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Tuesday June Ist 1897Reading & writing the order of the day.Wednesday June 2ndWrote a letter to my Father and mother & one to my Nephew who is on a mission to La, In the evening Bros. Murdock Wallas & I spent the time at the Nelsons. Had a good time singing & recitingThursday June 3 97Elders Welch & Dunyon took a trip to the Country for a few days. The Bal. of us will stop around untill next Mon. In the evening Elders Murdock Wallas & I visited the Walches. They had Mr. & Mrs Cooper ther. We spent a pleasant evening.Friday June 4 97Elder Murdock went with a bro. Moore (a man who belongs to the Church that we just found last Sunday) to hunt up another Sister that belongs to the church. Wrote two letters to day. One to Uncle Wilford & one to H Halversen.Saturday June 5 97Recd a letter from my dear wife also "Mormon Doctren". answered my wife's letter, done some reading & went with Bro. Wallas to the Friths in the evening, had supper & staid all night.Sunday June 6thWe fasted & explained the principle of fasting to Mr & Mrs Frith & they thought they would like to fast which they did untill 3 P.M. Mrs. Frith eating but one small piece of bread. Before leaving our friends for meeting they made us promise to come back after meeting & have supper & stay the night with them, We held meeting at _ P.M. Elder Wallas Presiding. Present six Elders, six saints & one stranger, Bro. Cornia's relitives sent an invitation for all the Elders but M & me to come to supper with them so Elder Murdock & I went to the Frith & had supper & staid all night. I delivered 2 tracts & had three gospel conversations.Monday June 7 -- 97Still cloudy. Had a bath, went up the City & bought me a grip for 2.50. Am getting ready for another trip in the country. Recd. a letter from home & a package of Mountain sage. Answered the letter.Tuesday 8Delivered three tracts in the evening. Elder Dunyon & myself visited Mr & Mrs Johnson. They are very nice people. Mrs. J. is favorible enclined toward the Gospel & is making a carful study of it.Wednesday June 9th 97Rained during the night & still it looks very stormy. Have not started for Mass. on account of heavy rains. In the evening Elder D. & I visited the Nelsons & had supper, staid untill quite late talking on the gospel.Thursday June 10 -- 97It is still raining. We made several calls during the day & spent the evening at Walches talking on the beauties of the Gospel. Mrs W. gave us a nice loaf of Bread.Friday 11 -- 97Very warm all day. About noon my head began to ache & continued to the rest of the day, In the evening Elder Dunyon & I made a trip up the City where we thought we could hold an out door meeting but there was a man there a head of us so we stoped & listened to him harang on Anarchism.Saturday June 12 -- 97 Click for detailed Map of Ozro's journey to MassachusettsElder Dunyon & myself are waiting for the mail to come in before starting on a trip in to Mass. At 10 A.M. I reed. a letter from my dear wife saying that the loved ones at home were all in their usual health. At 11 A.M. we left Providence & walked 10 miles to Harmony & obtained the privlage of holding meeting the next day in the Chapel. We staid all night with a Mister & Mrs Stewart. Tracted the town the next morning.