May 1, 1897
Raining all day. The Elders held class meeting. I spoke on faith
May 2
Sunday held meeting in the afternoon, Present 4 Elders, 2 saints & 2
believers. We had an abundent flow of the spirit of the Lord.
May 3
Set for my Photo, In the evening sent with
Murdock to
Mr. & Mrs Frith's, Spent
a pleasant evening talking on the principals of the gospel. Staid ail
night & eat Breakfast with them next morning.
May 4
Mild sunny day. In the fornoon I cleaned up & rn bed our room. In after
noon I went for proofs of Photos & wrote a letter home.
May 5
Warm & pleasant day. I read & studied untill 1 O'clock P.M Shortly after
1 O'clock we made a trip to the Gorham Silver works they being the largest
silver works in the World. Through the courtesy of a Mr. J H Clark (an
influential sitezen) we were introduced to the cashier of the Co, We
had a guide furnished us & we went all through the buildings up stairs
& down. The buildings covers over six acres of land. We spent one &
one half hours looking at the diferent prosesses of making silverware
&c. From there we went to
Mr Nelson's,
Had a grand supper. Spent the evening singing & talking.
May 6
Reading & study the order of the day. In the evening
Murdock and I visited the
& gave them a brief history of the rise of the Church & & a little history
of the book of Mormon. Spent about two hours very pleasantly & I believe
with profit. I left my Book of Mormon with then.
May 7
Morning looked dark & gloomy, It had been aranged for
Dunyon & myself to take a trip out into the country & go without
purse or scrip & we left at about 10 A.M. The day ______ turned beautiful.
We took the electric cars far as
about 5 mi & began tracting toward
Norwood we called on the Paster
of the Baptist church ___ Mr Smith to try to get his church to preach
in. Presented to him our licence. He finding out the church we represented
would not even talk to us. There was ___ ____re church in the place
_____ sent to
Auburn for a Preacher.
We visited the Deacon a Mister Hadley but he refused to let us preach
in his church. We made known our circumstance & was told by many that
there was no one who took lodgers or boarders in the town. We had gone
without our dinner night ____ing on it looked as though we would go
without our supper but the Lord raised up friends & Mr & Mrs Nathan
Pierce, christian adventists took us in, gave us supper & a good bed
& breakfast the next morning. We found the Pierce's to be very good
people. We preached the Gospel to them & left tracks & our blessings
with them. Delivered 17 tracks & held 3 gospel Conversations.
May 8
A butiful morning. We called on members of the wheelman's Club who professed
no religon (they have a hall) & succeded in getting their hall free
of charge to hold meeting in the next day. We canvassed the town leaving
tracts & telling people of the meeting to be held the next day at 5
P.M. We delivered ninty five Tracts (only 2 persons refusing to accept
of them) We were invited into seven houses & had that many Gospel conversations.
Returned in the evening to
having spent 60 cents each for car fare & gone without 2 meals.
May 9
Elders Dunyon &
went to
Norwood & filled the apointment.
About 40 people turned out to meeting (it being the first meeting held
in a public Hall by Mormon Elders in the state of R.I. for over 50 years),
The Bretheren were invited to come & hold meeting again in the near
Elder Murdock & I held meeting
Bro. Denmans house. Present 2 Elders
& 3 saints.
Bro M. talked 22 minutes
& I 26 m. We had a good meeting. In the evening
M. & I visited the Theosipherts meeting & listened to a lady from
Boston Lecture & I was impressed that in the near future that Society
would become a great menace to society.
May 10
Reading & study. In the evening
Bro. Murdock
& I visited a Mrs Miller who has been a Mormon & lived in Utah but is
now a Josephite,
I reed. 2 letters on this day, one from my Dear
son O.D.
& one from my dear
May 11
Wrote to the loved ones at home. Read & studied some. Spent the evening
to Mr & Mrs Kershers.
May 12
Reading &c. Mr Kersher sharpen lawn mower. In the evening Elders
Murdock & I went to the
& spent the evening. They, the
are very kind to us. Told us all to come at least once a week & have
supper with them.
Mr. Nelson also told
us if either of us ever needed any money to let him know & if it was
in his power he would help us.
May 13
Raining all day.
May 14
Morning fine. Elders
& I walked out to Rodger Williams Park to witness the programme rendered
by the the schools of the city. It was Arbor day & there was to be a
grand time. The park is beautiful. The ground m_dulating covered with
trees grass & flowers & interspersed with beautiful lakes. A heavy rain
came up in the after noon which stopped a part of the programme. There
was thousands of children present & we saw a number that were lost &
did not know which way to take to go home.
Saturday May 15 -- 1897
A fine day. Nothing of note happened untill 4 OcClock P.M. We all went
to the
Nelsons, had a good supper and
at half past 8 P.M. went down to the wharf a little band of nine & witnessed
the baptism of
Mrs Nelson &
Denman by
Elder Dunyon. We then returned
Mrs Nelsons, sang some appropate hymns,
had prayers with them & started for home at half past 10 P.M.
Sunday May 16 -- 1897
Us Elders fasted fasted untill half past 4 P.M. Held meeting at 3 P.M,
Bro. Denmans and confirmed
Nelson and
Denman. Elders
& Crockett being mouth repectively. Had a very good meeting. Elders
Welch &
being the principal speakers. I bore my testimony.
Monday May 17
Recd. letter from loved ones from home with ______ in it, Reading &c.
Tuesday May 18
Murdock & I went to Johnson to
see the Sargent of the Police force to get the privelage of holding
out door meeting there. We will have to make another call before we
know what we can do. Also called at the Textile workers Hall to see
about having that building to hold meetings in. Did not find the manager
& will have to call a gain.
Wednesday May 19 -- 1897
Bro. M. & I called at Police station,
Saw the Sergent, regarding the out door meetings, He refered us back
to the Town __m_rt. We called on the Town clerk. He informed us that
we would have to put in a petition to the town council for a permit
which we have done. We then hunted up the manager of the Textile Union
Hall & succeeded in engaging it (the Hall) to hold meeting in the following
Sunday evening by paying $2.50 for the use of it. In the evening Elders
& myself visited the
Nelson's took supper
with them & spent the evening.
Mrs Nelson
told us how she could not sleep any last Sat. night after being baptized
she was so happy & said she heard a beautiful song sang by her bedside
about 12 Oclock in the night which was so heavenly that it filled her
heart with gratitude & love.
Thursday May 20 -- 97
The day cool & cloudy. The day spent in reading and conversing on the
gospel. In the evening
Bro. Murdock
& I visited the Cook's & had a moderatly pleasant evening. Cook is a
peacibal man having some very unreasonible ideas especialy on the sex
Bro Welch has written a nice
long article to the evening Buliten explaining the Mormon question from
a Mormon standpoint. We believe we will be successful in getting it
Friday May 21 -- 1897
Morning cloudy.
Elder Dunyon & I took
a trip to
Norwood to gather up tracts
& give out others, visit the people & arange for holding another meeting.
We took the car as far as
Auburn & leaving
that place on foot we walked a long a beautiful road through the woods.
The trees, shrubs and flowers are looking very lovely. We steped aside
into the deep recess of the elm trees & poured out our hearts to Him
who dwells on high & humbly asked him to go before us with his spirit
& open up the way that we might find entertainment & be enabled to do
good while with the people. In calling on the inhabitants of
we found many who were not willing to read any more of our tracts but
the Lord softened the hearts of some & our prayers were answered. We
delivered 75 tracts & was given entertainment for the night by Mister
Ben Harrington & his good wife who are among the old stock of R.I. They
have a geneoligy for seven generations back. They treated us very good,
giving us a good supper, bed & breakfast the next morning.
Sat May 22 -- 97
A beautiful & pleasant day. After breakfast we continued our tracting
& conversing on the true gospel with all who were willing to listen.
We succeeded in getting the Union Hall to hold meeting in on Sun May
23 at 4 P.M. Delivered 23 tracts, notified all the people about the
meeting. Had a good dinner with the Pierces (received an order from
the young man Pierce (who is a grand son of the folks who entertained
us) for a book of Mormon. He has given us more assistance in our labors
Norwood than any other person & now
he tells us to make his office in his green our head quarters when ever
we are in
Norwood. In the afternoon
we walked back to
Providence having
been about two days & one night. Gone without one meal. Walked about
30 miles, spent 5 cents each for car fare & returned feeling that the
Lord had truly blessed us. In the evening I visited the
Sun May 23 -- 97
A very beautiful morning.
Elder Dunyon
& I left for
Norwood at 2 P.M. to fill
the appointment we had made to hold meeting at 4 P.M. __ persons were
in attendance. We had a very good meeting, although there were three
young ladies who made a great amount of noise laughing & whispering
during the time
Bro. Dunyon was speaking.
I gave a little lecture on order which caused two of the girls to get
up & go out. They left the _____ __ ____ _____ up & down the * * * Elders
Welch &
held a cottage meeting __ __ ______ & in the evening the four of us
held meeting in the Textile Workers Hall * * *
occupied the time & I presided. It was a very good meeting, the first
Public meeting held in this city for 50 years.
Mon May 24 -- 97
Recd.a letter from the loved ones from home, answered the same and sent
home my Photo to my wife.
Tuesday May 25
Weather clear & warm. Elders
Carnia reached Hadley Mass. a week
a go. They walked one hundred & fifty miles, held four meetings, had
good bed every night (they went without purse or scrip) & had money
given them on the way.
Wednesday May 26
Murdock & I are getting ready
to take a trip into the country for a few days. We left River St
at 4 P,M. Staid all night at the
in Manter. Walked the next day 22 miles that being Thursday May 27 walked
through Greenville to Harmony 9 miles. Received entertainment the first
place we asked. Walked to Pascoag a manufacturing town & as we did not
feel tired we keeped on to Peridgton & began hunting for a place to
stay all night. We were refused eight times before we succeeded in getting
any one to take us in. We had reached the last house for 4 miles. We
found the in old man in the Barn milking. He refused me. I plead with
him telling him we would be satisfied with a cup of bread & milk & sleep
on the floor but it was no go untill
M. heaved two or three f__tching sighs & said we was to tired to
go any farther then the old man relented & we had a good supper & a
good bed.
Friday May 28
Morning rainy. After breakfast we bid good bye to our friends (the
man's name is Wm Stapels), raised our umbrellas & started out in the
rain for Douglass Mass. Reached there at noon. After dinner we set
out to see if we could get a place to hold meeting in, We saw the
Trustee of the Methodist church but could not get the Church. We hunted
up the school Trustee as they have a hall that meetings are held in
but was not successful in getting that. We then tried the Josephites
and was successful in obtaining their chapel for meeting to be held
the following Sunday at 11 A.M. We then walked 6 miles to East Thompson
Connecticut, tracted that village & after being refused lodging seventeen
times an old gentelman & Lady took us in. The man's name is Lord &
he has been an Engineer over 50 years & dames to be the oldest Engineer
in the U.S.
Sat. May 29 -- 97
After Breakfast we hunted up the minister & tried to get the privlage
to hold meeting in his Church. He had never seen a Mormon before & said
he would have to investigate our principels before he would consent
to let us preach there. We left tracts with him & conversed at some
length on the prin. of the Gospel & had no trouble in confounding on
the Bible truths, The Lord being on our side & we having the truth.
We left Thompson & walked back to Douglass to Tract the town & give
notice of our meeting the next day, Had dinner & and then done the town,
There is at Douglass what is called a Holiness Camp ground. There are
thousands of people come from all over the U. S. to hold a meeting for
ten days each year commensing on the 2nd of July. There are a great
many houses build right in among a butiful Pine forest, a large Tabernacle
to meet in evenings & rainy days. Then for fine weather they have seats
aranged in the side of an enclosing hill with the speaker's stand at
the bottom. In this Forest Bowery are seats enough for 3,000 people.
The butiful Town is entirley deserted at the present, They are going
to pay one preacher this year for doing a part of the preaching during
the 10 day camp $3,000. We were quite tired while there & it was so
cool & inviting we laid down on one of the benches near the speakers
stand & went to sleep,
Sunday May 30 -- 97
The morning warm & fine. When we saw the carrages roaling up to the
Chappel my hear began to go down into my boots. We had about 30 to our
meeting. We held our meeting 50 minutes. The Lord came to our help &
I beleive we mad a good impression. A no. came up & shook our hands
& we was offered the Chappel when ever we happened that way. After meeting
we started out for
Providence, walked
to Harmony & staid all night with some People named Appleby who were
much intrested in what we had to say to them. I loaned them a voice
of Warning, It rained all night. Next morning it looked very stormy,
Monday May 31st -- 97
Reached River St. at 2 P.M. having been gone five days & walked ninty
four miles delivered 123 tracts made 128 calls had 15 gospel conversations
held one meeting was refused entertainment 35 times but never went without
a meal and always had a good bed & never spent a cent on the trip. On
reaching head quarters found two letters awaiting me, one from the loved
ones from home containing 10 large pages, six of my dear children having
sent letter in it.
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