spirit of the Lord. After meeting we went home with the Leadbetters. Mrs Leadbetter is taking a deep intrest in the Gospel.Monday Aug 16After dinner we went to Chelsen Calderwoods. They having invited us to come & stay with them untill after the dedication & pick nick. The Babtists had just completed a nice little chapel & it was to be dedicated the next Tuesday & Wed the 17 & 18. A large no. of Pastors was expected to be present.Tuesday 17 -- 1897![]() A butiful day. We had dinner at 10 A.M. After which we accomapnyed our folks to the grand pick nick &c. Went 3/4 of a mile by boat & then walked half a mile to the new meeting house. Servises began at 2 P.M. There was but one Paster besides the Local preacher present. The Pastor who was to deliver the Dedication sermon was expeked on the Steamer Boat arriving at 3.15 P.M. So they put in the time singing praying groaning moning 8 ____ing along untill that ___ when the men came who wast to meet the Siloid with the word that Elder Previl was not there. They seemed to be in quite a pickle. The visiting preacher grabed his satchel & made a break for the door when the Local preacher explained that he had gone out to look over some old sermons & would try & patch up one that would do for the ocasion. So the time was put in for a half an hour longer with a little more singing, Praying, groaning &c. When the man with the satchel came in & aranged his notes before him on the pulpit but before he could say a word, in rushed the little preacher from Carnden who explained that the steam boat would not let him off at that point but carried him to North Haven harbor, He was all out of breath so we had to a little more of the S, P. G, &c. After which we listened to a very nice speach but could not detect anything that would indicate that it was a sermon to dedicate a house of worship. After the hat was passed around we all went a short distance to a butiful pine forest & sat down to a table spread with the good things to eat. The main feature (to us) was the baked clams which we liked very much. In the evening the man who carried a satchel did the preaching. He had his sermon written down but it was quite a good one. The visiting preachers both had to go the next morning & as there had no more come the local minister told the people they would not continue the dedication the next day as the people could hear him every Sunday. We would been glad to done the preaching the next day for them so they could have keped up the dedication as long as it was advertised to be kept up but they did not invite us to. Well the consiquences was there was a large gathering of people the next day some coming from a long distance with their appitite no doubt whetted for a good pick nick, but they didnt pick as there was no nick. I could not help but contrast the difference in this and the way the L. D. Saints carry out their plans. Wed. Aug 18After dinner we crossed channel to Kimballs Island which is a butiful Island about 200 acres all owned by Charles Kimbal who married fathers cousin. They are very rich but work very hard.Thursday Aug 19 -- 97A very foggy & muggy day. Morris Leadbetter brought me a letter from my dear wife & two oldest children which I received with great pleasure.Friday Aug 20 -- 97After writing a letter home we was across on the other Island by Frank Kimball. We walked about 3 miles to Uncle James Youngs, had dinner there, changed our under clothes & then crossed on to North Haven & called on Waldon Crocketts Widow & her daugter & son in law. Was received very kindly & staid all night with them.Sat Aug 21Clear and pleasant, We paid a man with a sail Boat to put us across at Calderwoods neck. Staid all night with fathers cousin James Crockett & appointed a meeting for the next day in the school house.Sun Aug 22![]() Lighthouse at Brown's point, one mile from Crockett's point A pleasant day. In evening had a nice turnout to meeting, Elder Murdock spoke with spirit after which we walked nine miles to Aunt Elizabeth Crockett's, Mon Aug 23Nice day. Tuesday stayed with Aunt Elizabeth's son Frank & wife.Wednesday 25Stayed with Aunt E's Daughter Mrs Dyer & her husband. Recd a letter from home,Thursday Aug 26Walked to Uncle James Youngs to change our shirts. They had the shingles off their house ready to put new ones on so after going back to Mrs Dyers for diner as we had promised them to eat dinner with them, we returned & helped shingle.Friday Aug 27Worked at Shingling untill noon, After dinner wrote a long letter to the loved ones at home, after which Uncle James set us across to N H. We went to Hy Crocketts and staid all night.Sat Aug 28Foggy again. After breakfast had a good long ______ Conversation with Aunt Rebecka where she made desision of having work done for her dead children. We walked six miles to the point & called Fathers Cousin Mathew Leadbetter. His wife & me are second cousins. We aranged for a meeting in the school house that Dis.Sun. Aug 27We attended Baptist meeting in the forenoon & held our meeting in the after noon with 30 people in attendance. We held meeting an hour and a half & enjoyed a good _____ of the holy Spirit. There were some Boston Ladies in attendance. One of them _____ us that she enjoyed the meeting very much. I have had several conversations with the said Boston lady & find her a very cultured & butiful dispositioned Lady.Monday Aug 30Foggy once more. In the after noon we helped M. Leadbetter haul 2 loads of hay, Spent the evening reciting & singing.Tuesday Aug 31Bright & sunny again. Helped spread & haul hay. In the evening ____ mailman, Reed a letter. Haul hay * * *