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November 1854Nov 4th Saturday night. A.C & I went to Hull after she had stayed with Bro Larks folks 4 weeks. Mon 5th. Went down to the afternoon meeting which was spirited. After tea about 8 O'clock I returned home reaching Beverley by 10-30, called at Wm Clubleys, Bro & Sis Lark were sitting up with sister Jenkinson whose son was very sick & had been for some time, but more especially the previous week during which they A.C & myself had sat up watching him at nights. We stayed untill 12-30 and then went home. Tuesday 7th. About 5 O'clock P.M. Sis. Jenkinsons Son died and left this world of cares his name was Isiac aged 7 yrs. Deasese was in his very nature [fn48] & he had been a suffering throughout his life through the mis deeds of his father who lived a Acentious & wicked life. The same day Elder Hodgson came down to Beverley Branch who was appointed to travel a certain district Viz. by M.K. Whighton, Bookham and Gool his head quarters being at the latter place. Friday 10th. Isaac Jenkinson was interrd, but I was unable to attend. December 1854December 23rd. Went to Hull as conference was to be held on Sunday. I arrived by the 8 P.M. train. On Sunday 24th December I was united to Ann Clegg in the sacred bond of marrage at St. Stephen Church Hull and afterwards [fn49] by Elder Jacob F. Secrist, Elder Maw in company Bro. and sister Lark, spent the day with us and we all took supper together and had a pleasant evening. Elder Secrist had just returned from Switzerland being driven from that land by the apposers of truth. [fn50] He spent the previous Friday in Beverley. The same day a company of 463 saints arrived in Hull from Copenhagen (Denmark) under the charge of P.O. Hansen on their way to the home of the saints. [fn51] Little conference buisness was done as president T. Williams was instructed to look after the danish saints. So Pastor Wm Glover did the most of what was done. Monday Dec 25th being Xmas day a first rate lace party was held in the Wilborforce rooms which went off to good satisfaction. After which a choice selection of songs and recitations were give. The meeting breaking up at 12 O'clock. The Danish saints left Hull for Liverpool about 9 O'clock in the morning of this day, all in good health and spirits with the exception of two. One naturaly an invilid a boy, and the other a young man who sustained an injoury by a broken leg. [fn52] January 1855Wednesday Jan 17, 1855. It being my birthday and the day on which I was of age, viz. 21. I claimed my liberty from Mr. Atkinson with whom I was bound an apprentice for the term of seven years. It had become exceeding irksome to me and I determined to end it as soon as possible, my full time would have been untill March 30th. I asked Mr. A. to give me my time out as he was not busy and had no work etc. but he refused on the ground that it was unreasonable but the secret was, he know my profession and intentions with respect of going to America as I told him I was going so he strove his utmost to oppose me and even was against another matter enving me implement for fear of the former altho at the same time he was fast for the want of a man and said that was the only objective but I knew the Lord works all things well. For what I had done was accourding to the councils I had received from the priesthood of God. [fn53] In the evening we had a first rate party at Bro. Larks composed of Bro. & Sis. Lark myself and wife, Sister Jenkinson Bro. Spencer Sister Sarah A Adamson, Isabell Adamson, J.A. Allen and my sister Isabella when we enjoyed our selves well after tea, with singing and reciting etc. untill about 10-30. Thursday 18th. I went up to Mr Parkinson, Cooper to see if he would give me imployment. He said he was sorry he could not as he was very slack. He treated me civily and kindly and said he would give me a recomendation to a place in Hull If I went on again at night consequently at night I went up to him, and he had considered to give me a job himself for at least two or three weeks. He did not want me but thot it would do me good, and him self no harm, thus all things wrought well. Friday 19th. I and my wife went to Hull to see her father and mother whom we found well, we stayed untill Sunday afternoon and then returned home. Monday 22nd. I started work for Mr. Parkinson, but under the disadvantage of a very bad cold, and cough brot on chiefly by exposes to wet & cold drafts at Hull Bridge. I labored the whole of the week with difficulty but at the end of the week I was much worse, having got more cold the whole of the week after I was unable to resume my work, as the cold fixed so fast on my lungs and chest the like of which I had never before had in my life. And I had had a great many colds for the last five years most especelly. February 1855Sunday Feb 5. Altho it was wet and gloomy day, I ventured up to the meeting. I was most to hoarse to speak, but it was joy to meet with the saints. In the evening I made up my journal feeling much restored in the blessings of Iserals God. I continued to work for Wm P. untill he 3rd of March. I was then out of emplyment five weeks untill I went to draw some straw job. Wm Crahorm of Grovehill, Bro Spencers master. On returning one night I hit on with a man by the name of Jon Smales working at Wm Crosskills foundry in the weed shop. He asked me if I was out of employment etc. & engaged me for 1 ginuea per week to work at some steam laiths turning cart wheel rims they having a large order for the rimer war to execute and wanted a double set of hands to work night and day. I was there 10 weeks & was then paid off the order being done. [fn54] July 1855
July 26th 1855. Left Hull for Liverpool accompanied by my wife for the purpose of emegrating with the saints to America. [fn54] Left Hull at 6 A.M. & arrived at Liverpool at 2 P.M. We stayed at Ditmans Hotell Tithtan Street. [fn55] July 29th.
Sailed out of the mercy on board the ship Cynosure passengers in all about 350 one half of which were saints. [fn56] Arrived all well in New York on the 5th of September. [fn57] October 1855Oct 14. Went to work for Lane Parks Cooper & worked with him about nine months. [fn58] Then went to work in Jersey City but did not stay. I living in Williamsburg and the distance being too great to travel night & morning. [fn59] May 1856Sometime in May 1856 Bro. Lark and family came to New York, Mary Francis having died on the passage and Maria was very sick. [fn60] July 1856Some time in July, went to work for Columbus Harkins in 11th St. New York & worked for him some 6 weeks. Was then out of work some time and next did a little for a Mr. Collins in Williamsburgh. July 7th, 1856. Went to work for Allen Hay & co. propriaters of a large soup and candle works situated on first Ave between 2nd & 3rd streets New York. Where I continued as their Cooper etc. untill May 5th 1860. [fn61] :fn. Robert was very fortunate to have a steady job during this time. In 1857, New York City was paralyzed by "the Panic of 1857." This economic collapse threw some 30,000 or more men and women out of work. :efn. In respect to my duties in the Church while in New York, I was actively engaged most of the time from Dec. 1855 to Aug. 1857. I acted as visiting officer in the Leattered the 5th & 3rd districts also as Sectary to the Lesser Priesthood & the 3rd district. [fn62] August 1857Aug 9th 1857. Ordained an Elder under the hands of Elder Alex Ott & Aug 12th appointed counselor in connection with Wm O. Payne to Thos. Lyon President of the 3rd district of the N.Y. Branch. [fn63] April 1858April 1858 appointed President of the 3rd district of New Jersey Branch composed of some 80 members. Thos Lyon having been appointed Pres. of the N.Y. Conference. [fn64] April 1859April 1859 appointed Secetary of the New York branch In which capacity I acted till I left. [fn65] October 1859Oct 1 1859. From taking a severe cold I began to bleed from the lungs and was unable to work for some five months. [fn66] May 1860May 7th starts with a company of saints including Bro. Lark & family on board the steamer New World for Albany then took cars for St. Joseph Mo. Next took steamboat for Florence Nebraska. While at Suspension Bridge... Went to see the Falls of Niagara. [fn67]