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January 1853Sunday Jan 6 - 1853. Went to Hull accompanied
by sister Ann Clegg on account of
several American brothers being in Hull,
Viz. Elder Orson Spencer and Moses
Clough for Berlin in Prussia. Elders Pursey,
Myres & Peter O Hansen on other
missions. [fn28]
![]() Railway Street in Beverley Sunday Jan 23. Elder C.G. Webb
and President J.T. Hardy came
to Beverley by the 9 O'clock Train
[fn30] On Monday evening Jan 24 I attended singing meeting at Bro. Larks which was instituted for the saints to practice. I was placed president of the same. Tuesday 25 - Went with E. Wm Lark to visit Bro Spencer. He was in good standing and rejoicing in the truth, but sister Spencer was much cast down about the plurality of wives doctrine. She had some good teachings given her. Wed 26th. Attended preaching at our room. Meeting opened by E. Wm Pidcock speaking by E. Wm Lark. Thursday. Attended Doctrines & Covenants Class at Bro. Spencers house. It comenced at 7-30 O'clock and closed at 8-30. E. Wm Lark President. Friday 28th. Went down to Bro
& sister Larks Bro
& sister Adamsons, sister
Jenkinson and Isaac Jenkinson.
Sister Lark & Jenkinson
had been out to sister Hutton
to get some money to pay the rent of room, They met Bro.
Lark in the kitchen and began to talk about the same, and did
not come into the front room on account of I
Jenkinson being there. Bro Lark
called of me to bring what money I had on hand. I did so and we raised
about 1"16.0. He then asked me to take it up to Wm Johnson to appease
him untill we could get the whole ammount said which was 1/2 year
rent due Jan 6th. Bro Adamson
took affence because he was not questioned about it and sent to pay
the rent as he was on the third of October called to be treasurer
for the room fund, but owing to not having money to hand over at the
following counsels and his own instiblity and on this occasion it
quiet passed Bro. Larks memory.
[fn31] Sunday 30th. Met at our room at 10-30 O'clock opened by singing & prayer by E. Wm Lark who then spoke awhile & E. Wm Pidcock, the remainder of the morning gave the benediction. Afternoon met at 2-30. I gave out a hymn & E Wm Pidcock engaged in prayer. E. Wm Lark then advised the saints after which the sacrament was administered by my self, the saints then had the privilidge of leaving testimony, benidiction by E. Wm Lark. Night met at 6 O'clock meeting opened by myself. E. Wm Lark ocupied the whole time and gave the benediction. Monday 31st. Met in singing class. Prayer by myself. We could not
get on with it on account of an oposite power being present & oposing
our efforts. E. Wm Lark said he
felt like speaking a short time and said whence it sprang was one
of the branch being in bad standing and altho he was not present in
person he was strong against us, which was T.J.
Adamson after we sang a little but not too much effect, closed
at nine. Benediction by E. Wm Lark.
[fn31.1] February 1853Tuesday night Feb 1st. After I left work went down to T.R. Spencers & then went to visit Bro Nath Clegg & family whom we found in good standing. Wed 2nd. Attended preaching meeting at our room oppened by E. Wm Lark who spoke a short time and then left it for the saints to bear testimonys close by E. Wm Pidcock. Thursday 3rd. Attended covenants class at Bro Spencers opened by prayer by E. Wm Lark and closed by myself. Friday 4th. Met T.R. Spencer at T Adamsons to visit. Bro L. put the usual question to him, he replied he was not getting on in the gospel work. Bro S then asked him his reasons which he stated as being those things which I have recorded on Friday Jan 28th. Then spoke to him about it & reasoned with explaining how things were and gave him counsel how to act when I had done I put the question as to how he felt about it to which he replied he was still the same. We engaged in prayer. Sunday the 6th. Went to Bro. Larks and from there went with E. Wm Pidcock to meet Elder Moses Blough who came to spend a short time in Beverely (on a mission to Prussia) at 10-30 O'clock we met at our room. Meeting opened by Pres. Lark. E.M. Blough spoke a little & after Elders Pidcock & Lark. Benediction was given by E. Pidcock. Monday 7th. Attended singing meeting opened by myself. Benediction by E. Pidcock. Tuesday 8th. Went with T.R. Spencer to visit Allen & Bro. Clegg & family found them in good standing. Wed 9th. Attended Preaching meeting. Thurs 10th. Attended Covenant Class Sunday 13th. Attended meeting at 10-30 prayer by myself. E.A. Smith from Hull preached, benidiction by E. Wm Lark. Afternoon meeting opened by Wm Lark who then spoke for a short time & A. Smith the remainder of the time who dismissed meeting and returned to Hull by the 4 O'clock train. Evening meeting opened by myself Wm Lark preached, benediction by myself. Mon. 14th. Attended singing meeting prayer by Wm
Lark. benediction by myself. [fn32] Wed 16. Attended preaching meeting opened by E.M. Thatcher who then spoke benediction by Wm Lark. Thursday 17th. E. Thatcher left Wm Lark house to go by train to Hull at 7-30 but on account of storms the train did not come so he returned to Bro Larks at 12 O'clock, and stayed untill 7-30 the next morning he will labor in the Gool district. Sunday 20th. Attended morning meeting opened by myself. I spoke for a short time & Wm Lark the remainder benediction by Thos Adamson. Afternoon comenced at 2-30. Prayer by Wm Lark who exorted the saints to their duties administered the sacrament and left for the Saints to bear their testimoneys benidiction by my self. Evening 6 O'clock meeting oppened by my self Wm L. preached. We were few in numbers but had good meetings bened. by Thomas Adamson. Monday night 21st. The saints assembled at the singing class, meetings opened by myself. On account of a bad cold I was unable to lead the singing, so we held a testimony meeting and enjoyed ourselves in speaking of things pertaining to the kingdom of God. Benediction by W.L. Wed 23, Attended a council meeting called by Pres. J.T. Hardy for the purpose of knowing the feelings of the officers. Prayer by Pres. Hardy. I then read over the minuets of the preceeding council & received correct. Then Pres Hardy gave us some teachings on the order of carrying on council meetings etc. The officers expressed their feelings concerning the work and after talking over the things for the welfare of the bros. Prayer by E. Wm Lark.