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September 1914Sep 1 Tuesday. Mabel went to
Pocatello by train, but not before I had given her plenty of good
advise and counsel and warned her of dangers of young people going
to live in the cities. She made good promises to try and remember
all said to her. I try to impress on the minds of my young folks not
to depent on their own strength or they will fail, but to seek the
Lord in prayer, asking for his guidence, and also seek for good companey.
On the day Mabel left for Pocatello,
I received letters with pressed flowers in from my Aunt
Elizabeth Ridsdale I answered both letters Sep 2 and mailed them. We are drying sweet corn for winter use. Sep 3. We received phone message from Ruth A. asking Lucile and Thelma to go to Dayton by train on the 4 of Sep and some one would be there to meet them. The same day 3 Sep, Elva went to Edna's home to stay a few days with her for company as John was working on the Header. Friday Sep 4th. Lucile and Thelma went on the train to Dayton. They were met by team and buggy and taken to Preston. We received a card from Mabel to day stating that brother Ezra Merrell met her at the station. She likes the place and her work.
![]() The Grain Header and Steam Thresher in Preston about 1914 Saturday 5 of Sep. We had the Headers again. They cut 15 acres grain. I sent letters to George R. and Mary and family group picture to Geo R. Sunday Sep 6. Husband, Jennie, Earl and I (all that was at home) attended sabbath school. Husband and I attended meeting in the afternoon and then took a ride to Downey for mail. Monday Sep 7. We are drying corn. Edna, her little ones, and Elva came. We were very pleased to see them. Thursday Sep 8. We quilted a quilt for Edna. She brought the matereal with her. Wednesday Sep 9, Edna and her children drove to their home in Lone Pine. On the 10th and 11th of September, we had a dreadful wind storm. The whole valley was filled with dust. There had been no rain since the 3rd of August. Septermber 12. My birth day, fifty seven years of age. When we awoke and looked out, every thing out side was covered with snow and still snowing. My flowers and all the trees with their green leaves were weighed to the ground with snow. I had never seen snow on any of my birthday anniversaries before. At the breakfast table, I received a number of pretty birth day presents from my Husband, a very pretty little pen knife and other presents from the children and Jennie. Later, the mail brought me presents from the girls in Preston and from Thelma and Wilora. I also received pretty birthday cards. Jennie cooked a nice chicken dinner and made some delicous cake. We enjoyed our dinner fine. I feel very greatful for so much kindness shown me by my loved ones. Husband bought six bushels of nice peaches. We bottled 36 qts of them to day (Jennie and I). Sunday Sep 13. We attended Sabbath school and sacrament meeting. The weather was cold but the snow was gone. Monday Sep 14. The children, Elva and Earl started to school. I received two pretty birthday cards thru the mail to day, one from Edna and John and one from my friend Millie Galightly. Also a ltter from my cousin, Bell Knight of Woodland, Utah with Clarkson genealogy in. Was so pleased to get them. Another heavy snow storm brok several limbs off the trees. Every thing looks so dreary. We put up 33 qts peaches to day. Tues Sep 15. We finished bottling peaches, 26 qts more. On the 16 and 17, we (Jennie and I) quilted two quilts and put the third one on the frames. Wednesday Sept 16, I received a nice birth day greeting from David and letters from Ruth, Mary, and Lucile. Friday Sep 18. We quilted another quilt on the 19, done a large washing and after dinner, Husband, Jennie and I went to Downey to bring Lucile home. She had phoned she had came on the train. She rode from Preston to Dayton in an atto. We did some trading and returned home. After we returned home, we had a heavy rain and in the night a thunder storm. Earl took Jennie and Lucile to Downey in a buggy in the evening to attend a dance. left them to take a room at Sister Hardwicks and he drove down for them the next morning. After they came, we all attended sabbath school. While returning home, we had another heavy shower of rain. We all attended meeting in the after noon. Husband was selected speak on salvation for the dead, a subject which was to be lectured on in all the meetings through out the church on that day. Husband, Charlie Hancock Sen, and counselor J. Brim spoke on the subject in our meeting. Their remarks were all very good. Monday Sep 21. We washed quilts and bed ticks and had the later filled with fresh new straw. John T. S. came that evenin and brought us some potatoes, onions and green tomatoes. Lucile rode back home with him to help Edna with her work. The next day, Jennie and I finished washing the beding and the day following, we did some sewing and tied a quilt. Sep 24. Husband and I went to Downey. Done some trading, shipped off a can of cream, and we received a letter from David which caused Husband and I to think he better attend the fall conference in Salt Lake and help David attend to some business pertaining to his home. Friday Sep 25. THe morning was spent in doing work and some mending. We were expecting the threashers to threash our grain. They had an eating car and cook with them, but Jennie and I were making preparations for cooking meals for the grain haulers. About eleven A.M. Lucile drove up in John's buggy alone for me to go back with her to Lone Pine. I had promised to go stay with Edna two weeks or so. I soon got ready, leaving Jennie to look out for the grain haulers and take care of the house and all conserned and Lucile and I were soon on our way reaching Ednas two hours later. We heard news from home later that we had 12 hundred and 18 bushels of grain threashed. It was welcome news to me and all the rest, the largest crop we have raised. Sunday Sep 27. I spent the day reading the Womans World Desert News and the last four chapters of the book of Mormon, thus finishing reading the book thru for the second time this year. I have enjoyed the reading of it so well, taking solid comfort in it pages. The first of day was stormy but cleard up in the afternoon. On the 30 of Sep, Edna and I drove over home in her buggy, thinking we could visit awhile with Husband and the children, but he was absent from home. Jennie was alone. We were disapointed at not seeing him. The home seemed awfuly lonsome. We stayed 30 minuets and returned to Lone Pine, wanted to reach there before dark. I phone home that evening from Mrs Stoddards. Husband came to the phone, was pleased to have a little chat with him, it seemed good to hear his voice. October 1914Oct 1. Edna and Lucile cooked a scrumptus dinner, chicken, cake, and John made some delicious ice cream. We certainly enjoyed our dinner Oct 2. At 530 P.M. Edna's baby girl was born. They gave her the name, Ruth Elizabeth. She is a fat little dumpling of a baby with lots of black hair. Now I have turned nurse for the rest of my visit. Have been spending my time since I left home kniting and chrocheting a baby shawl and reading Sunday and evenings. Have read added upon thru while here and thru twice be fore some years ago, like it fine. Oct 3. I received a letter from Husband. He left Downey for Salt Lake City on that day to attend conference and visit with our children living there. I also received a letter from daughter Mary and sister Lydia. Sunday Oct 4. The morning was spent in attending to Edna and the baby. They are getting on just fine. About noon, Elva and Earl came from home, horse back also a neighbor girl, Emma Kingsford. We had phoned home about the babys arrivel and they were ancious to see her. They stayed two or three hours, took dinner with us. It done me lots of good to see them. I wrote letters to Mary and Mabel for Elva and Earl to post on their way home. They left for home 3-10 P.M. Monday Oct 5. Lucile put out a big wash. Edna seemed to be getting along all right untill about 2 A.M. in the night of Oct 6th she took a cramp in her stomach. As soon as I found it out, we all, John, Lucile and I were soon up, fires lit and we worked fast trying to releave her from the pain, but in spite of our efforts, the pain encreased and spread to her bowels, then vomiting and purging set in and kept up for some time. Mean while, we all placed our hands on her and asked God to stop the pain and vomiting and heal her. We exercised faith and she and we knew she was helped through faith and prayer. John then phoned to the Dr, laying her case before him. He said he couldent come, but for us to use hot tro___me cloths on her stomache and give ann injection of one qt warm water and teaspone of trupentine. We did as directed and worked steady with the hot cloths for two hours, then one hour with hot dry ones. When I impined her bandage to put the cloths on at first she was so swolen I could hardly get the puss out. When we got thru with our work, prayers and the Elders administered to her, all the swelling was gone and she had rest. We acknowledge the hand of the Lord in restoring her and feel very greatfull. Edna kissed me saying she knew it was thru our prayers she was releaved of that awful pain and sickness and were it not for them, she would of died. I shed tears of joy and gratitude for her life being spared to us. This is now the evening of Oct 7th. She has been doing just fine as been improving right along, rested well last night and felt good all day. Baby is also getting along nicely. I put in a good share of the day chrocheing on baby's shawl. I feceived a letter from Mabel yesterday. We are agoing to write to each other once a week. Thursday Oct 8th. My dear Husband and Jennie came to see us. We were so very pleased to see and visit with them and they were also very pleased to see us and the new baby and know Edna was getting along all right. Husband told us all about his Salt Lake trip and of the folks, all of which was very interesting. He also brought us a deliccous treat of grapes and ripe tomatoes. They stayed about three hours, took dinner with us, soon after returned home. It was a splendid little visit we had. Friday Oct 9. The weather is clear and quite pleasent this after noon. THe ward teachers visited us in Ednas home this morning,, their talk was very interesting. The war in Europe is still raging. The Mormon missionaries have all been called from the most dangerous countrys of Europe, some released to go home and others seent to other fields away from the war zone. Sunday Oct 11th. We had snow and rain during the fare noon. About 11 A.M. Husband, Jennie, Elva and Earl came to visit us. We were lonsome and their companey helped to make the time pass pleasently. THey stayed two or three hours in the afternoon. The weather cleared up beautifuly and then good bys were said, kisses and handshakes given, and the folks were off for home. Monday Oct 12th. Edna started getting up, is getting her strength back. We washed, am preparing to go home to morrow. This has been a most beautiful day. We have had strmy weather for ten days past. Oct 13 Tuesday. Another beautiful day. We certainly know how to enjoy the nice weather after so much storm. After preforming my morning duties and breakfast over, John got the horses and buggy ready, then my kisses and good days said to Edna, Lucile and the little ones, John took me home. I enjoyed the swift ride and pleasent weather and was over joyed to be home again and my heart filled with gratitude for Edna being restored to heath again. When I reached home, Husband was ploughing in our "East Field" but he had ordered a chicken dinner in honor of my return home, so when he stoped ploughing for noon, which was a little early'er then usual, he found me home and Jennie had dinner nearly ready. We enjoyed a good talk and our nice dinner just fine. Soon Elva and Earl returned from school and we were all rejoiced to meet again. We spent the evening reading some, then Elva played on the organ while Jennie and I sang "When the silver threads are shining mong the gold." Then Earl and I sang while she played "Jesus wants me for a sunbeam." O it seemed good to be home sweet sweet home. Friday Oct 16. Jennie and I rode to Downey and she took the 12-35 P.M. train for Salt Lake to help Mary with her work as she is not feeling well, she may stay some time with Mary and take a dress making course in the Brown dress making school. Husband has his third crop hay cut and bunched ready to haul. Saturday Oct 17. Elva, Earl and I did the washing. She and I did the house work and cleaning. We received a card from Jennie. SHe arrived at Marys all right and was very welcome. Oct 18 Sunday. When we arose in the early morning it was raining hard. Elva rode a horse to Sabbath School after the rain stoped. The rest of us did not go. We all attended meeting in the afternoon. THere are only four of us at home at present, Husband, Elva, Earl and I. After meeting, O.O. and I called on old lady Hancock who has been sick some time. She was a little better. I spent the forenoon reading the Oct conference news. It was very interesting. On the 20 and 21 of Oct, with the help of brother Hyrum Newbold and Earl, O.O. hauled his third crop lucern. Oct 22. Husband and Elva went to Preston by team. He went on business and to buy our winter apples. Elva wanted to visit the folks. It was the first time she has been to Preston this year. A day or two ago I received a splendid letter from Mabel, full of news. She has joined the Mutual and is always in good companey when going out. The family she lives with are very nice people. Earl went to Ednas to day on an errand, horse back, came back in the afternoon. They were all well. Oct 23. We are getting on with the chores pretty good. (Earl and I). I have been coppying in to my journal to day and some yesterday. Last night seemed very lonely with just Earl and I at home. Friday evening 8 O'clock, O.O. returned home leaving Elva to visit in Preston untill the following Sunday. Oct 24. We at home attended Sabbath school after which we rode to Downey Station and met Elva who came from Preston on the train. We had'ent time to attend the afternoon meeting. Elva and Earl attended mutual in the evening. There was no school last week as teachers attended institute in Pocatello. School opened again Oct 26. Oct 28 Wednesday. O.O. and I went to Preston by team, stayed two nights. Visited with our children living there and enjoyed it. O.O. done some successful business while there and in Coveville, Utah with brother Comish. We returned home Oct 30 shortly after noon found all well. Saturday Oct 31. Lucile and I went to Lone Pine, ate dinner with Edna and family, stayed three hours or more. When we returned home, taking Edna and her child with us for a few days visit. She and baby stood the trip fine. November 1914The next day the children attended Sabbath School. O.O. and I attended meeting in the afternoon. Lucile, Elva and Earl attending mutual in the evening. Tuesday Nov 3, Election day. O.O., Edna, and I went to Downey and voted Democrat ticket streaght. We are having nice weather. Edna and children returned home with John on the evening of Election day. We enjoyed our visit. Saturday November 7. Husband, Lucile, Elva, Earl and me went to Downey and I took the train for Salt Lake City to stay with Mary two weeks or more. They were expecting me and David met me at the station. We went by St. Car to Mary's so soon reached there and were all pleased to meet each other. The next day we spent the day visiting and enjoyed a nice chicken dinner. Monday Nov 9. We washed. After dinner, Jennie and I went to town and done some trading, wrote letters in the evening. We spent the remainder of the week attending to the house work, ironing and done two more washings, washed some quilts also done some sewing. We made two small quilts for Glens crib bedstead his papa made him. Saturday Nov 14. 8 A.M. Mary's
second child was born, a girl On the 16, I received a very nice letter from Husband and one from Elva. They were getting on all right at home. Sent answers to my letters by return November 18. We washed the next day. Brother Charlie and wife Vira called on us, ate supper with us. After which David envited them to go with him self and me to the Orpheum Theatre that evening. We joyfuly accepted his kind invitation and enjoyed our selves splendid. We had also had a good visit. When the theatre was out, Charlie and Vira returned to their home by St. Car to Holliday. On Nov 20, my dear Husband expressed 40 lbs or more of fresh prok to us (he had lately killed two fat pigs) My how we rejoice over it, and soon had a fine supper cooked from some of the nice tender loin. I sent a letter by return mail showing appreaciation. Davids dear little children, Gerald and Florence are visiting with us to night. Saturday Nov 21. Edwin and Clyde came to S L City this evening. ALso Bro Sern Peterson came to the City for a few days for his health. Clyde stoped four nights with us, came to town to get his eyes tested for glasses. He had been bothered with headache so much. He brought Mary two nice fat dressed chickens his mama sent them. Sunday Nov 22. Edwin came to visit us and ate dinner with us. We enjoyed his short call wishing he could stay longer but business called him home that very evening. He made arangments with David to take Clyde to get his eyes tested and left money for the same, and for his ticket home. That evening, David and I went to Holliday and visited with brother Charlie and family, stayed about two hours, enjoyed our visit and returned to Mary's. She and baby continued to get along fine. Monday Nov 23. We washed. Mary got up and dressed and sat up parts of the day. She also was up and ressed the next day and felt much stronger. I helped Jennie with the owrk and done some mending. In the evening, David invited me to go to Pantaga Theatre with him. I accepted and went with him and spent a very pleasent evening. He surly tryed to show me a good time. Jennie had a bad cold and retired early. David lit the fire very early the next morning and we arose early and prepared to go to the Depot, that is Jennie accompaned Clyde and I and see Clyde off on his train. Then after saying our goodbys and kisses, Jennie then hurrayed back to Marys to attend to her work and I waited 40 minuets for the train. It was crowded with people by the time we reached Ogden and from there to Downey, being the day before Thanksgiving and many going to meet with their loved ones. Husband was at Downey Station to meet me and we were very pleased to meet. After a swift ride home, was so pleased to see Lucile and Elva and later when school was out to see Earl. Was again rejoiced to be at home again and I felt so greatful to my Heavenly Father for the success I had had, in nursing Edna and Mary thru their illness and for their nice babies, also for the health and protection of my loved ones at home and the good time I had with my children while away for the health and strength I had enjoyed in my work. Truly my heart over flowed with gratitude. It seemed as tho I had never before in my life found so much to be thankful for as on the Thanksgiving day at hand, besides all our other blessing, our nation was in peace while the countrys of Europe were engaged in the most cruel war. November 26 was Thanksgiving day. Lucile and I did what we could in the morning, preparing for dinner then we all made our selves ready and went to our meeting house and listened to a very good program. Then returned home and soon had dinner ready. Just as we were getting it on the table, Ruth and her little girls walked in, took us by surprise. We were certainly rejoiced to see them. They had rode with a friend in Cambridge from the station. We were soon seated around the table, partaking of our meal, enjoying our livily conversation. We had chicken, gravy, potatoes, pickles, bread, butter, fruit cake and peaches. We enjoyed our visiting the remainder of the day and evening and retired feeling well satisfied with our Thanksgiving day. Early the next morning 27th, O.O. took us all up to Lone Pine to visit with Edna and family. John was absent in the Canyon. Edna was feeling fine and the children also. Baby Ruth had grown so much and looked so sweet. Edna prepared dinner for us. We ate and then visited about two hours and returned home by way of Downey and done some trading. The next day Ruth A. made a middy wasit and a nice dress for Elva. Lucile and I were buissy with getting her (Lucile) ready to go to Preston with Ruth A. the next day to stay with her to take care of the children between school hours when Ruth would be clerking in the store. It stormed that night. The next day, Nov 29 was my Husbands birth day - fifty eight years of age. He received some presents and birthday cards and we planed a good dinner in honor of the occassion. Husband, Earl and I attended Sabbath School. We enjoyed our dinner and then prepared for the departure of the folks going off on the train. Husband took them to the station where they took the 5-35 P.M. train for Dayton where they were met by Edwin who took them by team to Preston. We felt quite lonly after they were gone. There were only four of us at home. Have been pretty buissy since they went, with my house work, yet get along with it all right as O.O. helps me with the heavy'est work and Elva and Earl helps when out of school. TO BE CONTINUED