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April 1852April 11th. Went to Hull to Conference with sister Ann Clegg, Bro & Sis. Lark, Bros. Spencer and Clegg. Bro. T. Hardy president and Bro. Menzies from the Bradford Conference was present also Bro Appleton Harmon. Conference buisness closed in the afternoon. Bro. Menzies delivered a lecture in the evening, upon the restoration of all things and the second coming of Christ. [fn18] June 1852June 12th. [fn18.1] Went to Hull on the Sat. night to a councel meeting held with all the Priesthood in the conference which continued untill 11 O'clock and then was resumed on Sunday morning at 7 O'clock and adjourned at 11 O'clock untill Monday night at 7 O'clock. In the afternoon of Sunday the saints had a good time for the spirit of God was in their midst. Bro Barnes spoke in Tounges while Bro. Boyne interpreted and afterwards prophecy'd. In the evening Elder Manners of the Manchester Branch spoke awhile on the subject of revelation. Bro Russel from Gool and Pres. Hardy closed by making a few remarks on the same. [fn19] August 1852Sunday August 31st. Went to Lockington in the morning with sister A. Clegg, H. Clegg, Bro & Sister Lark, Sister Hutton, Bro & Sis Spencer, Bro & Sister Jefford & Bro & Sister Adamson, where we held a meeting in the afternoon and then went for refreshments at Bro Richardsons. We all went to C. Nunn's and held a meeting there where a goodly number assembled and some of them displayed a spirit of rebellion. We left there about half past 7 O'clock and reached Beverley about 9 O'clock. September 1852Sunday 12th Sept. Went to Hull to Conference accompanied by Sister Ann Clegg. President S.W. Richards & Elder Appleton Harmon were present. We remained in Hull until Monday night when there was a social held in the temperance Hall Paragon Street. It began at 7 O'clock and ended about 12 O'clock. When I & Sister Ann Clegg with Bro. & Sis. Lark walked home reaching Beverley about 3-30. [fn21] Sunday 19. Elders Harmon & Hardy came to Beverley by 8-45 train to spent the most of the day with us at 10-30 we met in our room, after singing and prayer Elder A. Harmon spoke of the gospel being restored to the earth how the sons of men rejected it showed the unequality of the governments of the nations of the earth, contrasted them with the kingdom. Spoke of the position of the saints in the valley of the mountains and counseled us to set our hearts and minds thitherward and not rest untill we accomplished the object of being in their midst. [fn22] Elder J.T. Hardy then arose & expressed his joy of hearing the principals thus advocated and said that in his estimation the most advantagious thing to be obtained by gathering to Zion, was that we might be taught more fully in the ways of the gospel and of becoming acquainted with who have passed thru affliction and trials for the gospels sake. [fn23] He also spoke of the joys & pleasurs it was for the saints to gather out of babylon & to make no delay lest they be overtaken by the furious vengince of an affended God and also some saints who seek to amass themselves with riches and neglect to uphold the kingdom of God, showed also the impropriety of upholding sick clubs [fn23.1] and the various institutions of men & what blessings can be obtained from attending to the ordanences of the house of God. We then seperated for a short time & met again at 1-45 O'clock. Elder Hardy spoke first and said that he as an individual rejoiced in being permited to mingle with the saints & having an oppertunity of working out his salvation and how it might be the greatest ambition of every saint to secure to themselves that poition of intelegance which shall enable them to enter into the celestial kingdom and how necessary it is for them to attend to every duty and to every counsel given by the servants of God that they may be enabled to pass thru the ordeal of trials and affliction. How necessary it is for the saints to receive chastisment in cases of need that we may be urged on to diligence and to feel after their blessings, showed how a great many saints could not receive blessings. They should extend their influence by giving the little light and inteligence to those who have not yet rendered obidence to the gospel and showed how neccessary it was for them to enter their minds upon continually receiving the blessings of heaven. Elder Appleton M. Harmon next spoke, and said he looked upon the means of the Kingdom of God for his temporal as well as his spiritual salvation & counciled the saints to be punctual in attending all meetings at the appointed time and that they should bear up before the Lord his servants who stand up to teach them and how necessary it was for them to pray continually for their deliverance from these lands to gather home to the land of Zion. He also reverted again to the importunity of sustaining Funeral and sick clubs, but that the money should be given to sustain the various funds for sustaining the kingdom of God and so fix their faith wholy upon him and rely on him for aid that in the hours of sickness they might call for the elders of the church and claim the blessings he has promised. He also showed how the gathering of the saints from the nations of the earth would be the ultimated overthrow of the same. The glorious circumstances under which the redeemed will claim his kingdom and that they should thru their works and faithfullness gain an exaltation in the celestial kingdom. The meeting then closed, Several of us went down to the station and saw the visitors off for Hull by the 4 O'clock train. [fn24] Note -- I must have omited several things since the last date on account of not being able to keep it up. October 1852Sunday October 31st 1852 I was ordained to the office of a Priest under the hands of Elders Mark Fletcher and Wm Lark. [fn25] November 1852Nov 7. We held a social in the Temprance Hall, Well Lane, for the purpose of liquidating the debt of our Chapel, which came off very much to our disatisfaction as we had very poor patronage of the world & very few of the saints came from Hull. We only had enough to clear the expences. We had a variety of songs and recitations & a dialogue for the occasion. December 1852Dec 15th Went to Lockington to carry the saints the suppliment of the history of Joseph Smith & their stars. I found only two of them there Thomas Richardson & Wm Gray. Sis. Foreman being with her husband at Swine and I acted in the capacity of teacher and found them desireous of still pressing forward in the work, but not possessing much of the spirit through not being able to open any place for the priesthood. Dec 24th Christmas eve went to Hull accompanied by sister Ann Clegg. Bro. Adamson and I lodged at sister Stephensons in Salt house Lane, and Ann Clegg, Hannah Clegg & Sis. Adamson lodged at sister Watsons in Wilcombe.
The LDS chapel listed in the 1851 Hull Directory On Christmas day I attended a priesthood meeting at 10-30 O'clock. There was a marrage solemonized by Elder Harmon contracted between John Herdsman, (a teacher in the Hull branch) and sister Letice Barns, after which the buisness of the conference was counciled upon, and the meeting dismissed about 2 O'clock. [fn26] In the evening at 4 O'clock a social was held in the temprance Hall Paragon Street. Admission ticket 1 shilling each. A selection of songs & recitations went off chiefly adapted to Elder Harmon and several of the saints who were about to leave for the land of Zion this song impressions. I was called upon for a recitation which I was composing for Elder Harmon but I was not prepared so I sang a song in the tune of Old Uncle Ned. [fn27]