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Last update: June 2013

  Robert Clarkson

  Ruth Clarkson

  Ozro Crockett

  Mary Crockett

  Earl & Della

  Crockett Clan


June 1862

On the 11th June 1862 I shut up my own house and with my children went to live with my sister and her husband. [fn76]*

July 1862

It was tword the end of July before I could attempt to work at my shop, which had been shut up during this time. Thru the summer and late into the fall, I endevored to labor but with little effect. My health remained very poor. My mind was constantly harrassed by my uncomfortable condition.

July 20th. I moved back to my own house, leaving my children with my sister as it was too far for me to walk between their place and my shop. [fn77]*

October 1862

I continued to live alone untill Oct 4th When my children at my request as also my sister came back to put my house in order to receive my wifes mother, and her sister Hannah, who were on the plains coming from England.

October 16th. Hannah Clegg arrived in G.S.L. City in good health but her mother had died on the plains "of disentary." And as near as I could make out, is burried on the bank of the Platt river two days journey this side of fort Laramie. [fn78]*

The following pages were called to memory by his daughter Ruth C. Crockett.

February 1863

About the year 1863 he married a danish widow named Hannah Hough for time only, as she was sealed to her first husband. She had an adopted daughter Mimmie about nine years of age. She was a good working woman very neat and orderly. She was also a good latterday saint took good card of his children and took an intrest in training them well, but she was very quick tempered, consequently the home was not a very happy one.

Times were hard with but very little to live on, or to clothe themselves with. [fn79]*

September 1864

In the fall of about 1864 He sold out and moved to Logan Cache Co. Utah, by horse team. [fn80]* He rented a place in the 4th Ward, lived there for a year. [fn81]*


He then bought a city lot in the 5th Ward of Logan, put up a log house and moved his family in, in the fall of the year. [fn82]*

He could not afford to finish it off so lived in it with out being plastered and on a dirt floor, with straw covered over to walk on.

He had a severe sick spell that winter, was laid up with a heavy cold on his lungs. [fn83]*

The following year he was more successful with his trade and by fall was able to finish off the house put a partition in floors and plastered the walls, so the family was comfortable.

He also built a large cellar with windows which he used as a work shop and had a man named Erastus Larson (who was also a Cooper by trade) working with him. He had a wheat bin also built in the cellar.

February 1867

In the month of Feb. 1867 he was taken with bleeding of the lungs caused by lifting heavy sacks of wheat in the bin, brot in for his work. [fn84]*

He was seized with a hard fit of coughing and broke a blood vessel.

That evening the elders were called in to administer to him, before the elders left they sang two songs (hymns) while sitting around the fireside namely, "We Thank Thee O God For a Prophet," and "Oh My Father Thou Dwellest in A High And Gloreous Place."

March 1867

He took to his bed that night and was sick two weeks. The last day of his life he sang a hymn "When Time Shall be No More." He died March 8th 1867 and was buried in the Logan Cemetary. [fn85]*

Before dieing he arranged with his wife Hannah to keep his little girls and do the best she could with them.

And his little son Charles Robert should stay with his sister Mary Lark of Salt Lake City, and this ends the enventful life of Robert Clarkson.

A sequel to this journal is kept up by his daughter Mrst. Ruth C. Crockett.

This is a copy from the original journal, copied by his granddaughter Mary Crockett Nuffer, during the month of April 1918.

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