Earl & Della Crockett Website

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Last update: July 2019






 50 Years

 BYU Archive

 Crockett Site







BYU Archive

There are nearly 60 folders of Crockett items stored in the BYU Archives. These are located in five boxes (boxes 59 to 62, plus an "oversized" box). Below is a complete list of items:

Items in the BYU Archive

For those that are decendants of Earl & Della Crockett, you can view these items by doing the following:
1) Go to the BYU Library Archive (1st floor-Basement, North end)
2) Fill out a slip (like the one to the right)
    - under call no.: 18/1/E/3/62
    - then put the box you are interested in
    - under title: Earl C. Crockett
    - title 2nd line: Administrative Collection
3) You may need to provide an ID and proof of relationship (use the Descendancy Chart)

If you have any question, feel free to send me an e-mail.

More details about searching for information at the BYU library.

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