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1893On the 1st Jan. we attended meeting. 5th Jan. we attended fast meeting and fasted it was Thursday. By the time I was a Relief S. teacher and had been since the summer of 1886 when my George R. was my baby about 5 or 6 months old. My first companion was sister Joseph Sharp. My present companion was sister Lydia Lamorearx. Jan. 6 Sister Lydia and I visited our District as Relief Society teachers. 7th Jan. Ozro and I attended Chior practise. Now we were on the farm and he had to hitch up the horses every time I went any where but he was very nice about it and was always ready to do so when I wished to go and never complained about it. He understood I didn't wish to go back to the farm, and he told me he would always see that I got to choir practises meetings or any where I wished and he kept his promise. We went out quite often. I will not copy all the dates I haven't the time to do so. When we went teaching as Relief Society teachers we had to go by team and Ozro always let us take it when he possable could. In Jan. Ozro was called with two other Elders to be aids to the Presidency of our Oneida Stake. On the 29 Jan. Ozro went to Logan and attended 5 conference meetings of the Cache Stake. Much was said about how awfuly the people were in debt and advise was given to the people to keep out of debt and live with in their income. Ozro returned home Jan. On the 13 Feb. Ozro donated $30.00 to the compleation of the Salt Lake Temple. Our little Mary was five years old that day. Brother Charley and family are our near neighbors and they have a new baby girl. Her name is Myrtle. I went over each morning and gave baby her bath and waited on Vira untill she was well enough to care for baby and her self. During Feb. I had a nice visit among our relatives in Logan. Sat. 18 Feb. Hugh J. and Ida took myself and little ones to the station where the train soon came whisteling in to the station. There were kisses and hurrayed good bys and my four little children, George R., Mary, Edna and Mabel, and I were soon on or way for home. My dear Ozro met us at the Preston Station with the Sleigh and warm quilts. Ozro acts as ward teacher and had been taking home missionaries around his District. Ruth A., David and Edwin were anciously awaiting our return home. Ruth A. had the Saturday work all done. In Sunday School, Ozro is a teacher of the Book of Mormon Class. Ruth A. is a very good and trusty baby tender. She attends Sunday School and stays home with the little children while I attend Sacrament meetings and my Choir practises. I surly appreciate her splendid care of the little ones. By now we have a new Choir leader and on the 26 Feb. Sun. our Choir was expected to have a consert and the money recd. from the consert was to be given for the modeling and adding too our meeting house on Main St., the one remodeled in 1884. We held our first practise for that expected concert, Sun. Feb. 26. Along these days we had our fast day on Thursday and as a rule we Ozro and I and our older children fasted and attended fast meeting. The children only fasted untill noon. We also paid our fast donations. In Feb. we recd. a letter from our friend Rosa Lambert of Salt Lake City letting us to be sure and come down to the expected dedication of the Salt Lake temple in April and we must come stay with her while we were in Salt Lake City. I wrote and thanked her for the kind invitation. Ozro and I made up our minds the last of Jan to attend the deication. It will be a glorious privilege. On the 7th March, sister Lydia and I visited our District as Relief Society teachers and attended Relief S. Meetings and gave in our report. Just as we were leaving for meeting sister Ida and family came on a sleight to visit us. We were sure pleased to see them but they insisted we go right on to meeting and give in our report and I had them go right in the house and make them selves at home, and so Lydia and I went on. I returned home after meeting prepared supper and we had a good visit. They returned home the next day. Sat 11th March at night Ozro and I attended Choir practise in our new meeting house built and remodeled on donation. It went up in about three weeks. Ozro donated 12 1/2 dollars lumber and $1.50 besides. Then he hauled sand for banking up the foundation of the meeting house. The place for the choir is back of the Pulpet and speakers. On the 12 March we attended meeting in the new meeting house. Our George R. was eight years of age on that day. Sat 18 March. The consert came off and Proff. L.D. Edwards was the leader and a very good one. We had a crouded house and cleared 75 or 80.00 for the benifit of the meeting house. On the 20 March we went to Franklin and repeated the consert but it was a bad stormy night and we only cleared $10.00. There were about 50 of us musicians and singers. The 10.00 was also for the meeting house. On the 24 March Friday night Bp. William C. Parkenson gave a free dance in the new meeting house to all who had worked on or helped build the house. Ozro, Ruth A., baby Mabel and I went. Took picnic with us. Sat. 25 March. Was a special fast day and all saints throughout the
whole church were supposed to fast and meet togeather in their meeting
houses confessing their sins and ask forgivness of any one they might
have wronged. This message came to all saints from the First Presidency
of the L.D.S. Church. [fn37] The people of Preston Idaho met in their new meeting house and it was filled untill it was realy crouded. The Spirit of God filled the house and many arose bearing their testimonies and asking forgivness of anyone they might have wronged. I was one who arose and bore my testimony. I was fairly lifted to my feet just as tho some one had helped me to arise and I was filled with the spirit of God. I did not talk long. I think not more then two or three minutes. There were wet eyes all over the house. Ozro and I fasted untill sundown. Our children until 3 P.M. These fast meetings through the Church was to prepare the Saints to enter the Salt Lake temple at the coming dedication that they might be worthy. Our fast meeting kept up 3 hours and there were still many who desired to speak, so there was arrangements made by Bp. Parkinson to have another fast meeting on the following day, Sunday 26th March. Sunday 2nd April I stayed all day with sister Lydia she was very sick. Monday night I stayed all night with her, she had taken a turn for the better. Thursday 6 April Fast day and the first day of the Dedication of
the Salt Lake temple. That morning a great wind storm arose and reached
for miles and miles in every direction of the Salt Lake temple. Between
10 A.M. and 12 O'clock noon it raged awful. Great trees were broken
down, houses blown down, gabels blown in on beautifl dweling houses,
and wrecks of the storm could be seen in many places. In our own yard
our light waggon with a white top was blown over the top knocked off
and destroyed. While that storm was raging so terrible, there was
a large flock of seaguls hovering above and around the temple of Salt
Lake, flying above and around it as though they were protecting that
sacred structure. [fn38]
![]() Picture of the temple near time of dedication On the 12 April Ozro and
I went on the train to Salt Lake
City to attend the dedication of the temple. [fn39]
George Q. Cannon Ozro had a nice long
talk with Apostle Pres. Cannon
in the evening in one of his homes. We were treated just dandy and
had a very nice visit. We also stayed one night with Bro. and Sister
Stonman. [fn40]
![]() Picture of a temple recommend Sister Mary took care of Mabel while Ozro and I went to the temple on the 15 of April Saturday Morning. We entered the west gate on west temple St, showed our recomends to a guard and passed on. Went into the big tabernacle and took seats under the Oneida Stake Banner. Soon after marched down the isle past the stand, gave our recomends to one man and received a ticket from another man. Then walked out of the tabernacle and over to the temple. We entered the west door of the temple and walked through all the rooms and halls. Words can not describe the beauty of them all. The last place we entered was at the top of the large assembly room with speakers stands at each end and a large gallery. It can seat over 2000 people. There was about that number present. We were called to order by Pres. George Q. Cannon. The singing was by Glee Club.
![]() ![]() Francis M. Lyman - Lorenzo Snow The dedicatory prayer was read by Francis M. Lyman which took a half hour. Apostle Lorenzo Snow arose and lead in shouting Hosanna. The congregation arose and with their white handkerchiefs waved them and shouted Hosanna. ![]() ![]() ![]() Brigham Young Jr. - Franklin D. Richards - George Q. Cannon - Joseph F. Smith The speakers were Brigham Young Jr., Franklin D. Richards, George
Q Cannon, and Joseph F. Smith. All spoke with great power, wome of
them bearing testimony that they had seen in vision the Heavenly Hosts
assembled togeather there in the temple shouting hosanna to God. [fn41] This service on the 14 April made forty thousand saints who had gone
through the temple besides five or six hundred non Mormons who went
through on the 5th April by invitation. They would not allow apostates
to go through. [fn42] We fasted that day and ate supper where Mary our sister was staying with our baby. There were so many strangers around that Mabel was cross while we were away from her. On the 17 April we bid our kind friends good by and left for the train to take us home. We were soon on our way on the train leaving the beautiful temple and our loving friends behind. Rosa had prepared a nice lunch for us and sent Oranges and candy to our children at home. At the Preston station we were met by our six children and Miss Clayton. The children were very glad to see us. Ruth A. and Edna had began to be lonsome. They all got along all right during our absence. I feel to acknowledge the hand of the Lord in the way being opened up for us to attend the dedication for the good time we enjoyed while in the City for all our dear friends, for the care and protection that was over our children and properity while we were away from home. And for our safe return home. Sister Lydia had been getting along alright but lately had taken a back set. 30 April I have called on Lydia two or three times since we came from Salt Lake. She is getting well. All through the winter and spring we attended meetings, Sunday schools and practises quite regular also quarterly conferences. I am still writing much from memory and many interesting things have happened and have been forgoten. During the summer of 1893 we got along very well also during the fall.