Thursday March 5. I attended Relief Society meeting at Pres Eliza Brims residence. After meeting we made out a program for the 17 of March.
Sunday evening March 8th. The past week was spent in sewing by Mabel and me. Lucile attended to the house work. We all attended sabbath school. We recd a phone from Jennie at Downey (to day Sunday). She had just come from Preston. Her father got the team and buggy ready and went down to bring her home. She was home sick and was glad to be home again. It seemed very nice to us to have our three grown girls at home again. It was to late for afternoon meeting so we stayed at home and Mabel, Jennie, and Lucile attended Mutual improvement meeting in the evening. The weather is lovily and the snow melting away fast.
On the 11 of March
O.O. and
I rode over to Marsh Center. Started at 8 A.M. The weather was
beautiful and roads quite good. Our trip there was to go to
and visit
George R.
and family before they move to
Bancroft. We had a nice little visit
with the folks and returned home taking little
Roma with us.
Geo and
Thora and
also went to our home and stayed over night that gave us a good visit
and the next day was
Geo R's
birthday and in honor of the occasion we had a splendid dinner. They
returned to Marsh Center in the
Friday March 13. Mabel went to Bancroft by train to help Estella as she is inable to do much as her arm is stiff and she cant use it much Geo and family also went to Bancroft on that day. Edwin and Lena kindly offered them a room untill they could find a house to rent.
Saturday March 14. Edwin's, Lena, Ona, and Russell came by train to pay us the long looked for visit. We were truly pleased to see them. We phoned Edna's mother in law so she could get word to Edna, her neighbor to have her and family come visit us too. They came Sunday March 15. We all had a very nice sociable time. It seemed like a holliday having so many of our absent children at home. We had not seen any of them at our home for a long time. They all returned home Monday March 16.
O.O., Wilora, and me rode down with Edwin and family to the Downey station and waited untill the train pulled out then we went to the furniture store and bought some good bed springs for our bed and ten yds of Lenoleum.
March 17. Anual R. Society day, the anniversary of the organization of the first R. Society in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints by the Prophet Joseph Smith at Nauvoo Ill, March 17 1842. Our meeting came off to day. Our Bprick were there, one High Priest and one Elder. The program was rendered and some encouraging remarks given. Pres Brims, first counselor and our sect. were absent on account of sickness.
Saturday, March 21 O.O. attended Priesthood meeting, I attended Relief Society officers meeting and Lucile attended Primary officers meeting, all at Downey Ida.
Sunday March 22. O.O. attended High Priest meeting at Downey. The rest of us attended sabbath school, after which we all returned home, ate dinner. O.O. and I also Jennie and Lucile attended afternoon meeting in Cambridge Ward. Elva, Earl and Wilora staying at home. (Big black ink stain) Ink bottle tiped over. During the past week we have been house cleaning and varnishing. The weather clear and cool, ground bare and getting busty.
22 March. today husband subscribed for 2 Vals written by the late Ben E. Rich $1.25 each.
Thursday March 26. Two men built us a new chicken coop with wire front.
Sunday following we all attended sabbath school. The girls all but Wilora walked home the rest of us drove to Downey station and met Estella and children and Mabel, came to visit us. We were pleased to see them. Geo R phoned the day before they would be down. They also brought us news of Edwin being called to Preston to work on the Studebaker there. It was welcome news to him and Lena, as they would much rather live there. He has also bought a dry farm in Preston and sold his farm in Bancroft.
On April 2nd, I attended Relief Society at Sister Elizza Hancocks. 16 sisters were in attendance. We had a good meeting in the forenoon of above date. husband, Estella, Thora and I went to Downey. I took my picture of the Preston choir (taken in the summer of 1897) to be framed at the Downey furniture store. The picture was taken while I was a member of the Oneida Stake Choir and the Preston Choir, have been a member of a choir and some of the time choirs thrity years of my life, the first one in Logan fifth Ward, the leader Alexander Iset, then member of the first and fourth Ward Sunday School choir which sang in the evening meetings (Sundays), leader Wm. Knowles. Later when the Basment of the Logan Tabernacle was finished, joined the Logan Choir, our leader was Alexander Lewis. After moving to Preston Idaho, was invited to join the Preston choir, our leader Oto Johnson. Later, Prof L. D. Edwards and family moved to Preston Ida. and was asked to be leader of the Preston Choir. Many more singers were called in and several musicans. It be came a very good choir and he was also leader of the stake choir which was organized later and to which I also belonged. I seseigned from the two last choirs Dec 1900 on account of ill health. My chest had ached for six weeks and I had a bad cough. I couldent stand the going out longer in the cold night air to attend practises, go in to a cold meeting house after a cold ride of nearly two miles. Husband was very good to take me to practises for years and later our boys would take me when he could not or was on a mission. I look back on my choir days with much joy and hppiness and have received much real pleasure among the bands of singers I have labored with and some times while singing in our conferences and other meetings have had the spirit of singing so strong that my voice seemed so strong and powerful, I could almost lift the roof from the building. When our meetings in conference times were over many times I felt very weak and no strength left for a few hours. To day APril 2, I also called on Sister Hardwick and sister Dunam Vanlivan. The weather to day seems like spring. Jennie and Lucile took little Roma Crockett to their cousin Fabian Reams boarding place and he took her Kodac.
April 3. Husband and I put in the flower garden and Elva raked the lawn. George R came to day from Bancroft, Ida. bring Edwin's Clyde. They will visit with us a few days. Edwin, Lena, Ona, Russell, and their furniture went to Preston. To day the weather is warm.
April 4th. Estella's mother and sister Irene and babies paid us a visit to day.
April 5. Fast day, but we didn't think of it in time to fast. George, his family and Jennie went to Bancroft. Husband, Earl, Clyde, and Wilora accommpaned them to the Downey station. They will start house keeping for the first time since the 24 of Aug 1913. We wish them success in their new home. Jennie will help Estella a few weeks. Little Ozro has had the mumps and Thora and Roma is having them.
April 8. Mabel, Clyde, and Wilora went to Preston. Mabel will work for Lena a while cleaning house. Clyde was delighted at the thots of going to Preston. Had been about wild with joy all the morning, singing, whistling, playing on the organ with remendous fource, dancing and even got after his Aunt Lucile chasing her around with corset steals making us all laugh. Wilora too was tickled as she could be but took it more quietly. Her mama had written her such nice letters in poetry and prose during her absence of one month and five days. She hasent been a bit of trouble to us. Her health was better then when she came.
April 9. I cleaned up the back yard, fixed up the flower garden, there planted some sweet peas and did some sewing. Also done some reading. Have read the Book of Mormon thru several years ago but want to read it again.
On the 10 of April started to read it thru. It is raining.
12 April. Easter Sunday and Luciles eightenth birthday. We attended sabbath school. Pres Noah Pond was there. When we returned home, John, Edna, and the children were there to spend Easter with us. We were pleased to see them and enjoyed their visit. They stayed over night, returning home the next day. Husband and John spent Monday forenoon diging shade trees to sell out of our Carolina Poplar shade tree grove, started from cuttings about three years ago. They dug 200 trees to day. The weather is cloudy and cool.
Wednesday APril 15. Mary's cow (her father gave her and was in our care until she could take care of her) died foundered on lucern in our field. Five head of horn stock was with her and not any of them bloated in the least. We had a heavy rain in the evening.
Friday April 17. Husband and I started to Preston between 3 and 5 PM to meet his nephew and bride from Arizona and also visit our children and brother Alivin Crockett who had been to Ariz on a visit and lately returned. We found a great many peices of bad road, deep mud, so by the time we reached Winder Ward it was dark and not knowing any thing about the roads a head that we better not go on, so we stayed over night with brother and sister Calderwood Taylor and family, paid for our horses feed, took no meals and went on to Preston Early the next morning. Brought lunch from home. We found Ruth A and children well. At breakfast with her on the morning of April 16. After breakfast, we walked over and called on Edwin and Lena, then rode down to brother Geo E. Crocketts residence, visited with him and family and our nephew, Guy Lamoreaux and wife. He had lately married in the tempel. Aunt Lydia's son from Ariz. Brother Alvin D. Crockett was also there and we had a splendid visit with them all. We ate dinner with them and was in their companey three or four hours, then returned to Edwins and from there to Ruth's and stayed over night. We ate supper with Edwin and family, arose Early next morning.
April 19, Sunday. Had breakfast and at 730 A.M. started for home.
Went by Dayton,
and Swan Lake.
Found good roads. Stoped a few minuets at Mrs GY Baices residence and
bought me some flower plants. She had a large beautiful flower
garden. We had splendid roads all the way, good weather and we enjoyed
our ride fine. Had a nice lunch which
Ruth had purchaced, reached
home 130 P.M. Found all well.
April 21. Husband sold our black mare to Margret B. Nelsons husband for $40.00 down and $35.00 in a note. We put some garden seeds in yesterday.
24 Arbor day. O.O. dug about two doz. trees and delivered. I worked on Luciles coat I was making. She did up the work prepared the meals and put in her leisure moments reading a long story aloud to Elva and Earl who both had the mumps on both sides and are quite sick and miserable.
25 of April. We received a letter from Geo R. to day stating the dozen chickens we shipped him arrived all right and that Estella, her children, and Jennie are at Lava Hot Springs. Estella under a rub Dr's care and taking baths. Her arm is getting better.
April 26. Husband and Lucile attended sabbath school. He and I attended meeting. Weather cool.
April 29. Cold, cloudy, raining. Elva and Earl getting over their mumps fine. We keep them at home. No other mumps in .
April 30. 10 A.M. I attended a special Relief Society meeting in
meeting house. Satke Pres Mrs Dixie Henderson of
accompaned by Mrs Thomas Coffin were in attendence. Our President gave
us some very good instructions which she received of the general board,
Salt Lake City
while at the April Conference. The following is some of
them. In laying away the dead, had received instructions from President
Joseph F. Smith. The robe should be placed on the right shoulder,
girdle tied on left side, the vail should always be down When the
casket is covered on men the bow on cap placed on left side, shoulder of
robe geathered or plaited according to tast. Also number of leaves in
apron according to taste, nine leaves is the number generaly used, stems
of leaves always up as the natural leaf grows. We should always keep
our garments sacred. When taking them off to change always fold them
and lay them aside. Do not stand on them and use them as a rug. They
are sacred. The above instructions were given to R. Society Pres
Emeline B. Wells by Pres. Joseph F. Smith. I enjoyed the meeting very
much. Rode to meeting and walked back, but enjoyed it as the weather
was nice, roads good and I did not get tired. When I reached home,
Lucile had the nouse all cleaned up nicely, dinner
nearly ready and the table set. A little later,
Husband came from
Downey bringing
Mabel and
with him. He met them at the station. They came from
Preston. We were pleased to see them.