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The Story of the Three Little PigsOnce upon a tine there were these three unorganized Little Pigs who worked in a sweatshop for a stingy Wolf-boss. They were so unhappy with their miserable working conditions and coolie-type pay that they decided to do something about it. The first Little Pig wrote up a list of grievances on a sheet of paper and took it to his exploiting, capitalist Wolf-boss. But the Wolf just huffed and puffed and ripped the sheet of paper to pieces. "This is what I do to lists of grievances!", he shouted. "Now get back to work." The second Little Pig decided to picket so he made a picket sign out of wood and marched up and down in front of the sweatshop. But the Wolf just huffed and puffed and busted the sign to pieces. "This is what 1 do to wood picket signs!", he roared, "Now get back to work!" The third Little Pig was smart so he organized the other two Little Pigs into a union, built a big union meeting hall out of brick and called a strike. The Wolf was furious. "This is what I do to brick meeting halls!", he screamed. The Wolf huffed and puffed but no matter how hard he tried he couldn't break the back of the union. "Alright, alright", he gasped. "I give up. Come back to work and I'll submit to your demands." So the three Pigs went back, to work with a union contract with double time for overtime, holidays with pay, vacations with pay, hospitalization, compensation, coffee breaks and lots of other fringe benefits. Pretty soon the stingy Wolf-boss went bankrupt and had to go out of business. And the moral of the story is: "In unions there is strength." As told by a labor union leader. Author unknown.