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October 1853Sunday 2nd October. Morning went to Levin to hold a camp meeting along with Elders Lark Secrist & Fletcher. An elder from the Cambridgeshire Conference met us there. Priest Adamson Bro Lark, and sister A. Clegg, Lark and Adamson with myself rode with a horse & cart. We sang going down the street then went into Wm Piercys garden. Elder Secrist opend the meeting at 11 o'clock A.M. then I adressed those assembled a short time then the elder from Cambridgeshire spoke a little. Benediction by E Secrist. We then went into Wm Pierceys & got our dinner then after talking and singing awhile we went up the street & sang down to our place of meeting & a great number assembled opended by singing and prayer. Elder Wm Lark spoke. Prayer by Elder Secrist after we had partaken of some refreshments we again sang down the street. Opened by singing & prayer by E. Lark, Elder Fletcher Spoke to a good number. Prayer by myself. Reached Beverley 8 P.M. Monday 3rd. In consequence of elders Secrist & Fletcher going to Hull we held a meeting opened by Elder Lark. Elder Fletcher spoke on the gathering P.E. Fund and temple offerings etc. then E. Secrist made some remarks on the same. Prayer by Elder Fletcher. Sunday 9th. Attended to Duties at home President Lark at Lockington. Wednesday 12. Attended for meeting but none of the saints came up. Sunday 10. I, Elder Lark & teach R. Spencer visited sister Adamson & found them in good standing etc. Attended meeting at 2-30 opened by singing and prayer. Elder Wm Lark Spoke a short time then the saints bore testimonys etc. We had a pretty good meeting met again at 6 P.M. Elder Wm Lark Preached. Thursday 20th. Elder J.T. Hardy & J.F. Secrist came to Beverley by 1 O'clock train. At night we had a meeting President Hardy spoke & told us he had got a letter from President S.W. Richards stating he [Elder Secrist] was to go on a mission to Switzerland. Sunday 23rd. Met at 2-20, Elder Secrist was with us for the last time (as he was that day going to Hull & from there to Liverpool etc. to prepare for his future mission). He gave us some good teaching & instructions. The saints expressed their feeling with respect to the gospel work. Priest Adamson & myself accompanied Elder S] to the railway station. Elder Lark met us there having returned from Lockington purposely in time thus Elder J.F. Secrist took his departure from our midst. We all felt truly sorry for we had proved him to be a man of God. Met again at 6 P.M. & we had a good time. Wed 26th. Got home in time for meeting but none of the saints came up. Sunday 30. Met at 2-30. Pres. Lark gave us teachings concerning temple work and offerings as he had that morning received a letter from President J.T. Hardy about the same and likewise conference to be held on the last Sunday in November. November 1853Sunday 6 November. Attended duties at home. E. Wm Lark at Lockington Wednesday 9th. Attended meeting at night 7-30. Sunday 13th. Attended meetings at night acting in my calling. Wednesday 17. Attended meeting E. Lark spoke awhile the saints then bore testamonies. Sunday 21st. Elder Lark at Lockington. We met at 2-30. I opened the meeting. Elder Abraham Smith was with us from Hull, we received sacrament & the saints bore testamonies. I spoke a little & then we received some good admonisions from E.A.S. who told us likewise of his being about to leave for the land of Zion along with many more of the Hull saints. (Pres Hardy and Family also.) He returned to Hull by the 5-30 o'clock train. Elder Lark got back in time for night meeting. I opened the same spoke awhile and exorted the saints feeling well in the spirit. E. Lark then spoke a short time. Benediction by Elder Lark. Wednesday 24th. Attended meeting. None but sister Jenkinson came up hence myself, E. Lark, Sister Lark & the above comprised our meeting, both myself & Elder Lark spoke and altho we were but 2 or 3, we realized the promise that where 2 or 3 are gathered together in the name of the Lord there will he be in the midst to bless and do good. Saturday 26. Ann Clegg & I walked
to Hull leaving Beverley
about 6-30 P.M. and reached Hull by 9 o'clock
to attend conference on Sunday. [fn36] Sunday 27th. Went down to the meeting room by 9 o'clock for Priesthood
meeting. There were a goodly number of the priesthood present the
delegates & other officers in from all the branches. Closed about
10-45 o'clock. The saints congrated at 11-A.M. in a conference capacity.
Closed 12-30. I was at Bro Clegg's
for dinner. We met again at 2 P.M. closed at 4-30 then Ann
& I went down to Bro Smiths to
tea. Met again at 6 oclock and Pastor Monday 28th. Received a letter from my brother Henry
at Litherland near Liverpool stating
that he was cut off from the church & had been 3 months, his wife
also, For which I felt very sorry as he had been in it a number of
years & had gained the exalted station of an elder. [fn37] December 1853December 1853. Thursday 1st attended night meeting being on Thursday nights in consequence of E. Mark Fletcher comming to Beverley opened by :i1.Fletcher, Mark Elder Wm Lark. Elder Fletcher spoke after which Elder Lark made a few remarks. Prayer by M.F. Saturday night 3rd. Wrote a letter to my brother Henry. Saturday 4th. Attended meeting in the afternoon. Elder
Fletcher spoke upon the duties of the saints etc. and counseled
them to do to their utmost in sending off Elder
J.T. Hardy and to the land of Zion as he had got permission to
go. [fn38] Wednesday 7th. No saints came to meeting. Sunday 11th. Attended meetings during the day. Elder
J.T. Hardy and Elder Wm Empey
an american came to Beverley the latter
to succedd the former in the Presidency of the Hull
conference. [fn39] Wednesday 14th No meeting for want of saints being to duty. Saturday Evening 17th. I returned to rest about 11 o'clock and as
soon as I laid me down I was seized with a severe fit of coughing
the effects of a violent cold I had got from being wet of my feet
often &c which broke a blood vessel in my inside. [fn40] Sunday 18th. Attended meetings during the day and bore testemony to the healing power etc. Wed. 21. No saints came up to meeting. Sat evening 24th being Christmas Eve Ann Clegg and I went to Hull by the 7-30 train to her fathers house to spend Sunday & Monday she & I a fortnight. Sunday 25th. We went to the meeting in the afternoon and learned
that Elder Wm Empey had received
an appointment to fulfill a mission in the United States of America
and had to leave early on Tuesday morning the 27th instant. [fn41] Monday 26th. Did not go out in the morning but later we went to brother Hardys in Great Thornton Street. But soon returned home as Ann Clegg was very ill and racked with distressing pain. We did not go out any more. I returned home to Beverley by the 6-45 O'clock train. Bro Clegg took me to the Hull station it snowed heavy all the way. Tuesday night 27th. After a hard frost a good weight of snow fell
and continued very severe during the week. [fn43] Wed. 28th. No meeting. The saints seem rather to set by their own fire sides than to hearken to counciling of the priesthood and come up to their duties. I therefore wrote a letter to A.C Sat evening 31st. After I left work I made up my Journal therby closing the eventful year of 1853. Year of events untold how strange Thou are gone with all thy varied change But tho thou art gone thou oft shall be Recalled by memorys thoughts of thee Of great achievements wrought & done To save rebellious evil man Truths hearalds over the nations strayed And there the royal septer swayed To lighten up the lamp of truth And gather in the sheaves of worth On mountain tops a work was done The laying of the corner stone Of that eventful house of God Pre spoken of by Seers of old That saints of every tounge may flow Up to the house of God and know And learn his wisdom love & might And dwell in never ending light These with a numerous retinew Of changes that have come to view Ill tell this true and faithful tale That God's designs shall never fail No no, but each succeeding year Shall tell the tale with kindling fear That he in anger will decend And cause that wickedness shall end. Robert Clarkson