Earl & Della Crockett Website

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Last update: July 2019






 50 Years

 BYU Archive

 Crockett Site







David Photos

December 1939, at that age every male child had to have military uniform to support the emerging War effort. 1942 Greyhound wagon in front of the apartments at 5050 Benning Road in Washington, DC.
Summer 1947, Encinitas, California 1952, Bob and Dave (I believe he was standing on the first step.)
1954, High School graduation 1959, at the University of Utah
December, 1967, Dave and Ann - First Christmas at Dad and Mom's after being married 2000, standing beside the HP300 for which I was involved in the design and the division manger to produce in 1975. (a 200 lb personal computer with self identifying peripherals, keys on the screen that changed with context, and peer-to-peer communications. The disk was 20 MB and with the power supplied filled the bottom part of the "display;" but of course a plus was that a desk was not needed.)
2001, with son Mark in Pittsburgh 2001, at the Great Wall of China




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