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Last update: June 2013

  Robert Clarkson

  Ruth Clarkson

  Ozro Crockett

  Mary Crockett

  Earl & Della

  Crockett Clan



Jan 1st I got up a nice little dinner part for our folks. My sister Ida was with us. We enjoyed our visit and dinner.

8th Jan. I went to step mother's. Took her clean clothes as I did her washing, she still has poor health. Sister Ida often called on us also our friends, and we also made calls on them when we could.

On the 24 Jan. Ozro O. was called on by Supt. C.O. Card to take ch. of the camp at the forks of Logan Canyon. There was a bunch of men working there for the benifit of the Logan Temple. Ozro went.

29 Jan. I visited my step mother taking her clean clothes, she was about the same. I have attended a good many meetings since baby Ruth was born. About 15 June Ruth took very sick with disentary and teething for about 9 days when she began to get better, and oh how thankful we were.

During July and part of Aug. we attended several meetings and the Sun. School Jubilee also the celebration of the 4th of July. On the 3rd of Aug, my Aunt Mary Lark and Rosa Llambert came to visit us. We surly enjoyed their visit. They left on the 5th Aug. On the 19 Aug, our baby Ruth A. was sick again.

Tues, Sept. 6 Ozro O's mother's birthday Anni. and her children go up a surprise party on her, each one making her a present. She was very much surprised and very happy. Dear little Ruth got down so weak and thin she could not walk for over a month. She is just beginning to walk about the house. I am so greatful to our Heavenly Father for again bringing her back to health. Her lingering sickness has been a great trial to us. Nov 14. Baby Ruth is now well and fat and just as cute as she can be.

On the 21st of Oct. my step mother died. She passed off very quietly. It was a happy release for her from her suffering and lonlyness. She died of sugar diabetes (disease of the kidneys.) We attended her funeral services. She was layed out very nice. Members of the 5th Ward Relief Society cared for her through the last part of her illness and layed her out, and they helped themselves to any thing in the way of clothes etc. they wanted. She looked very peaceful and contented in her casket. Ozro O. Ida and Hugh J. Adams sat up the night before her funeral. She had been left alone in the house.

She was burried beside my father in the new Logan Cemetery. Sun. 23 Oct. There was a little money left of hers that she received when she sold the house and lot. It took quite a bit to pay up debts to different persons for burial clothes and etc. But there was $27.50 for sister Ida and the same for me after we had payed Brother Brown of Logan for making a head stone for the grave.

Tues. Oct. 25. Sister Ida who was with us took down sick with symptoms of the Typhoid fever. She had been living with Mrs. Mary Thatcher who had just burried her little girl with that disease and Ida caught it there. We sent for a Dr. lady and she checked it before it went to far. We also had her administered to by the Elders. She was a long while getting her strength back.

Nov. 1st. Charley who had been with us a while left for Aunt Mary Lark's his home. We missed him for he was always so full of life always ringing and whisteling.

Nov. 6 Sun. Ozro O. and I attended conference two meetings and we greatly enjoyed them.

Well Ida is married to Hugh J. Adams. They are settled. Charley came back to attend school thru the winter and divides his time between Ida's and our home. Xmas I prepared dinner and we invited eleven of our folks besides all their children and our little Ruth A.

The 26 Dec. was our wedding anni. This time the dinner for us all was at Lydia's and Archie's Lamoreaux and Crocketts were there, also my folks. I will end up the year by some lines from my little book.

Hope. There is no grave on earth's broad chart but has some bird to cheer it; So hope sings on in every breast, Although we may not hear it; And if today the heavy wings of sorrow is appressing, Perchance tomorrow's sun may bring the wary heart a blessing. - Anon.

Growing old. "Grow old along with me? The best is yet to be, The last of life for which the first was made; Our times are in his hands who sayeth; A whole I planed. Youth shows but half; Trust God; see all, nor be afraid!"


On the 2 Jan, Ozro O. baby Ruth A. and I went to visit sister Ida in her new home. We had been there a time or two before. They are real comfortable. We enjoyed a nice dinner with them, then we all went sleigh riding and then we went home.

On the 11th of Jan. Wed. morning 5 minutes after seven O'clock our dear little boy was born. We were so very pleased and felt so greatful for our two nice children. When baby was eight days old, Ozro O. blessed and named him Ozro David Crockett, for his papa and his great grand father David Crockett. I was very sick five days but Ozro was very good and kind and got a girl to do the house work and his Aunt Mary Reed to nurse me and care for baby. So I had plenty of care and attention and through the blessings of the Lord I gained strength and was able to again do my work and take care of our little children. The first three months we had to hire our washing done for baby was so very cross. After he was 3 months old he was very good. Ozro has been running an express waggon for several months.

On the 11th March my Uncle Wm. Clegg paid us a visit. He was again traveling and giving lectures and taking orders for the book of Poems he wished to have published. Ozro paid him in advance for his book we were to get.

April 14 Ozro O.'s father had a fall from a ladder as he was coming down from his Barn loft. He had just steped on to the 2nd round at the top when it broke and he fell head first, the whole weight of his body going on to his head and shoulders. He was paralized at first but through the blessings of God and great care, he got well again, but was never so strong as the same as before.

I took our baby boy to fast meeting Thursday April 6th and Old Man Bench blessed and named him Ozro David and gave him a very good blessing in the 6th Ward of Logan.

Ida's husband went off to work in the spring of 1882 and Ida went to live with Aunt Mary Lark after Charley's school was out. She remained there during the summer and came back to Logan first part of Sept 1882. Ida had sent us word of her coming and Ozro drove to the station and brought her to our home and we insisted on her remaining with us untill Hugh was home again. So she consented to stay with us. SHe helped me a great deal with my sewing and kniting and many other things and took care of the baby a lot. I do not know what I should have done with out her help. My work had gotten so behind hand and me all the time trying to keep up with my work. I hope I will some day become a model house keeper then I will have every thing done up in order have a place for every thing and every thing in its place and so on. Oh! happy Day.

In the beginning of Dec. Hugh J. came home and he and Ida started house keeping in the 5th Ward of Logan.

Dec. 24 brother Charley came on the train to spend the Hollidays. We were plesaed to see him with us again. Dec. 25. We ate our xmas dinner at Ida's and Hugh's and had a very good one and a fine visit with them.

On the 26 Dec. I prepared a big dinner and a large crowd were invited. It was our fourth wedding Anniv. and Lydia and Archie of course was with us. We celebrated that day togeather. We all had a very nice time.

Will end 1882 by writing a few lines from my little book.

"The true basis of happiness and cheerfulness is love, hope, and patience." -- Samuel Smiles.

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