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  Robert Clarkson

  Ruth Clarkson

  Ozro Crockett

  Mary Crockett

  Earl & Della

  Crockett Clan


Ozro Ozias Crockett (1856-1930)

Story of the Life of Ozro Ozias Crockett
written by Ruth Clarkson Crockett (Ozro's wife) on August 10, 1931 (one year after Ozro's death)
typed in by Donna Woolf (great-granddaughter)

Ozro O. is the son of Alvin Crockett and Mary Sophia Reed. He was born 29 November 1856 at Payson, Utah. His grandfather David Crockett was the son of James Crockett born April 27, 1779, and Elizabeth Brackett born March 1778. David Crockett was born December 30, 1806 at Knox Co. Maine. He married Lydia Young, who was born July 20, 1812 at Knox Co. Maine. He married Lydia Young, who was born July 20, 1812 at Knox Co. Maine. The above couple were Ozro O.'s grandparents. They had thirteen children born to them. The eldest Alvin Crockett, Ozro O.'s father, who was born October 19, 1831, Vinal Haven, Maine. His wife Mary S. Reed was born September 6, 1833 in New Hampshire. She and Alvin Crockett were married June 20, 1852 at Payson, Utah.

They had twelve children born to them, Ozro Ozias being the third child. His grandparents, David and Lydia Y. Crockett, received the Gospel of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints on the Fox Islands, Maine, and with their family emigrated from Maine to Iowa in 1841. They made several moves thru Iowa, Illinois and Missouri, suffering the hardships which the Saints encountered. In the spring of 1848 they moved to Utah with ox teams, arriving there in October of the same year, in Salt Lake City. In 1851 the family moved to Payson, Utah.

Ozro O.'s mother was the daughter of Tillison Reed and Delia Deliverence Byam, who were married in New Hampshire. They had eleven children born to them. Ozro O.'s mother was their youngest child. Her father Tillison Reed came of a family of thirteen, he being the fourth child. They received the Gospel and he and family gathered with the Saints in Missouri. He died there August 21, 1836.

His daughter Mary S. Reed, her mother, brothers and sisters journeyed to Utah arriving at Salt Lake City, Utah, August 1848. Mary S., Ozro O.'s mother was then fifteen years of age. They suffered many hardships in those pioneer days. Food was very scarce. They dug segos and ate them for vegetables, and when they got a little corn, made hominy of it, and Ozro O.'s mother would eat one kernel at a time with a pin to make it last longer. She just had a half teacup full at a time, took it to school with her and ate it for her dinner. When the widowed mother and children were living at Salt Lake City, her daughter Mary S. worked in the Raleigh family.

After her marriage to Alvin Crockett, she lived and kept house at Payson, Utah. Her mother also moved to Payson with her children and later married a widower who had a family of children. His name was Nahum Curtis. She herself had six children at home. He died seven years later. She died 26 years later at her daughter, Mrs. Alvin Crockett's, home at Logan, Utah.

Ozro O.'s mother (Mary Sophia Reed) was the first school teacher in Payson, Utah. They endured many hardships in their young married life. In those early pioneer days, she would card wool into roles and spin yarn, card wool into quilt batts, would make her own dyes, color yarn, aniline, indigo, make some color from golden rod, logwood and capras. She would weave the cloth from yarn for clothing for the family and did the sewing and tailoring, sitting up late nights to get her sewing done. She also knit stockings for the family. Ozro O.'s father (Alvin Crockett) made shoes for himself and family, made wooden pegs to nail the soles on with. At times he went to meetings barefoot after he was married for he had no shoes and could not get leather to make them. Many times he went to the canyon in cold weather for wood to burn, when he had no coat to wear, and just grain sacks wrapped on his feet. Previous to his marriage he went to California to dig gold about the time when so many went there for gold, in 1850. Out of some of the gold he dug, he had an engagement ring made for his sweetheart, Mary S. who afterwards became his wife. He was gone from home in California a little over one year. Alvin's father, David Crockett, was the first mayor of Payson, Utah. Alvin was the first mayor of Logan, Utah.

When Ozro O.'s parents first child was born (their daughter Mary S.) they were living in an unfinished house, log room without a door or windows. They had willows on the roof, ready to be covered with dirt. A heavy rain came down the night baby was born. It rained in on the bed. They caught what they could in buckets and pans. When the rain stopped, the bed was soaked. Ozro O.'s father built a big fire (it was in the month of June) and put up forked sticks in the house and hung the bedding on them to dry, and Ozro O.'s mother did not take cold and it did not seem to hurt her.

From early spring time until late in the fall, when the heavy frost came, Ozro O.'s father did mason work, built adobe houses for people in the town, then all thru the winter he made and mended shoes, and did cooper work, making tubs, buckets, kegs, barrels, churn, etc. These he made for his family and all the people in the town.

In the early spring of 1860, Ozro's grandparents, Crocketts and family and his father Alvin Crockett, and family moved to Logan, Cache Valley, Utah. Ozro O.'s father and family settled in the Logan Fourth Ward on the lot where the Benson School house is now located. There was then four children in their family. The father built a three-roomed log house on the northwest corner of the lot pretty close to the street on the north and west (corner lot). The house faced the south. The family lived there eight years.

The principle of plural marriage was believed and practiced by the Latter-Day Saints in those early days, and about the year 1867 Ozro O.'s father obeyed that principle and married Miss Annie N. Peall. In the spring of 1870 the family moved to what was then the south part of Logan, what was called the Island. It was also part of the First Ward of Logan.

Ozro O.'s father served as mayor of Logan City four years for which he received $2.00. He was County Sheriff for 20 years, most of which time he was also Chief of Police of Logan City, Utah. When Cache Valley was organized as a Stake of Zion, Ozro O.'s father was one of the first to be ordained a High Counselor and served in that capacity up to the time of his death, July 9, 1902.

In the year 1872, Ozro O.'s father went on a mission for six months to the Fox Islands, Maine, which he filled in honor.

Ozro O. attended school winters until about the time he was eighteen years of age, working around the home, on the farm, in the hay field and in the canyons, hauling firewood during the summer and fall months. When a small boy he herded their sheep and cows up at the foot of the mountains east of Logan. In the fall of the year, he would herd the cows in the fields and would glean wheat.

When he was about sixteen years old, he and his brother Alvin David, who is two years older, went to the canyon for wood. On their way when on Providence Bench just before reaching the dry canyon, the horses became frightened and Ozro O. fell among the horses, got tangled in the lines and was drug about a mile. Finally the horses fell down and he was liberated and his life was saved, but he had received many deep cuts and bruises on his legs and one knee. He was laid up for six weeks, was sat up with a long while nights. He was nursed and cared for by his mother and became healed and well again.

When he was about seventeen years of age, he worked for Brigham Young, Jr. of Logan, Utah, and for payment received schooling, board, and clothing. He worked for him one and a half years. While there he did chores, took care of a large garden, lawn, flowers, and kept the walks free from weeds. He also white washed the fence around the lot (a corner lot) barn and out buildings. While white washing he got lime in his eyes and they got cold in them and became sore and inflamed and never again were they as well and strong as before the lime got in them. At times his eyes would be pretty good. Then again every now and then he had a bad time with them. He doctored and suffered a great deal and spent a lot of money on them. The effects of the lime did it all and left scars on his left eye caused by ulcers that came on his eye. However he became able to carry on business, bookkeeping, etc. all his life since then.

At eighteen and a half years of age he went to Salt Lake City and received his endowments in the Endowment house. When a boy, he was ordained a deacon, afterwards a Priest and before his endowments was ordained an Elder. When he was about 17 years, he and his boy friends near his age got together and organized a bible class, had a president, counselors and secretary. They would meet together once a week at night, first at dwellings houses and then at a school house. They would read the Bible and church works and discussed them. This association they kept up until 1874 when the Young Men's Mutual Association was organized at Logan, Utah, and Ozro O. was put in Counselor to Brother Geo. L. Ferrell. When Ozro was about 19 years, he acted as a ward teacher and did so for several years in Logan. When about 20 years, he was sustained as a home missionary, having companions and attending meetings Sundays in Logan wards, and in some of the settlements in Cache Valley.

On December 26, 1878, he was married to Miss Ruth Clarkson in the Endowment House, Salt Lake City, by Elder Daniel H. Wells. His sister Lydia L. and Archie O. Lamoreaux were married the same day and at the same place; the two couples made the trip together by team and a covered wagon, staying nights along the way with friends and relatives, returning to Logan, Utah, New Year's Eve, in a big storm.

Ozro O.'s mother got up a fine wedding dinner for the two couples on New Year's day, which was very much appreciated by them.

Ozro O. rented a house of his sister Mary near his father's and mother's residence, bought furniture, got a second hand stove and cupboard and he and his wife started housekeeping 9th of January 1879 and were very happy. He got jobs of work whenever he could and canvassed and took orders for the Juvenile Instructor

March 4, 1879 he and wife moved to Clarkston, Cache Valley, Utah, in a wagon with ox team. They took all their belongings in one load. He rented a farm, went into a one roomed log house with dirt roof. They whitewashed it and cleaned and fixed it up the best they could, but every time the floor was scrubbed, the stink bugs would creep up the cracks by the walls all around and run up the walls. They would take an old pan and stick and go around gathering them until the pan was half full, then carry them off in the road. They did this many times until they were gone. They milked two cows which belonged to the farm. They made butter but had no cellar. Ozro O. put in his crops, his wife cooking dinner and carrying it to the field not far away and the two would sit in the shade and eat their dinner. On the 26th of June, 1879 he left his crops in the care of Bp. Jardine of Clarkston and took his wife to his relatives in Logan and he went to work on the railroad. It was the 26th of June 1879 when he left. He went to Idaho Falls, at that time called Eagle Rock. It was then the terminus of Utah and Northern Railroad. He started making track at Market Lake, Idaho, was near Montana line when he went home 4th of October, 1879. He did very well on that job and saved up some money.

Soon after returning he went to Clarkston to move his furniture and settle up with Bp. Jardine and he found out he had nothing coming on his crop as it took it all to harvest it. It was a very dry season.

Ozro O. rented a room in his brother Alvin David's house and he and his wife again started housekeeping. He got a job clerking in Ricks & Co. Grocery store, and also canvassed between working hours for two worthy books that came out in magazine form. This he kept up all winter and spring of 1880 and he saved up money to build a little house on the lot his father gave him joining the one where his father and mother's residence stood.

On the 4th of November 1879 Ozro O. and wife had a girl baby born to them. They named her Ruth Ann. They were very happy in their new parenthood.

That same year he was Clerk of the school of trustees.

In the spring of 1880, Ozro O. built their house. The carpenters had it all ready for the plastering, when Ozro O. and family moved in, whitewashed the adobe walls and fixed them quite comfortable, intending to live so until they could afford to pay for the plastering. There was one large room on the ground floor, a stairway with closet underneath and two small bedrooms above, a story and a half house. That summer 28th August Ozro O. went to work at the temple saw mill up Logan Canyon. At that time the Logan temple was being built.

One day while he was piling lumber in the sawmill yard, away above his head, very suddenly he was prompted to step aside, he did so and he barely escaped being crushed by the large pile of lumber he had been piling, when it fell to the ground, and thus by his obeying the warning his life was spared.

In September 1880, Supt. C.O. Card, called on Ozro O.'s wife in her home and asked her to go up to that temple mill where her husband was working and help the girls there with the cooking (there were a large camp of men working in the timber and in the mill) and be a chaperone for the girls. She was pleased with the idea and quickly a way was prepared for herself and baby Ruth to go up to the temple mill, which was September 20, 1880. It was quite a happy meeting between the surprised husband, his wife and baby, for he knew nothing about their coming before hand.

Ozro O.'s wife and baby stayed until 18th of November same year when it became too cold for baby, so they went home. She found their house all plastered and whitewashed and a new cook stove, a surprise her husband had made her. He took a trip to Logan while she was in the canyon. Ozro O. stayed with his work at the sawmill until Xmas. During that winter he got jobs of work as he could. In the spring of 1881 he started running an express wagon. He kept this job until the winter of 1883. Sometime in January of that year, Ozro O. sold his home to J.Z. Stuart for $600.00 and he bought a house and 80 acres dry farm at Preston, Idaho. The farm is now called Sand Crest.

On the 9th of February 1883, Ozro O. his wife, Ruth A. and year old baby boy, Ozro David moved to their farm in Preston, Idaho. The next Spring after putting in some grain, he canvassed for the book entitled "Dr. Chase's Recipes" a very useful book and made money to pay off debts and buy fencing for the farm. November 28, 1883, Ozro O. left home and went six miles away and worked on the Cub River and Worm Creek canal, with a bunch of men to get water out for the Preston flat and adjoining farms. They had to camp there, would work every spring and fall until they got the water.

The first year crop on the farm was a failure, was a dry season and no water, and the winter following a hard one, hard times and very little to do with. That winter on the 19th of January 1884, their 3rd child was born, a boy and they named him Edwin Alvin. Considering all things, the family got along very well in spite of hardships which were many, they had much to be thankful for. The following summer and fall Ozro O.'s work on the farm prospered and the family tried hard to attend their religious duties.

They rejoiced over their harvest, rye 265 bushels, potatoes 125 bushels (raised on A. Heads farm) free of ch. melons to sell by the load and all they needed for themselves, and most delicious. Had all kinds of garden stuff and raised a good many nice chickens. Ozro O. bought a good cow so they could have milk for their baby Edwin. He paid for the cow with firewood he hauled from the canyon. The water had not been brought on to the farm. He continued to work on the canal whenever he could, sometimes running out of food, would have just bread and molasses to eat. They were sure hard times. When the water was brought out there was more produce raised; grain, hay, potatoes, good garden, orchard and fruit and loads of squash, more cows were bought and milk sold to the creamery in Worm Creek Hollow not far from the Crockett farm. In time strawberries were raised on the farm and $100.00 worth sold in a season and $50.00 worth of raspberries were sold in a season. Their children and others picked the fruit. Everything seemed to prosper until the year 1899 when the water run short in the river and canal in July owing to dry seasons and not enough snow falling in the winters.

In the spring of 1900, there was a great call to Oregon for beet growers, a sugar factory had been built, Ozro O. hearing and reading of this, concluded he would go and try raising beets. So he rented his farm, sold off all his cows except one. He and H. Halverson loaded a car with furniture and stock, cows and horses, and they and the families all went by train to Alisel, Oregon in the spring of 1900. They bought some land built a little house on it, ploughed and put in sugar beets, thinned, hoed, cultivated them good, the children helping but the beets were a failure due to no water and a very dry season. Not long after the sugar factory was taken down and moved to another place. He got jobs of work in the harvest field.

He got jobs of work in the harvest field, their three sons O. David, Edwin A. and George Robert also got jobs of work in the harvest fields, and their daughter Ruth A. worked for farmers' wives busy with headers and threshers. On the 1st of September 1900, the family made up their minds and moved or started for their home in Preston, Idaho.

Ozro O. sold his house and land in Oregon, his furniture, his cow, and went by team with his wife and nine children back to their farm in Preston, Idaho. They had been gone six months when they returned 18th of September 1900, a thankful and happy bunch.

The next spring, Ozro O. sold his farm owing to shortage of water as he wanted to raise beets. He bought the Willard Hobbs' home in Preston town and some acres of land near by and tried for two years to raise beets, but was not successful, seasons dry. They (he and the boys) did all they could with them and then got jobs of work elsewhere. Ozro O. weighed beets in beet digging time. Ruth A. also worked clerking in Larsons's Store.

In about the spring of 1903 Ozro O. bought G.Y. Smith's Clothing Store and he, his daughter Ruth A., his son O. David and son Edwin A. clerked in it. In 1904, Ozro O. sold out his home and put the worth of it into the store and moved his family into the back rooms of the store, where they lived one year and five months. There was now eleven children all living. Ozro O. had also been working in real estate and from it had made $2000.00. He paid $200.00 out of it in tithing and built a beautiful red brick house on some land he bought in the Preston 2nd Ward. The house was all finished, painted, screened and all with electric lights in and the telephone and a new cook range stove. The family moved in the new home 11th September 1904, a very happy family.

Ozro O. carried on the mercantile business about four years and then failed in his business owing to the credit system and customers failing to pay up their accounts, and Ozro O. was owing many hundred dollars for goods received. So he sole out to a merchant who came to town for 60 cents on the dollar, also selling all his property (except the home) as fast as he could and turning the money received on his debts. He got a job of work at the sugar factory in Lewiston which lasted three months.

In March 1908 he had a chance to trade the new home for a farm at Red Rock in Marsh Valley, Idaho of Samuel Merrill, Sen. The farm was 180 acres with a 3-room log house with dirt roof, a good cellar, granary and sheds with corrals for stock. There were many large shade trees near the house. The trade was made and the family moved from their lovely home to the Red Rock farm. Ten cows went with the farm and Ozro O. bought several and already owned one. He bought a separator and sold a large can of cream each week. The move was made March 24, 1908. Ozro O. bought chickens and pigs, raised some grain and hay. He made every effort and turn he could to pay off his store debts for goods and in time he succeeded and it was all squared off, but many people never paid him their accounts charged for goods received. The family lived on that farm one year and four months. The older children getting jobs of clerking in stores. The three oldest children being married before they moved to Red Rock, and two others married while the family were at Red Rock, the parents concluded to sell out and buy a home near schools as Red Rock was too far from school for the children to walk. The chance came, and the farm was sold for cash and a dry farm bought in Cambridge northeast of Downey, Idaho, 80 acres without anything on it.

The family moved to Cambridge, Idaho, in July 1909 and rented a house for two months. Ozro O. built a five-room bungalow, hired two carpenters. He also built a granary, stables, chicken coop, pig pen, wagon shed, cellar and store room, etc. Most all the buildings were painted. The family moved into the home in October 1909. They built up a lovely home there. Grain, hay, potatoes, squash, fruit and good gardens were raised on the farm. They also had lawn and flowers, and many nice shade trees, Ozro O. planted. He also had a nursery of shade trees he set out and when they were quite large and no sale for them, he wanted the land for a garden spot and offered them as a gift to anyone who would come and dig them up and take them away. Many men took up with his offer from all around Marsh Valley and he gave three or four hundred very nice young shade trees away. They were planted and helped to beautify the homes in the valley.

Ozro O. had several cows and a separator and sold cream. He also started in real estate about the year 1911, had an office at Downey, Idaho and rode back and forth in a buggy from his home in Cambridge to his office. In that year another of his children was married. He now had children who would soon be ready for High school and as he had a chance to trade his property in Cambridge and Downey for a good home and farm in Preston 2nd Ward on State Street, he traded and the family moved to Preston, February 25, 1916.

Three weeks before Ozro O.'s wife took a stroke. Doctor said it was near a stroke, all in the left side of her head. The family were soon settled. His wife continued very sick for about one year and it was another six months before she was able to take full charge of her housework.

The new home was liked very well by the family, a six-room red brick house with front porch, cellar, cook shanty, chicken coop and large barn. The house and farm had a $2000.00 mortgage on it. There was an apple orchard on the place with some cherries, plums, pears and raspberries. Ozro O. raised beets on the farm and some hay. They had a cow and chickens. They got along that year fairly well. In 1918 Ozro O. did splendid with the beet crop in that year he finished paying the mortgage off with beet money $1782.00, finished paying it all off, and the farm was cleared. The two following years the beet crop was not so good due to dry seasons.

In February 1920 the flu came in the family for over two weeks. The house was like a hospital with children and grandchildren, beds in every room excepting kitchen and bathroom. O.O. himself took down, his wife, daughter Lucille and son Earl were spared to nurse the rest and go on with the house work. Their daughter Jennie a trained nurse in Salt Lake City had the flu there, got over it and came home to help nurse the sick in the home. They all recovered but Ozro O. was very slow in regaining his strength and felt like he could not carry on the farm work longer. He had started writing fire insurance the month before and did quite well, so his wife and he talked things over as they usually did and concluded to sell the farm and buy a place nearer in, close to business houses and meeting houses, so Mr. John Hobbs called and wanted to buy the farm. So Ozro O. sold it to him for $10,400.00. Hobbs put a $3000.00 mortgage on the farm by O.O.'s consent. $2,000 cash he paid down and a house and lot in Preston 1st Ward worth $1000.00. On the 28th day of January 1920, Ozro bought a home in the Preston 3rd Ward for $3500.00 for his family to live in. It was just what they needed, close in to center of town and plenty of rooms.

One month after the family got over the flu, Ozro O's son Earl came down with it, but with careful nursing he soon was able to attend his High school.

On the 5th of March, 1920, Ozro O. and family moved into the 3rd Ward home and soon were all settled. Ozro sold his cows, horses, hogs and cream separator, when he moved to town. He went on writing fire insurance and did quite well with it, also the thousand dollar place in the 1st Ward was rented and he drew rent from that. His daughters, Ruth A. now a widow and daughter, Mabel, single, both clerked in a clothing store and his daughter Elva just graduated from High School that spring, attended summer school at Pocatello, preparing to teach school the next winter.

In 1923 Ozro had to take the farm back because John Hobbs could not come up with the interest and payments and on March 8, 1923, O. O. and wife moved to the farm, 8 of their children were married. Ruth A. (widow) had her home in Preston 3rd Ward, Mabel her sister lived with her, both clerked in Boss Bros. Clothing store. O.O.'s daughters Jennie (single) was a trained nurse in Salt Lake City, Utah, his son Earl, was attending the University of Utah, working his way thru, boarded at his brother David's in the city of Salt Lake. So O.O. and his wife were alone and neither one very strong and robust to manage the work on a farm. They rented their house in the 3rd Ward and lived on the farm 11 months both working hard. O. O. trying to build up the farm and improve it. It was all run down. He pulled up the orchard, making more room to raise beets. He got it looking quite well and raised some beets, took care of them, and worked harder than his strength would allow, and in the end paid out so much for help with them, that the beet crop did not amount to much, so could not pay up interest money on the farm, and never could pay off the mortgage. So. O. O. and wife concluded to sell the farm and move back to their home in the Preston 3rd Ward. So January 1924 O. O. sold his farm to his nephew Ray Crockett for $6000.00 with mortgages and interest money due. Did not receive a cent down, his brother Geo. Crockett, father of Ray, went security by giving O. O. a mortgage on J.C. Penny Store for $2185.00.

On the 4th of February 1924, O. O. and wife moved to their home in the 3rd Ward of Preston, and again neighbor to their daughter Ruth A. Chadwick. By this time their daughter Mabel had married Archie Kofoed and lived at Weston, Idaho.

O. O. continued to write fire insurance. He kept one cow and some chickens. He built a large chicken coop and small barn and bought 200 baby chicks, white leghorns. They were an awful care. He tried hard to make a success of them, but his eye sight went bad and he sold the chickens in November of 1924. His eyesight began to fail in August 1924 and in October following was quite bad, so he went to Salt Lake City, Utah and consulted a specialist. There was so much the matter with his eyes the doctor said there was still a chance for him by using radium. The second visit he made Dr. concluded O. O. had cataract but radium might help it and in order O. O. might receive regular treatments and home near the place of treatment, O. O. and wife moved some furniture, bedding, etc. to Salt Lake City, and rented a three-roomed house in Strong's Court for $14.00 a month, and their son Earl, left his brother David's and lived with them, while attending the U. of U. and paid them for his board. O. O. took more treatments of the radium, each treatment being quite a ways apart, $5.00 a treatment.

In the very first of January 1925, O. O. was very sick, by the 4th of January he was broke out with erysipelas all over his face. He was in great distress, Dr. Tyndale was called twice, made two visits. O. O.'s daughter, Jennie, the nurse, came to help her mother nurse him. Everything was done to relieve his misery, finally he started to get better, improving each day. He was sick about two weeks, got very weak and thin, was weeks getting his strength back. He again made a visit to the eye specialist office and found out radium would not help his eyes, so he and wife concluded to go to their home in Preston, two rooms of it was rented.

On the 13th of February, 1925, they moved home by train and Earl went to live with his sister Edna & family. O. O. regained strength faster after returning home. He continues to write fire insurance. He can use his left eye to a great advantage, although there are ulcer scars across it that have been there for years. His wife helps him with his writing and reads aloud to him. He can see enough to attend to business and do all his figuring and can always sign his name. Can walk out and go anywhere he wants to and take care of himself in the thickest traffic.

All of his life he has tried to be a good church member. He and his wife have reared and educated eleven children, four sons and seven daughters, the best their circumstances and means would allow. Himself and three of his sons, have filled honorable missions.

O. O. was ordained a seventy January 11, 1885. He returned from his Eastern States Mission June 20, 1899, was gone 26 months. He was ordained a High Priest and set apart a High Counselor November 3, 1901 in the Oneida Stake. After moving to Red Rock and Cambridge he acted as ward teacher for many years, and still is doing so. He was set apart as 2nd counselor to Bishop W. O. Thomson of the Cambridge Ward of the Portneuf Stake. He was set apart as 1st Counselor to Pres. Myron Richards of the High Priest Quorum of Portneuf Stake; November 21, 1915 moved back to Preston, Idaho. February 25, 1916, joined 2nd Ward, was put right in as acting ward teacher, has done considerable temple work. Was set apart as 1st Counselor to Pres. Adelbert Henderson of the High Priest Quorum of the Oneida Stake.

He has donated to all missionaries in the communities where he has lived. Also helped in building temples and meeting houses. Has paid tithing every year for forty eight years. He is now seventy years of age. He helped two sons on missions in the Southern States and one son on a mission to England.

He has given good service as school trustee in two counties. Also their clerk of trustees, and clerk of trustees in another county. Was water master of the Cub River and Worm Creek Canal Co. Was City Judge in Preston, Idaho. Was assessor and collector of Oneida Co. two years. In time of the World War, he bought Liberty Bonds one $100.00 and one $50.00 and gave freely to the Red Cross and other public calls for help. At the 1926 election was elected Justice of the Peace.

He and wife live alone renting two of their rooms. Their children all married except Jennie, the nurse. They visit the parents whenever they can and keep up a correspondence when absent. They are all very kind and thoughtful and are willing to do anything they can to help and comfort their parents and make them happy.

Ozro O. and wife Ruth, take great joy in attending to Church duties. Are kind and considerate of each other's wants. In looking over their past lives, they feel they have been greatly blessed and so far feel pretty well satisfied with their past lives' work.

OZRO O. CROCKETT, born November 29, 1856 at Payson, Utah.
RUTH CLARKSON, born September 12, 1857 at New York, N.Y. were married 26 December 1878 in the Endowment House at Salt Lake City, Utah, by Daniel H. Wells.

Their Children :
RUTH ANN CROCKETT (Chadwick) (Larsen) was born 4 November, 1879 at Logan, Utah
OZRO DAVID CROCKETT, born 11 January 1882 at Logan, Utah
EDWIN ALVIN CROCKETT, born 19 January 1884 at Preston, Idaho
GEORGE ROBERT CROCKETT, born 12 March 1886 at Preston, Idaho
MARY CROCKETT (Neufer) born 13 February 1888 at Preston, Idaho
EDNA CROCKETT (Stoddard) born 4 March 1890.
MABEL AILEEN CROCKETT (Kofoed) born 27 March 1892 at Preston, Idaho
JENNIE CROCKETT, born 1st June 1894 at Preston, Idaho
LUCILE CROCKETT (Salverson) born 12 April, 1896 at Preston, Idaho
ELVA CROCKETT (Reddish) born 29 September 1901 at Preston, Idaho
EARL CLARKSON CROCKETT, born 13 May, 1903 at Preston, Idaho
HEBER CLARKSON CROCKETT, born and died 4 January 1907 at Preston, Idaho.


Note: While Ozro O. was filling his mission in the Eastern States his dear mother died of dropsy and heart trouble 1st of June 1899 at Logan, Utah.


After O. O. and wife returned home February 13, 1925 after living in Salt Lake City for the winter to have his eyes treated with radium, he was still weak and miserable from the effects of the erysipelas he had in January 1925. However he was able to attend his chores and business, he also attended to his church duties. He also prepared for making garden, cleaning yards and he kept busy.

On the 15th of July, 1925, his son Edwin A. and wife Lena, made it possible for O. O. and wife to go with themselves and other relatives on a pleasure trip to the Yellowstone Park. They were delighted and was very pleased at the thoughts of going.

There were three cars, 17 people, babies and all. Edwin A.'s parents rode with himself and wife. The roads were fine, weather very good and they had lovely camping places. They greatly enjoyed all the wonderful scenery of the mountains, cliffs, boulders, pines, lakes, rivers, springs, geysers and acres and acres of green grass and beautiful wild flowers bordering the roadside, with many tall and stately pines that stood in beauty along the way. They rode in the shade much of the way.

They were away from home six days, had traveled 858 miles. They stood the trip fine and enjoyed it very much, and truly appreciated the kindness of Edwin A. and Lena in taking them on that wonderful trip. O. O. could not get the real beauty and joy out of the scenery owing to his poor eyesight.

August 30, 1926, O. David and family and his sister Jennie were visiting at their parents home and took them on a lovely trip to Bear Lake, went thru Logan Canyon where at the summit looking over they caught the view of the Bear Lake, a body of beautiful blue water, a most wonderful sight. They traveled a long distance on the west side of the Lake, when they came to Fish Haven Resort and Camp, where they rested and had lunch.

They then drove across the valley to Dingle and Montpelier, where they met and visited with Crockett relatives, Wm. Crockett and family and Nora E. Crockett Ream, and family. They returned home the next day by Emigration and Strawberry Canyon. It was a lovely trip and O. O. and wife greatly appreciated it all, and the kindness of their children.

About the 15th of March 1927, O. O.'s farm on State St. Preston, Idaho changed hands again and O. O. received from Ray Crockett, $1700.00 on what was coming to him on the farm, he then settled up with Dell Beckstead $400.00 and interest, he also settled with Nephi Larsen and sent $200.00 to Earl who was attending school at the U. of U. in Salt Lake City. It is due him as a gift from his parents and it will help him on his school.

The four eldest children had received from their father each that much in real estate and he desires all his children to share alike, and in the end when the property is to be divided, each one who has not received $200.00 or worth of it, is to receive $200.00 or worth of it, and if anything is left after that it is to be divided among the eleven children - each one receiving an equal share and all share alike. O. O. and wife talked it over many times and finally a paper was made out accordingly and taken before the Notary Public Geo. E. Crockett and was all signed up on the 13th November 1928.

Out of the last payment of O. O.'s State St. Farm, he had $1000.00 left and decided to put it into a small modern house built near his present home on ground he owned and would live in it and rent the large house.

So he began preparing to build forthwith, by engaging carpenters, signing a contract and himself starting to dig a quarter basement and the work went steadily on. On the 24th of June, 1927 O. O. bought out the Dr. Wyly's Clinic, The Magnetic Health Belt. He paid for it $300.00 and became manager of it. He became very busy, people were very interested in it, renting and buying health belts. They seemed to do a lot of good too, in restoring health to the afflicted ones. O. O. had a health belt in his own family which done him a lot of good and his wife also it made her circulation better than it had been for 20 years.

He made well in the business and took in and banked a lot of money and paid tithing on it. On the 20th of August 1927 O. O. and wife moved into their little modern white house. They liked it very much but it cost $1600 instead of $1000 but through O. O. doing so well with the health belt clinic he was able to settle up and was clear of debts.

On the 3rd of December 1927 O. O. and wife decided on a trip to Portland, Oregon to spend Xmas holidays with their children and grandchildren living there. He said they could afford to go, so letters were sent to their children Geo. R. and Mary, they were highly elated over the good news and could hardly wait for the time to come.

On the 16th of December 1927 they were all ready for the trip, Edwin A. took them to Dayton, Idaho in his car, where they got on the 4:35 P.M. train for Portland, Oregon at Pocatello, Idaho. They changed cars and took a tourist sleeper. They took a nice lunch with them for the trip. They had a comfortable bed, slept fairly well. They arrived at Portland, Oregon 17th December 6:55 P.M. not tired but feeling fine. Geo. R. and Mary with their families were all at the station to meet them, came in two cars. The whole bunch were filled with joy and happiness which remained with them all through the days of their visiting. Luther and Mary took them in their car next day and other days and evenings sight seeing all over the principal parts of the city. George and Estella also took them sight seeing. The residences and store and business districts were all decorated for Xmas and the thousands of electric lights made everything grand and beautiful. It was like fairyland. They were also taken to the Crown Point, 1500 ft. above the Columbia River. They were also taken to the shipping docks and to see a very large boat being loaded with grain, flour, etc. which was very interesting, and they visited the Forestry building built of large logs upright 260 ft. long and many other places of interest. Then came Xmas eve with all the presents, laughing and joking, and having a good time in general. Then the delicious Xmas dinner and on the 26th the Parents' Wedding Anniversary, dinner with all together at each dinner. With all their cheery and happy talk it was truly a great joy to all. Then came the 27th day of December the time for the parents to leave for their home in Idaho. Mary prepared a nice lunch for their trip home. All met at the station in the early morning to see the parents and grandparents off. All had looks of sadness and some were in tears at the thoughts of parting. Finally kisses and handshakes were given, goodbyes said and the parents got on the morning train, took the tourist sleeper and was soon on their way for home, leaving their loved ones and the beautiful city with all its lovely pines and evergreens behind. They stood the trip home fine, was a little nervous was all. Edwin A. was at the Dayton station with welcome greetings, and took them home in his car. They had a quick ride home, with much to tell of their nice trip and visit.

And thus ended another most wonderful trip. At the beginning of winter of 1927 the Clinic sort of died out and by the beginning of 1928 the sign was taken down and business closed in the office. The home was open to anyone seeking business and a few persons came, but after a while that too came to an end, but O. O. was free from debt and had rented their large house and he still wrote fire insurance.

His eyesight remained about the same, and his wife helped with the writing, making out applications and posting up policies in his large book. The year 1927 he paid $195.30 tithing, $5.00 to ward maintenance and $8.00 to missionaries and other donations and $4.00 to fast offerings.

He continued acting ward teacher, he was on the Genealogical Committee and made frequent trips to the Logan Temple to work for the dead, continued going out to all church gatherings in his ward and stake, often attending funerals, some lectures and socials, and always on hand to do his chores regularly, and insurance work, etc. although his eyes were not better and he had never been as strong since he had the flu in the winter of 1920.

On the morning of the 14th of October 1928, O. O. took a slight stroke. Dr. Cutler said a small hemorrhage had taken place on the part of the brain that receives the sound, so it was very hard for him to grasp things and hear and understand. Dr. Cutler told him to lie still a few days and it would clear up. He also gave O. O. some drops to take to help clear the trouble away. By four days later he was very much better. He could hear and understand much better.

On the 25th of October Edwin A. invited his parents to ride with himself and Lena to Salt Lake and visit his son David and family, thinking a change would be good for him, he felt too, well enough to go, so they made the trip stopping over night. The weather was fine and the trip seemed to make him feel a great deal better. He seemed to get a little better for a while each day, but he never got back to where he was before he took the stroke, and he had to drop a lot of his church duties. He gave up ward teaching, Priesthood Class, the Genealogical Committee, going to the temple and most of the ward and stake gatherings on account of his bad hearing, but he never gave up the Sacrament Meetings. He also had to drop some of his work, sold his cow, but he continued doing other chores and wrote fire insurance, his wife helping him. He walked to and from town each day and was able to attend to business.

On the 18th of August 1830 while coming from town in the evening 7:15 when within a half block from his home he fell in a stroke, his right side seemed to give away. A man nearby helped him to his feet. He walked to the home with help from his wife. Dr. Cutler and Edwin A. was called. O. O was put to bed and received a careful nursing from his wife and daughters.

On the 29th of August same year, his son Edwin A.'s wife Lena died very sudden of a stroke. It was a great shock to all the family and O. O. and to all the relatives but O. O. stood it well and gave some very comforting words to Edwin A. Ozro O. had been growing worse and had lost the use of his right side, but he did not appear to suffer much pain. About the 24th of September 1930, O. O. took his 3rd stroke and he didn't know what he was saying and kept growing weaker, his throat was paralyzed and he could not take any nourishment. Ten of his children had gathered in the home also sons and daughters-in-law and grand children.

The elders had been called in and had administered to O. O. four times, the family also gathered around his bed and offered prayers for him. The Dr. came often and all was done for him that could be done but his time had come, and he passed away very quietly 11:15 on the morning of 2nd October 1930. It was a great sorrow to see the dear husband and loving father leaving them, but they realized it was a happy release for him and they tried to be reconciled to the Heavenly Father's will. The Ward Bpric. and all neighbors and friends were very kind and helpful to the large family gathered in the home.

O. O.'s sons led out and took charge of everything. The mother and daughters helping in the selection of clothes and casket. Everything moved on in peace and harmony. They all counseled together in getting flowers. O. O. was laid away very nice in a beautiful casket; Mr. M. W. Hendricks was his undertaker, and he was very nice.

The funeral services were held in the Third Ward Chapel, Sunday 5th October 1930 at 2 P.M. The house was filled altho it was Semi-annual Conference in Salt Lake City. There were many beautiful flowers, lovely music and singing, and good speaking, many nice things were said of Ozro O.

His remains were taken to Logan Cemetery. Many friends and relatives followed him there. He was taken to the Robert Clarkson by O. O. Crockett grave lot, where he wished to be buried. He had paid for a lawn to be put in and had paid for the upkeep three years past so it was a very pretty spot under the shadow of a lovely tree. His grave is close to his father's grave, and not far from the front entrance. Coming in one turns east on the first road then turns again on the 1st road north, then a few steps more and one is by the grave. Many relatives from far and near attended the services.

On the 13th October same year 1930 Ozro O.'s wife and children put in their order for a monument for his grave, to be light granite, to be worth $150. The wife and the eleven children paying for it. It was to be finished and placed before freezing weather set in, but winter set in so suddenly altho the stone was finished by 1st Nov. it could not be placed until Spring opened up. So about the 2nd week in April 1931, the monument was placed by the grave and is for Ozro O. and his wife Ruth C. and looks very nice. It is all paid for.

And thus ends the story of the very eventful life of Ozro O. Crockett.

Written 10th August 1931.
R. C. C.
(wife - Ruth Clarkson Crockett)

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