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Last update: June 2013

  Robert Clarkson

  Ruth Clarkson

  Ozro Crockett

  Mary Crockett

  Earl & Della

  Crockett Clan




A Blessing upon the head of Ozro Ozias Crockett by President B.H. Roberts, April 7th, 1897. Reported by John M. Whitaker

Brother Ozro Ozias Crockett:

We, your fellowservants, holding the holy priesthood, set you apart to fill a mission to the Eastern States, to which you have been called by the servants of the Lord by the spirit of prophesy and revelation.

We bless you, even as men in ancient time were blessed, laying our hands upon you that you may go forth with the proper authority to proclaim the gospel of the Son of God. We say receive ye the spirit of this calling and mission, that it may burn within your heart forever and give you the rest night or day only as you are engaged seeking out the honest in heart, and teaching them to gospel of Jesus Christ.

We bless you also, that you may receive the spirit of testimony, and have power to convince the honest in heart from your own words of the great truth that God has again spoken from the Heavens and restored the gospel by the ministration of Angels, and inasmuch as you are faithful you ministry, shall be glorious among the children of men, and nothing shall stay it but it shall spread from city to city, and from state to state, and the honest in heart shall rejoice in the mercies of God.

We bless you with strength of body, and say receive ye the spirit of life health and strength and of faith, thinking not what you shall eat or wherewith you shall be clothed, for the Lord shall raise up friends up unto you to minister to your wants and you shall have abundant testimony that He is your friend, that He sustains you, and that He will confirm your words by works following the believers, for the sick shall be healed, and those who sit in darkness shall be blessed to see the light of day, and thou shalt be a servant of the Most High God to the children of men. To this end we bless thee as the servants of the Lord and set you apart to this mission, in the name of the Lord Jesuss Christ, amen.


She was a member of the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, which is a church that started up in Illinois several years after the Mormons moved west to Salt Lake. Joseph Smith's son later became their president.


The Elder's apartment was at 25 River St. in Providence.


Elder Woodruff wrote: "On the 20th of December, I spent an hour with Mr. Isaac Crockett, in clearing away large blocks of ice from the water in a cove, in order to baptize him, which I did when the tide came in. I also baptized two more in the same place, on the 26th, and still two others on the 27th."


For some reason, from this time, Ozro appears to be doing most of his missionary work by himself, without his companion. Instead of stating "we" as he used to, he writes "I". Also on his visits, people tell him to bring him companion for a visit. Most likely, either Elder Spafford had poor health or was not motivated to do the work.

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