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Thursday July 1Very warm. Reading the order of the day. Bro M & I spent the evening with the Walche's.Friday July 2nd 1897Weather very warm. Walked to Smith St. & took a letter to Sister Fredrickson, also took a letter up to Nelsons for Bro Welch. It was from Pres, Kesler telling him to come to Brooklyn & likely home. Staid the day with Bro W trying to cheer him up. He feels so bad to think of going home on account of ill health. In the evening Bro M. & I went to Friths, had supper. When we all went over to Esquith's he is still sick. Staid all night at Friths & had breakfast the next M.Friday July 3rd 1897Recd. a letter from home & answered the same. In the evening we went and saw bro, Welch embark on the steam ship Pilgrim. It is the finest Boat on the coast. We watched it sail out on the Naragensett Bay. It was a grand sight looking like a City moving on the water as it was all lit up with electric lights. We felt very sad in parting with Bro W as he had become endeared to us,Sunday July 4th 1897Held cottage meeting at 25 River St. I presided. Six elders present, other saints present 4, one stranger present. Elder Stevenson took up the time, In the evening Bros. Dunyon, Murdock & myself went to the Police Station & got the privlage of holding out door meetings & at 7.45 P.M. three very timid Elders steped out on Onlyville Square at the Junction of West Minster and Broad Sts., took off our hats and began to sing which brought a few staring people. I offered prayer & we sang again by which time we had a very good croud, Elder Dunyon spoke to them for 35 minuets. I spoke a short time & bore my testimony. We sang & Bro M closed with prayer. Thus ended the first meeting of the kind ever held in the City of Providence.Monday July 5![]() ![]() Bros Dunyon, Murdock, Wallas & I took boat at 9 A.M. for New Port. The name of the boat is Mount Hope. The first stop made was at Rocky Point, that being a great bathing resort. Reached New Port at 11.30 O clock. The sene was so grand watching the hundreds of ships coming in & going out that we did not leave the boat as soon as we aught to & when we made an attempt to leave, she was just pulling out for Block Island so we had to make that trip to. We sailed a few miles farther up Naragansett Bay striking the open sea which was a little rough causing many of the pasengers to become sea sick which sickness affected me also. We reached Block Island at one OcClock & I was very thankful to see land again after walking a bout on the Island I feltbetter. The Island is 9 m. by 4 m, & is covered with houses & hotels. I dredded very much getting on the boat again but the sea was smooth & we had a splendid trip back making a distance of 122 miles by water for $l.OO. In the evening we went up City and witnessed the fire works which was very grand. Tuesday July 6 -- 97Sunny to day. In the ____ing we all went down the river near Frith's & held a meeting & baptized a lady by the name of Mrs. Walden. Bro. Dunyon baptized her. Elders Murdock the conformation.Wednesday July 7 -- 97Nice warm all day. In the evening Bros Peterson & Dunyon ____ ____ Norwood * * * Cornia down to _______ & staid with his relatives all night & had breakfast the next morning, people are French by the name of Jot__e. They are Roman Catholick but they treated us fine.Thursday July 8 -- 97Very warm today. In the evening we Elders all went by the ___ers there ____ ___d & had ______.Friday July 9 -- 97Warm warm warm. Had the headache all day.Sat July 10 -- 97A pleasant day. Pres Kinsman came in. A glad surprise to us all. We held an open door meeting at Onlyville square. There were about 200 people. * * * at the sixter Training ground * * * meeting we gave a way a great many tracts & had a no. of Gospel Conversations, after which we parted, part going up city & part down to Onlyville Square & had open air meeting. ______ held I was the first speaker at the Onlyville meeting. Ocupied about 25 minutes. We had a very large croud at the meeting. Gave away a great many tracts. I went with Brother Cornia & staid all night with some of his Relatives.Mon July 12 -- 97After the rain the air is a little cooler. * * *Thursday July 15 -- 97![]() ![]() Getting ready to leave packing up &c. _____ left Prov. for Boston
at 2.04 P.M. Reached Boston at 3.15 P.M. expecting to leave for Rockland
The ride on the water was grand indeed. The morning of the 16 seemed very cold out at sea. Indeed the most of the people put on overcoats & winter raps. July 16 1897On reaching North Haven![]() ![]() July 17 -- 1897We helped Cousin with the rest of his hay. Had some talk on the Gospel. Staid until after noon. We then went down to the wharf where the P. O. is to see if we could get over to G.W. Crocketts. The P.M. handed me a letter signed by the said G.W.C. telling us not to come to his house which made me feel so bad that I beleive I became a little homesick. We went back to H.H.C. & was made welcome & staid all night with him.Sun July 18 -- 97After Breakfast we called on one of father's Cousins by the name of Mrs Ames. She & her husband treated us very kindly, had us stay to dinner & then their son road us across to vinal Haven. We called on my Fathers Uncle James Young![]() Monday July 19 -- 1897A very butiful morning. The Morning spen in writing &c. After noon helped my Uncle rake hay. In the evening Uncle took me across the water to the P.O. I got five letters for Bro. Murdock & myself. * * *Tuesday 20___ ____ very ____ spent writing reading. After noon hauling hay.Wednesday 21RainingThursday 22Foggy and raining.Friday 23It seems as though sun would never shine any more,Sat July 24 1897Still foggy.Sun 25Cloudy & foogy. We attended Baptist sunday school at __ P.M. Was struck with the __fer___ of the service when compared with the Sun. Schools of the L.D.S. Got the privlage of holding meetings in the school house Sun. evenings. During the last week we had a few Gospel conversations & gave away a few tracts.Mon July 26 -- 97A very butiful day. Helped Uncle J. Young with his hay. The way of making hay here is very primative indeed in comparison with the west.Tuesday July 27 -- 97* * * helped haul 5 loads of hay. Road the boat to the P.O. in the evening.Wed. 27 -- 97Very stormy.Thursday July 29Wrote to the loved ones at home. Read & talked on the Gospel. The day was very foggy,Friday July 30Still stormy. I reed. a letter from my wife. Folks at home all well.Saturday July 31Stormy all day. In the evening we attended a concert, Murdock & myself being the principle preformers.