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Last update: July 2019






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E-mail from Meg Crockett - May 13, 2003

Just a reminder that 100 years ago today, Earl Clarkson Crockett was born in Preston, ID.

This from Ruth Clarkson Crockett's diary:

"May 13, 1903 a dear baby boy was born to us. There were seventeen years between the ages of our last two boys. We were certainly wanting another boy and he was welcomed by all of us. Clara's sister Florence Hawks helped nurse me and took care of baby. Ruth A. was clerking but she helped a lot at home with the house work. Also Clara, Mary, and Edna helped carry on the house work.

"I got a long very well and it was not very long before I was able to go ahead with my work and take care of my two sweet babies, for there was not quite 20 months between them. The girls were a great help to me. We named baby Earl Clarkson Crockett. Baby grew so fast and looked so large and strong. He did not seem like a baby long. He walked all alone two days before he was nine months of age."

Love to you all! Margy/Meg

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