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Last update: June 2013

  Robert Clarkson

  Ruth Clarkson

  Ozro Crockett

  Mary Crockett

  Earl & Della

  Crockett Clan


July 1860

July 2nd 1860 Started from Florence for G.S.L. City * in a company of some 40 wagons under the charge of Capt. Jessie Murphey and arrived on the 13th of September all well and in general after a very prosperous and pleasant Journey. [fn68]*

September 1860

[Image of Salt Lake Street]Busy Salt Lake City street ca. 1860.

Sep. 24. Began work for Joseph Elder and continued untill Nov. 30th. [fn69]*

December 1860

Dec 1 commenced to work at my home in the 12th Ward on my own. Got some logs from Bro. Thos. Lyon to start with.

January 1861

Jan 29th 1861. Ordained a member of the 17th Quorum of Seventies at the residence of Bro. Hyrum B. Clawson (by Pres. Tibbets.)

August 1861

Aug 24th 1861. Opened shop on East Temple St. owned by Wm Howard at 10 dollars per month.

April 1861

Apr 1861. Bought a house & half city lot of John Edwards in the 11th Ward Price $200 with one year to pay it in. [fn70]*

November 1861

Moved into the 11th Ward in Nov. 1861. [fn71]*

January 1862

Jan 1st being New Years day Bro & Sister Forbes dined and supped with us & we enjoyed ourselves well. [fn72]*

February 1862

Feb 2. My dear wife was delivered of a fine boy for which I felt to thank the Lord for blessing me with a son to perpetuated my name.

Feb 8. I had the heart rendring misfortune to loose my beloved wife from the time of her confinement she had not done as well as usual altho I had no fears of death untill 2 or 3 hours before her decease. I feel it a severe loss & shall continue to do so untill I join her in the spirit world. She was a faithful & a good wife and a kind and attentive mother to her children. She was interred in the 10th inst. The Bros. & Sis were very kind to me in my misfortune. [fn73]*

March 1862

For the following month my two girls were with Bro. & Sister Forbes. My baby gave to my sister (Mary Lark) to raise by the spoon. [fn74]*

March 15th 1862. Was blessed with the privlige of my endowments in the house of the Lord and was married to Sarah Rogers (who had been keeping house one week). She stood a Proxey & was sealed to me for my dear wife & I stood for her husband who was also dead.

    The Burial of Sir John Moore

Not a drum was heard not a funeral not
As his corps to the ramparts we hurried
Not a soldier discharged his farewell shot
Over the grave where our hero we buried

We buried him darkly at dead of night
The sod with our baynots turning
By the struggling moonbeams misty light
And the lantern dimly burning

No useless coffin confined his breast
Nor in street or shroud we bound him
But he lay like a warrier taking his rest
With his Martial cloak around him

Few and short were the prayers we said
And we spoke not a owrd of sorrow
But we steadfastly gazed on the face of the dead
And better by thot of the morrow

We thot as we haped his narrow bed
And smoothed down his lonely pillow
That the foe & stranger would trod on his head
And we far away on the billow

Lightly they'l talke of the spirit thats gone
And ore his cold ashes upbraid him
But nothing he'll wreck if they let him sley on
In the Grave there the Britan hath laid him

But half our heavy task was done
When the clock told the hour for retiring
And we heard by the distant & random gun
That the foe was solomly firing

Slowly & sadly we laid him down
From his fame fresh and gory
We carved not a line we raised ont a stone
But left him alone in his glory

                          Ann C. Clarkson

Tho you leave me now in sorrow
Smiles my light our love to morrow
Doned to part my faithful heart
A gleam of joy from hope shal borrow

Ah nere forget when friends are near
Their heart alone is thine forever
Thou mayes find those that will love thee dear
But not a love like mine no never.

                          Ann C. Clarkson

             The Pilit

Oh pilit tis a fearful night
Theres danger in the deep
I'll come and pace the deck with thee
I do not dare to sleep.

Go down the sailor cried, go down,
This is no place for thee.
Fear not but trust in Providence
Where ever thou mayest be.

Oh pilit dangers often meet
We all are apt to slight
And thou hast known these raging waves
But to subdue their might

It is not Apathy he cried
That gives this strength to me
Fear not but trust in providence
Wherever thou mayest be.

On such a night the sea engulfed
My fathers lifeless form
My only brothers boat went down
In just so wild a storm

And such perhaps may be my fate
But still I say to thee
Fear not but trust in providence
Where ever thou mayest be.

                  Ann C. Clarkson

Row swiftly time flies on a pace
The resent moment like a race
Glides wift away

And ere unhee.

                  Ann C. Clarkson

Tis sad to leave your fatherland
And friends you love there well
To wander on a stranger stand
Where friends but seldom dwell
Yet hard as are such ills to bear
Their pangs are slight to those who are
The orphans of the heart.

                Ann C. Clarkson

A large heart expands the chest
Beward of evil doers for their paths lead to death.

March 1862

February 19 - 1863. Since the last date I have neglected to keep a correct acct. of or record of events, but I shall again try to connect them together so as to make them understood.

The peices of poetry etc. that here intervenes in the writings of my dear wife for shoes sake I allow them to remain in this book.

I soon here began to experience a serious change in the affairs of my household, The woman whom I had now married proved to be very different to the one I had enjoyed so many happy seasons with. She soon began to show maked signs of disrespect to me untill it became unbearable, nor can I attribute any cause for it what ever unless it be that I continued to lament and grieve for her severe loss, And she thus became jealous of a woman not in the flesh. In no wise did I control her, or oppose her in any of her wishes as far as I could gratify them to make her comfortable.

I must here also notice that she had a daughter by her former husband named Julia about 7 years of age. A spoiled child as all else who knew her testified.

On two occasions I sought to influence her to have the child obey her and become more governable as it was setting a bad example to my children who were younger. On each occasion whe gave me the most disrepectfull replies, and gave me to understand I should have nothing to do with her, that she should take her own course.

I must here add on the night my beloved wife died, I went a distance of several blocks, It was a bitter cold and frosty night, and in my anguish of mind, fogot to put on my usual amount of clothing and caught a severe cold.

I was now bereft of the kind attentions of a loving wife, two of my children viz. Ruth and Ida Claressa were at Bro. John Forbes, and my baby boy was at my sisters, I thus had to go around to see to their wants. Where I had sat comfortable by the fire in the evening, I now went incessantly backward and foreward, in the worst weather of the season.

My desease became agravated and my health to decline to counter act this and have my children once more established at home was the reason I again married so soon. But instead of having the desired effect the opposite was the result.

March 1862

When therefor this new trouble arose my mind was more than ever distressed and my bodily strength began more and more to fail. Untill on the 14th of May I was attacked with bleeding from the lungs. I remonstrated with her, on the course she was pursuing, and told her she was to a great extent causing my present sickness, at which I received the most derisive and insulting epethips in return. When induring these fits of excitement my lungs would discharge large quantities of blood, and when she saw that her doings really had the effect I described she increased her efforts to produce them by the most provoking language and actions. Nor would she afford to assist on me the least assistance or relief. Amongst her ailings she told me repeatadly to get some one else to take care of my children & she would go amongst her friends and leave me.

Seeing that I could not possibly bears such a coarse of treatment having all regulation and order broken up in my home, a bad example before my children, unless they should grow up in and become pertakers of the same spirit I resolved to take her at her word.

I there for repaired to my sister and her husband Bro. & Sis Lark on attempting to communicate my wish my feeling so overcome me I burst into tears, nor could I for some time restrain them, I felt so cast down with sorrow and anguish of soul. I told them my circumstances this being the first time I had said any thing to them about my difficulty. I asked them to take my children and care for them untill I had made other arrangements.

On the following day they came to my house with the intentions of taking my little ones home with her. I at once gave them into the charge of my sister. When she flatly denied all the abussive scorn she had been pilling upon me, but finally said she would go if I would give her a divorce, to which I agreed.

But no sooner did I seek to grant her, even her most extravagant desires than she refused to receive them, and said she would not go, but wanted me to take my children away and leave her to enjoy my house & little comforts of home, for which I had toiled & struggled for years in connection with a true and faithful wife, to accumulate, to divest my self of all and leave her, an acquaintance of two months to enjoy it. This was more than I could do, and therefor requested her to leave.

The authorities of the ward were next called in (viz. Bishop Elick McCray and Wm A. McMaster* & John Calvin his counsler) by this time I was taken down to my bed, and so ill that I began to think as also did my friends, that I should not recover.

May 1862

Yet with all she still continued to harass my mind with her contentions, and I intreating here all the time to let me have peace, which was all I desired. The breathern above named investigated the case on both sides and decided that she should take her effects and go else where. As I would not agree to be reconciled to here with such a spirit as she manifested. Had she manifested but a respectable share of intrest for me and mine I would have been happy and would have had her stay. But to continue in strife like that I would sooner prefere death and the silent grave. She accordingly left on the 21st of May 1862 and her effects were removed on the 11th day of June consisting of cloths chest, bed &c.

There are other items of mention which I do not deen it necessary to write. It is with sorrow that I have this to pen, but I do it as a duty which I owe to my posterity. For three or weeks my sister remained with me attending for my little ones and nursing and caring for me.

When this annoying and contending woman had left and I had peace and kind attention, I began to regain my health again tho very slow. [fn75]*

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